3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

I have a really solid corrupted Cyclopean Coil (18% attrib + 7% strength implicit) I'd be willing to trade with someone who has a 7% Int implicit

Hi Guys & OP

thank you so much for the build, i'm having so much fun this league :)

I went for the Beginners/Budget Version first, and now I want to upgrade a bit.

I have 2 pure Exalted and about 500 Chaos to invest. I know, there is the weapon crafting section, and I know a 6L would be better than a 5L. But as I cannot play that much, I was interested in the communities opinion what would be the best next upgrade with the most outcome (some kind of "whats the best cost-benefit" upgrade).

Here is my gear:

The last thing i'm concerned about...Animated Guardian..

I have read that the socketed item will be destroyed if this bastard dies. So i dont use it yet because i'm afraid :D
Is this minion "unkillable"? Can i socket it without worries? Should I level it to lvl 18+ and cast it then first?

Many thanks for your answers and OP: keep your work up, you are the best :)
Kind regards
Is this build better than Qlida's Zombiemancer or no?
Just crafted this Elder Hunter Stygian Vise:

I don't dare annuling the reduced enemy stun threshold!

I had crafted a decent Shaper Warlord attribute stacking amulet but it was not enough of an upgrade on my perfect Astramentis so I sold it for 30ex. Now people have wisened to craft options and there are no ilvl85+ warlord amber amulets to be found :( Warlord exalts still go for 5ex so I think I'll wait, and set my next crafting goal on rings since I have crap right now.

These dual influence crafts are going to be such a currency sink, GGG were geniuses with this.
Last edited by Ohtee on Jan 18, 2020, 2:27:43 PM
Qlida's build kicks this one's teeth in. Switch to it..
Great guide by the way it has helped a lot.

I was wondering about if you considered Minion Instability in conjunction with summon skeletons + infernal legion support gems?

I was thinking that since with infernal legion it damages the skeletons and they reach lower life a lot faster + the explosion from minion instability would be worth using 4 passive points to get it?

I say 4 because instead of resetting to that first intel passive when you respec out of death attunement and then into minion instability, you go up from Purity of flesh and thus saving 1 point.

Sorry if I sound newbish because I am and am still learning. Thanks.
I wonder, since we use Grave Intentions in passive tree and our minions have 10% of life as extra energy shield anyway, can we instead use different, more party buffing oriented armor for our animate guardian?

HAve anyone experimented with Garb of the Ephemeral on animate guardian?

mostly those two bonuses sound interesting:
Nearby Allies' Action Speed cannot be modified to below base value
Nearby Enemies cannot deal Critical Strikes
Dolian wrote:
Qlida's build kicks this one's teeth in. Switch to it..

Also costs about 10x more and is absolutely not league-starter friendly, which is what this guide is largely about. This guide kicks Qlida's teeth in by doing comparably insane dps with relative ease.
Last edited by NovAscion_ on Jan 18, 2020, 2:46:21 PM
Dolian wrote:
Qlida's build kicks this one's teeth in. Switch to it..

Your brother is better than you. Thanks for nothing.

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