3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Durahal wrote:
attronach wrote:
Durahal wrote:
Get Vulnerability on your Shaper's Touch if possible, frees up a lot of mana and 2 gem slots.

Can you tell me more please?
What is exact description?

Curse on hit corruption.

Nice idea, thnx.
So I have to put cyclone on hands to get it work?
Or what gems I have to put on hands?
And you are talking he can free two gems.. Vuln + ??
Ya all joking aside I cant even put into words how life changing these boots are.

Ontop of cycloning full speed through the world, you cant be slowed by other crap like kaom's roots AND you get a 2nd annointment. You could go crazy and free up half of your skill tree by annointing soul of steel and utmost might or just grab whatever 2nd one you like, its mind boggling.

I have heard the boots mentioned a couple of times but I had no idea what they actually did, I didnt think something that OP would be allowed to exist.
Last edited by JCOH35 on Jan 21, 2020, 12:41:33 AM
tffiad wrote:

do u really need a 21/23 zombies? quality on it gives hp only, which is not the case imo?

1 quality = 1% hp AND 1% move speed for zombies.
attronach wrote:

So I have to put cyclone on hands to get it work?
Or what gems I have to put on hands?
And you are talking he can free two gems.. Vuln + ??

Cyclone doesn't have to be in gloves - can be anywhere and will still apply vuln on hit. You drop Vuln and Blasphemy from your set up if you go this route.
So.... I made this

Should i swap things around and use the auras in the glove?

PS: right now since I am a broke mofo I am thinking about selling it, but if it's worth using the auras in the gloves i might keep it.

im using auras in gloves - pride+hatred+skitterbots+enlighten4

personally i would say to sell it because, i dont see any difference between having auras 21 or 22. hatred for example dont give anything at 22, and stays like it was at 21. best in slot is +1socketed gems + vulnerability i suppose. because lvl5 enlighten gives u more space, u can even add another 4% mana reserve from tree for example, and that way u will have 12% unreserved mana (assuming u have -% enchant on helmet, which is enough for a warbanner/dread banner? and u will still have some mana to put a clarity on top of that for wathcer's eye, if u will have enough gems to do it lol :D
Durahal wrote:
tffiad wrote:

do u really need a 21/23 zombies? quality on it gives hp only, which is not the case imo?

1 quality = 1% hp AND 1% move speed for zombies.

okay.. time to buy them.. my bad.

JCOH35 wrote:
Ya all joking aside I cant even put into words how life changing these boots are.

Ontop of cycloning full speed through the world, you cant be slowed by other crap like kaom's roots AND you get a 2nd annointment. You could go crazy and free up half of your skill tree by annointing soul of steel and utmost might or just grab whatever 2nd one you like, its mind boggling.

I have heard the boots mentioned a couple of times but I had no idea what they actually did, I didnt think something that OP would be allowed to exist.

u still can be chilled or temporal chained so, some annoying things are still here.

as for annointments.. since ive used those boots from start, thankfully, ive tried a lot of annointment combos.

ravenous horde + cleansed thoughts. bad thing, because doubling chaos works in a treaky way. picking horde manually provides more useful buffs and gives 20str if u got eff training near it.

death attunement + whispers of doom. decent idea, but still bad. in my setup i use double curse now, so getting whispers of doom was a good idea. but allocating death attunement in my case is a lose, because no life leech for zombies, and im short ot jewel slots.

whispers of doom + charisma. using it right now, so i have double curses and 8%mana reserved, which gives me a space to put a dreadbanner on top of my pride+hatred+skitterbots. got death attunement manually, and now i have some life leech.
Just wondering, I'm currently playing the speed setup but i keep dying. My life is at 4.3k and ES at 2.3k with spirit offering. I don't know how in the videos he posted he was able to run the speed setup with 6k life..
MrChowChow wrote:
Just wondering, I'm currently playing the speed setup but i keep dying. My life is at 4.3k and ES at 2.3k with spirit offering. I don't know how in the videos he posted he was able to run the speed setup with 6k life..

clarity+watcher's eye
clarity+watcher's eye

I already have a watcher's eye at 6% and clarity is just for es, I want to know how he gets 6k life
Just snagged this ring, should I try to slam for minion damage or vuln on hit? From what I can see on POE DB I can't force either one with can't roll attack/caster it would seem? 1/5 chance for minion damage and 1/4 chance for vuln on hit, what say you???

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