3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Does anyone know if the armour/evasion rating/ES from items used to make Animate Guardian is taken into account? Or just the mods on the items?

Basically do I need a good Chest piece with high Armour, or will any chest piece with good life/res mods and the crafted 10% of life as ES do?
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Shamelessly reposting this here cause the page changed >.>


Can anyone help me?

I'm curious as to whether or not I'm gimping myself hard by running both zombies and Skele's in my weapon, or if I'm sacrificing too much by not running just zombies with minion dmg/speed.

I'm currently running Aura's in my Chest.

The build seems to be working fine for me but am I gimping myself or I'm fine to continue down this path?

--and for anyone looking at my gear, yes I'm aware my empower is unlinked, waiting to 6l the sword or replace it.
Skinnefjes wrote:
I tried asking a question yesterday, but the forumpost moves pages so fast!

Should spectres be resummoned in a high level zone after being aquired from the act zones?

I remember this being a thing with another summoner build i played a while back.

Nope. Spectres got reworked recently so they are persistent now, and they scale from the gem level, not the area level they were summoned in. So go to Act 1 and summon away if you want, won't make any difference :)

What a relief, it was such a hassle reaquiring spectres if they died.

Ty for answer :)
What would be my next upgrade? 21 zombie + empower 4?

I know the rings arnt the best but need the res :) Trying to look for replacements.

Ziddney wrote:
Hi. Really nice build thanks. What are your thoughts on
compared to Astramentis?

Well, you still miss a lot of str. I bet max roll is from essence - like, 58.
Then all attributes (max 35) and on top of that your 12%. But i'm not good at PoE Math, so i can't say if your is better than Astra. Well, i guess it depends on if u need some more str for next zombie or not - life is also good here. This build can easy cap ele resists, so amulet is really free piece. You can even go double influence - Elder + Warlord. Elder for +1 zombie/skiele, warlord for % str increase.
Last edited by brzoskwinia on Jan 8, 2020, 1:55:09 AM
Hit lv 97 first Time with this build :)
iam using Dread banner the whole Time but wouldnt be War banner even better?
Thanks for the Build & your Time!
Hello, sorry but where do you put lethal pride on your passive tree. I cant seem to find where you have slotted it!

Ziddney wrote:
Hi. Really nice build thanks. What are your thoughts on
compared to Astramentis?

Just throw it on and compare. If it gives you the strength and dex you need for everything then great! If not, then keep using astramentis.
Eps_Eps wrote:
Hit lv 97 first Time with this build :)
iam using Dread banner the whole Time but wouldnt be War banner even better?
Thanks for the Build & your Time!

If using impale dread banner is better. If using minion damage then war banner is better.
brunowa wrote:
Eps_Eps wrote:
Hit lv 97 first Time with this build :)
iam using Dread banner the whole Time but wouldnt be War banner even better?
Thanks for the Build & your Time!

If using impale dread banner is better. If using minion damage then war banner is better.

oh iam using either in my Zombies "Raise Zombie - Melee Physical Damage-Minion Speed - Feeding Frenzy - Multistrike - Empower"

Gonna try War Banner and see

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