Path of Exile is going VULKAN. Most under-rated news out of Exilecon...

I'll be happy if it leads to even a 10% performance bump.

I've died five times in the past week, and all five of those deaths were due to lag and/or desync. Any performance increases in the game will be hugely welcome.
Wash your hands, Exile!
Smart of them going vulkan instead of DX12. Easier to port over to Metal API (macOS) + native unix client + win7-win10 support instead of only win10 support for DX12. Vulkan imo, has a better rendering pipe than what DX12 ever will.
Vulkan will make this game run amazing. It's not going to help people on 15 year old potatoes but it's going to be a significant increase to everyone else. People on higher end machines are going to get a really nice bump as well.
moon_nmh wrote:
Vulkan will make this game run amazing...

For those who don't know, the game ALREADY runs phenomenal in Vulkan. There is something called DXVK that is already in its version 1.5 which I am using. A person with a good heart put a download link in the technical forum. I have what many would call a "Potato". Old 4-core AMD processor, Nvidia GTX 1050 (2 GB) and 8 GB RAM, windows 7, 64 bits, normal and old hard drive... With the normal DX rendering the game is really crappy. FPS varying from 20 to 50 everywhere. Using DXVK for the first time in my life of PoE I have been able to limit FPS to 90 and I play fluently with 40 to 90 FPS. I never saw anything like that in my 46 years. Yes, there are things against it at first. Stutter while the cache is created. But the more it is used the faster it ends and fluidity is achieved. Also since I use it, the annoying CTDs are over.

Anyway it is not recommended if you play Hardcore...
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
Last edited by Actkqk on Jan 10, 2020, 10:21:11 PM
I saw OP added his special hype spices to the topic but hell yea, I'm on a same boat. *loading another barrel of popcorn*
Stop Bombing
/Flu_prevention_mode ON
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
I would say it is the most overrated news, as well as Vulkan itself.

In the very best case Vulkan will add 10% more FPS, but Vulkan support in PoE means GGG would have to split their time between dx11 and Vulkan which overall will reduce game performance. I.e. Vulkan support will give absolutely nothing to the average player.

Not sure if troll or extremely biased and ill-informed.

How do you know "GGG would have to split their time between dx11 and Vulkan" ?
How do you know "Vulkan support will give absolutely nothing to the average player." ?
How did you come up with 10% ???

So many assumptions! xD


dx12 has similar to Vulkan performance and features, and is developed by MS which means future compatibility and support of dx12 is guaranteed. There is no point to go all in and switch from well-known and supported by everyone DX to pig in a poke Vulkan which can become outdated and abandoned same way openGL was

Reading some of your other responses like this indicates that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

OpenGL is a specification. The implementations on Windows with AMD and Nvidia drivers are extremely bad. The specification is not outdated nor abandoned some implementations like RadeonSI is proof of that. Dota 2 runs 4K at 78 FPS on cards from mid 2015

For AAA 3D gaming Vulkan/D3D12 is a no-brainer, but for many applications (like Blender or 3D Cad) OpenGL is the better choice at this point in time. (Comment by Brecht van Lommel, Blender Chief Software Architect)

There are some new extensions that gives OpenGL much more potential like and but since OpenGL became "outdated and abandoned" I guess you don't know anything about that and just like to force your ignorant views down on others.

Vulkan's design started from clean, first principles in 2010 by Khronons and between 2014-2016 engineers from amd, arm, broadcom, imagination, intel, nvidia, qualcomm, samsung, verisilicon and others improved the specification through practical implementations and conformance tests. Up to this day no other rendering API has gone through so much effort before publication.

I'm not saying that it guarantees that games written in Vulkan will run X times better, but that it is unique given it's design phase and because of that it has more credibility than D3D12 or Metal.

Path of Exile is an prime candidate for Vulkan as it depends heavily on particle effects and not high polygon counts but in all honesty the game can perform much better if it was redesigned in D3D11 or OpenGL 4.5

I know I've been harsh, but you're really wasting people's time when you make up ignorant statements without any proof and it's very annoying.

Hi, wanna raport when i use Vulkan my game crash in the game. Few times midle game and when i was afk.
God if there's a Linux port I can dump Win7/10.
This league with delerium crapsplosions had the worst stability hiccups and fps drops. The vulkan patch already solved it 99%
Gives streamers & friends queue priority and leaves supporters who spent hundreds $ packs in the 100k queue.

GGG: Don't you guys follow streamers?
So long as they keep both options I'll be happy. Great to see so many people realising improvements with Vulkan but for me it was a step backwards.

Since I switched to it I was getting game crashes during intense battles which was never a problem before. Switched back to DX11 and I'm steady as a rock again.

I'm not using a cutting edge PC but it's no potato either.

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