Game unplayable since patch 3.9.0e? for Win7 users (FPS issue) STILL A PROBLEM AFTER 3.9.1b :(

Unfortunately, GGG didn't say that they know what's causing the issue or that it is solely win7 fault or something. There was no such post just that they know about it and apparently working on a fix...

I actually doubt it's gonna be fixed with this patch, they might not know what's going on themselves. There was no mention regarding this leak so far, just a "Big" patch. So it can be any other bollocks which can brake the game even further...

Whatever, let's see what happens.
New mute system is terrible - no trade...
Not fixed, feels a little better but the fps drop stil happens
Viciux66 wrote:
Not fixed, feels a little better but the fps drop stil happens

but thanks for working on it at all
LoL, the patch made it even worse. Now i can't even do one map before it starts dropping, WITH sounds disabled in the ini file. GJ GGG, what can i say.
The last patch didnt help at all still cant play..

It still drops to 1-3 fps not good GGG hope you fix this soon .Still have hope but its looking bleak now

At this point its all most just as good to just say 3.9 never existed, and wait for next league.
It's been 2 weeks since the last patch 3.9.1b, that doesn't fix the win7 memory leak at all.

I have been playing the game very patiently from level 95 to 98 since that patch and the priority of problem fix in today's announcement not even mention a single word regarding window 7 just broke my heart.

The main problem I'm having now is pretty much similar as every Window 7 users, the memory is "leaking" and eventually ramping up to 99% or 100% then the game became unplayable.

Here's the game footage I have recorded last night how the game become after a 30mins session:

There's no choice but to restart the game client after every 10 to 30mins of game session, this is extremely frustrating and time consuming even playing on a SSD with fast loading speed.

Sorry for another rant, I hope GGG will address and fix this issue ASAP.
Thank you GGG for bringing such a great game.
Feel free to drop by my YouTube channel for the most recent builds that I have played.
hmwgbworld wrote:
It's been 2 weeks since the last patch 3.9.1b, that doesn't fix the win7 memory leak at all.

I have been playing the game very patiently from level 95 to 98 since that patch and the priority of problem fix in today's announcement not even mention a single word regarding window 7 just broke my heart.

The main problem I'm having now is pretty much similar as every Window 7 users, the memory is "leaking" and eventually ramping up to 99% or 100% then the game became unplayable.

Here's the game footage I have recorded last night how the game become after a 30mins session:

There's no choice but to restart the game client after every 10 to 30mins of game session, this is extremely frustrating and time consuming even playing on a SSD with fast loading speed.

Sorry for another rant, I hope GGG will address and fix this issue ASAP.
Thank you GGG for bringing such a great game.

Your video showed the same result that I encountered when I played a map with the Beyond Demon mod in it after I applied the most recent hotfix patch.
As soon as the Beyond Demons started to spawn in full force within the map, my FPS tanked to 10FPS and below and then stayed there.
Naturally, I had to portal-out of the map and then restart the game to even have a chance at finishing the map.

This is a shame because PoE is definitely a fun game to play, but not when it is currently broken.
Let us hope that GGG gets this issue fixed ASAP~
Lag factory still going hard.
I still have sudden fps drops to 5 or 6...sometimes just when idling in HO....
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List:
Just make leagus 12 months.10 months to fix your brainfarts and 2 months for gameplay.

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