Path of Exile: Legion Gem Information

Blood and Sand skill has a spelling error.

"Casts an buff [..]" shouldn't it be "Casts a buff"?
tsunamikun wrote:
auraforlaura wrote:
WHY so many different powerlevels of gems now??+ Cyclone is way better in ALL stats and effects than any other gem. Heavystrike got next to nothing., lol???
Some skills get added 100 flat phys and others dont, but recieve massive speed nerf. Very strange...
And added elemental damage is just silly bad for conversion attacks...

heavy strike was the go to skill for singletarget and it was buffed. it still reigns supreme as pure singletarget, and with the new stun mechanics for melee damage it's insane.

Dual strike will want to have a word with you on that one...
Does anyone know if this new Shield Charge work with Facebreaker too? if yes i know my build this season
Totnakero wrote:
What about the MAP stash Tab, it's waste to throw away all those maps. Please fix this soon

When is the proximity to Enemies calculated? At the start of the Attack or at the hit?

In other words, does Flicker Strike work with Close Combat?
Last edited by Erib_Segsir#2416 on Jun 6, 2019, 5:37:40 AM
that shield throw buff yo
Hargan is my spirit NPC which one is yours?
Reve doesn't have any attack speed? Why not?
Thank you Fortify!
Does anyone know if this new Shield Charge work with Facebreaker too? if yes i know my build this season
it probably doesn't, same as spectral shield throw
I have a question about Glacial Hummer.
"Every third successive strike now freezes enemies as if ..." - does this strike has 100% chance to freeze? Or it only extends freeze potential and still requirs successive freeze chance roll?

Also it will have funny interaction with Ruthless. They have slightly different counters, but it still a nice synergy.

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