Game unplayable since patch 3.9.0e? for Win7 users (FPS issue) STILL A PROBLEM AFTER 3.9.1b :(

I think it's a windows 7 thing. I upgraded to 10 and the lag seems to be way less.

I hope GGG got paid by microsoft cause this is good advertisement to upgrade. If they weren't ending support for windows 7 in january I would have kept windows 7 and probably stopped PoE till fix.
Last edited by dmitriya1#5398 on Dec 30, 2019, 12:01:40 AM
I'm having exactly the same problem as everyone else, big memory leak.

When the game starts it runs on 3 gb ram and as time goes on the ram goes up to 6 gb ram at which point my entire pc slows down and i have to restart the client to "fix it", last patch did not fix the problem and the game is not only unplayable like this but it's also ruining my pc.

Last edited by maersovi#4716 on Dec 30, 2019, 1:33:16 AM
Be4 Patch 3.90e, there are no FPS drop~
Rushing in Act1~10 and farming in altas, there are no memory leak at the beginning~

BTW, anyone try POE 32bit?
Everyone in this post, are using windows OS with POE 64bit~
GGG has completely destroyed the Exilecon hype.

At least make a post or a progress report instead of cowardly ignoring the issue until 14th January.

GGG is letting the facade slip like most companies atm. They are probably figuring out a way to monitise the fix.

You need more than 20GB for sure. 27.1 + 4.065(15%) = 31.165 GB minimum.

what are you talking about?
It's clear that 20GB indicates available space after the game has been installed, not prior
Ok so i played more today and the frame drop still happened after some 2 hours of playing. I was running Cassia and in one second when my mate died i dropped from 60 to 7 frames and never recovered back. So sudden leak issue is still there.
Christmas and new year holidays totally ruined for me now. I was so hyped to play poe 24/7 and now i cant force myself to play even a hour a day cuz i need to reset game every 10min. Never ever again gonna support this dogshit company who cant fix major gamebreaking bug for a week already
Are they not gonna do anything with this ? Or they'll just say "Fuck you" to every w7 user and then move on.
StefanSkellen wrote:
Christmas and new year holidays totally ruined for me now. I was so hyped to play poe 24/7 and now i cant force myself to play even a hour a day cuz i need to reset game every 10min. Never ever again gonna support this dogshit company who cant fix major gamebreaking bug for a week already

most of us are on the same boat. Is big fail from GGG no doubt about it, leaving their product broken and goin on holidays is wrong. Should hire ppl that can fix such a things, not leaving it broken by them for so long. (new boss Sirus is also broken as fak) Somebody got lazy.

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