Looks like a lot of players don't want to play tower defence.
" Classic is already done y'know. At that point BL3 is way more relevant I'd say. | |
After reading up on the new league I stepped back into graveyard league again and have had a pretty good time getting a couple old characters to 88. Looks like it's a matter of managing expectations. I do enjoy not having to play Beastiary or Betrayal mechanics if I don't want to in normal, even though they were both made part of the core game. There are too many good games out there to spend time playing through a bad challenge league.
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Blight is boring, period.
The main issue is - Legion was a so much fun, truly a blast. Blight towers are just boring, and dumb. I don't even do them half the time when I am blowing thru maps. The loot sucks too. Unlike Legion events. Simple fix for this league -- just put a Legion monolith on every map. Lol I played/raised 7 different characters to above Level 90 in Legion. In Blight, I will only do this one; my SRS/Zombie Necro. Last edited by Optio82#7481 on Sep 25, 2019, 10:02:14 AM
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Blight has been a lot more fun that I thought it would be. It was a good diversion from previous leagues. However I can see why many don't care for it. As much as I liked Legion, I would like to see more leagues that have content that you don't just speed through.
There is so much more than just racing through a map so fast, you can't actually see anything. I have built plenty of the vacuum builds for speed meta, but when that is all you are doing, it kind of sucks and is boring. That and the end game stuff, has become so easy it is not even challenging anymore. This league, I am not even worrying about end game so much. Just playing around with Blight maps. They are still laggy, but at least they have a bit more interesting things. Although it would get old, doing it for more than a league. A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
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I enjoyed this league even though it had its problems. I imagine the league mechanic was less enjoyable for classes that couldn't alt+tab out during blights.
Borderlands 3 is the real league killer. It's just so friggin good that everyone is putting their time there. I was surprised to find out today that entire currencies are completely out of stock on the PoE trade site. I've never seen that before and I've played since Delve. Most abandoned league I've seen thus far. |
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" A predatory business model that aims to juice every player like a lemon is the real league killer. Just according to this model, the PoE from the arpg game turned into a "wonnabe looter-shooter". So now, when real looter-shooter showed up, convoluted PoE was abandoned. And don't worry, B3 will be there for long, as they will release expansions, just like PoE's "leagues". The difference is that these expansions will be good, because on Gearbox he had 7 years to create and refine them and now he has them, but it has not been released yet. And in the meantime some other really good games hits. Vampire Bloodline 2, Cyberpunk 2077... Different type of games? It doesn't matter. If they will be good, PoE players will play them. And then Wolcen, Last Epoch or other PoE clones (yes, that's right) will be released. And finally Diablo 4. But of course nobody tells you to play it all. You can still be a free GGG beta tester :) You have been placed on probation for: ● Make hateful or needlessly negative comments ● Personally attack or cause harm to the reputation of others ● Antagonise others in an obnoxious manner ●
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There's really nothing in the league that makes it worth building a new character for the upteenth time again.
"put a notable on an amulet" sure, i can do that in standard or the next league. That's the entire sales pitch and its pretty passable. The rest of the league isnt any different to half a dozen other mechanics i can encounter now in the core game, so why not just play core for a few weeks and skip the grind. |
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It's not that I don't like the league , it's because of the free Batman Arkham trilogy week....
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
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i love tower defense games
love them i played many for many many many MANY hours i have over 150 hours into gemcraft and others poe is NOT a td game it doesnt work it sucks i tried it hated it playing standard just beefing up old chars and replaying my very old summoner which is quite fun now but GGG is like the star trek franchise every other league (movie) sucks whereas startrek we dont speak of the odd numbered films in poe we dont play the even numbered leagues (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س
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I like this league a lot.
The thing about Tower Defense, is that they've sort of pushed it as far as they could, without making your character obsolete/useless. It's still an ARPG - and your character should be the most important/powerful element. If towers made more impact and you could do the encounters with just using towers, the league would've been awful. I like that the league offers something to engage with, and not just zoomzoomzoom from morning to night. I like that you have to think; or that you get rewarded for smart choices. And smart choices do make the encounters easier. I like blighted maps A LOT, and I haven't encountered many bugs either, beside a couple of portals on top of the pump in a couple of maps. I think the league could do with increased drops of blighted maps. Beside that, not much to complain about. Had my fair share of luck too. That always helps. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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