3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

AFrese wrote:
On Gloves i run Carrion Golem with Maim. Its useless because Maim is only for the Golem, not for my Zombies?

Want switch Maim for Flame Dash.

When your golem maims it will put a debuff on enemies which makes them take 14% increased phys damage, which isn't super impactful while mapping but helps for bossing.
xerospl wrote:
Soo I'm feeling that I die way to easy and do not actually do that much damage,

I'm missing Watcher Eye tho. Would the gems levels and quality on them help tremondously in terms of actually killing stuff THAT much faster?

Your gear looks fine and gems level are huge, especially on Raise Zombie so once you get that maxed along with Empower Lv 4, you'll see a huge damage difference. Level all your gems them reassess.
Durahal wrote:
xerospl wrote:
Soo I'm feeling that I die way to easy and do not actually do that much damage,

I'm missing Watcher Eye tho. Would the gems levels and quality on them help tremondously in terms of actually killing stuff THAT much faster?

Your gear looks fine and gems level are huge, especially on Raise Zombie so once you get that maxed along with Empower Lv 4, you'll see a huge damage difference. Level all your gems them reassess.

What's your current resists so far? I'm suffering the same... still dont have empower lvl4 and it's being very hard to capt more resists on rings;

I am using Dread banner linked to Generosity support wich gives a total of 32% chance to impale, now i see more and more ppl using Impale support instead of Minion dmg/Melee phys dmg support but Impale doesnt rly give more dps in PoB (fork) so why is impale support better? sure u get a higher chance to impale but still dps is about the same. Also dont feel like spending a sht load of chroms to roll my weapon again ><
Last edited by Cyrom on Jan 22, 2020, 10:27:30 AM
I'm still pretty new to PoE in general but this build fits my playstyle very well. I'm only lvl 72 right now, but I seem to have an issue with the minions that I do have keeping pace with my character. They always seem like they are lagging behind and I have to wait for them. Are they just not killing stuff fast enough?
Quick question, I'm trying to follow the regular end game setup, how do I run Pride, Vulnerability, Discipline & Dread Banner altogether? I have no enough reservation to run Vulnerability.
ShinyValkyrie wrote:
Quick question, I'm trying to follow the regular end game setup, how do I run Pride, Vulnerability, Discipline & Dread Banner altogether? I have no enough reservation to run Vulnerability.

Enlighten level 4 and reduced reservation in passives around Sovereignty
Cyrom wrote:

I am using Dread banner linked to Generosity support wich gives a total of 32% chance to impale, now i see more and more ppl using Impale support instead of Minion dmg/Melee phys dmg support but Impale doesnt rly give more dps in PoB (fork) so why is impale support better? sure u get a higher chance to impale but still dps is about the same. Also dont feel like spending a sht load of chroms to roll my weapon again ><

Check at the left pannel (Not calculation tab) theres a number that says "DPS WITH IMPALE" and you will see theres notable difference of dps. Impale increases more dps, not millions but still worth.
At first, I really appreciate and enjoy this build. It's fun to play, especially with my casual play-style. This is my first time I reached 90+ lvl! Now I'm trying to get better weapon (If someone finally buy my rares xD), but I think that I made some bad choices or mixed this build too much. If any very good guy can tell me what should be my next step, I will be really, really greatfull.

I'm using cyclopean coil with dex higher than int, so I have freeze immunity and Stampede for decent movement speed, I like them both and I would not want to change them.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/x7tqxtPU
Last edited by slowiu06 on Jan 22, 2020, 11:48:32 AM

this is my build.. could anyone take a look and see how i can get it better?

other doubt i have is how i know which dps should i look for? theres slam/normal

average hit
total dps
impale dps im kinda lost at to what to dps im at right now

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