[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

naughty wrote:
kinda stuck at level 91 now, what should i upgrade next? the ring? the amulet? gauntlets?

chaos res is probably what is killing you in red maps. get chaos res on every piece of gear you can

gloves are easy upg, get 110+ life and attack speed rolls + res.

amulet is also very bad, crafted life and barely any good affixes. get a huge 120+ life + whatever else you need

same with two stone ring, get it amythyst asap and better mods
Frambled wrote:
Is there any point in autoexerting intimidating cry after you have awakened melee phys support? I don't really understand which parts of warcry skills are considered "buffs and charges"

auto exerting intimidating cry still gives double damage exerts, so its very useful (arguable our strongest single exert)

auto exerting it removes its movement speed bonus
sometimes (more often then not) lucky

frawrst wrote:
naughty wrote:
kinda stuck at level 91 now, what should i upgrade next? the ring? the amulet? gauntlets?

chaos res is probably what is killing you in red maps. get chaos res on every piece of gear you can

gloves are easy upg, get 110+ life and attack speed rolls + res.

amulet is also very bad, crafted life and barely any good affixes. get a huge 120+ life + whatever else you need

same with two stone ring, get it amythyst asap and better mods

thanks mate and gratz to your headhunter :)
Is there a reason most of the builds posted here don't use echoes of creation? PoB has it at +60% DPS for me. I'd have to fix my lightning and chaos resist with a different ring and will lose 'physical taken as', but it should be doable to fit it in. Current helmet:

Life cost per attack might be rough though, already running lifetap, and I don't have much life leech. PoB doesn't show my how much it will cost me per average hit and I don't wanna spend a divine to test it.

Also thanks for this guide, ran it in affliction and enjoyed it so much that I'm doing it again. I did go with an axe + impales this time, kinda miss stunning everything but dps is great.
Last edited by MrHartreeFock on Aug 6, 2024, 3:19:09 AM
MrHartreeFock wrote:
Is there a reason most of the builds posted here don't use echoes of creation? PoB has it at +60% DPS for me. I'd have to fix my lightning and chaos resist with a different ring and will lose 'physical taken as', but it should be doable to fit it in. Current helmet:

Life cost per attack might be rough though, already running lifetap, and I don't have much life leech. PoB doesn't show my how much it will cost me per average hit and I don't wanna spend a divine to test it.

Also thanks for this guide, ran it in affliction and enjoyed it so much that I'm doing it again. I did go with an axe + impales this time, kinda miss stunning everything but dps is great.

theres no particular reason for me, echoes is a giga dps increase at the expense of heaving to deal with its phys. its built in second wind is very strong too

i (like many others too probably) saw the prices of echoes (still over a div for a 15% more) and just went with a giga life rare. the new life and higher bases make rares much more enticing. the power of eldtich implicits also offers alot of flexibility

echoes and ryslathas are two awesome ways to scale damage at the expense of certain rare only affixes

also thank you for kind words RE: build!
Last edited by frawrst on Aug 6, 2024, 4:03:58 AM
I'm almost level 90 and still using the unique gloves in the build guide, got all my main resistances capped and chaos res is 60, should I just get some attack speed gloves? Also still rocking a 5 link tidebreaker, should I just save up for a 6 link force impact propagander and then try to roll that for phys/attack speed?
iKanks wrote:
After following the PoE market for two-handed maces and realizing the terrible state of it, I've figured the only way is to craft one myself. There are various different crafting methods and I've concluded that "the best" and "the cheapest" method for end-game impact force propagator is fractured crafting (this is because low physical tier weight rolls are ridicilously low).

I've composed this new player friendly crafting guide:

1) Buy at least ilvl 83 Impact Force Propagator base weapon
2) Transmute if needed. Alteration + augmentation spam it until you hit T1 hybrid Phys (hybrid because this gives us a possibilty to benchcraft increased physical % damage on it after we're done with step 4)
No other rolls matter - if you've landed only one suffix and nothing else then use augment for a guaranteed prefix (hybrid phys-accuracy is a prefix) - in all other cases use alterations.
This method is much better than mindless alteration spamming and rebuying alternations. The general odds of hitting T1 hybrid phys-accuracy with this method is around 1/1300
3) You've hit T1 hybrid phys+accuracy. Regal the item to make it rare and then exalt slam it so it has 4 affixes in total. We don't care about the added affixes, we're only doing it so we could use fracturing orb.
4) Pray to RNGesus and slam the item with orb of fracturing. Chances of fracturing hybrid phys is 1/4. If it didn't fracture T1 hybrid phys, then repeat the process from step 1).
5) Hybrid phys-accuracy fractured. Congrats, you've basically done it! Because flat phys on Impact Force Propagator is relatively low, it's very important to hit high tier added flat phys prefix on the weapon.
For that we use defeaning essence of contempt. Slam until you get T1 attack speed suffix or at least T4 increased physical damage prefix.
You're more likely to hit attack speed. For us attack speed suffix is the most important roll, the other suffixes that end up on the weapon are simply a bonus.
6) After landing attack speed, you'd ideally want to have a free open prefix so you could benchcraft 100-129% increased physical damage. If you don't have a free prefix, then simply beastcraft remove prefix-add suffix (if possible) or yolo annul (there are other methods available, but I wouldn't recommend them, as the outcomes of slamming are quite stable).
7) Congrats, now go enchant the weapon for 50 war runes for 20-25% phys and enjoy your 950 phys DPS mace with warcry extertion.

The average cost for the craft is about 20 divines, but can also be done in about 5 divines or 40 divines. Cost comes from the fracturing orb slams.

Thanks for this. Crafted one myself too with this guide!
I am trying to follow the updated PoB on this build, but I don't understand why are you using Vulnerability linked with Autoexertion?

Can someone clarify this for me?
LeaoMenethil wrote:
I am trying to follow the updated PoB on this build, but I don't understand why are you using Vulnerability linked with Autoexertion?

Can someone clarify this for me?

Battlemage cry support linked with vulne and autoexert.

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