Path of Exile: Legion Gem Information

kramys wrote:
Glacial Hammer, Multi-Strike and Ruthless could do unbelievable single target damage; i say as a person who never knows what he's talking about with builds! :>

I though the same. Forced synergy at its finest. Clearspeed wise it kind of sux because you are destined to hit everything 3 times so good by animation cancel feels etc...
Azaming Love the changes well done!
Kross0m wrote:

It cannot be obtained in challenge leagues since forever.

DemiSandal wrote:
Warlord mark still leech mana on hit? Pog

They never told us it won't leech mana. The nerf is about spells, these can't leech with WM anymore.

juyevon wrote:
"Spectral Throw" looks broken. It shows only 10% Attack Speed.

It got buffed from 90% to 100% base damage. 100% is the default value therefore not listed. 10% increased attack speed comes from quality.

Frugality wrote:
The "Pulverise" gem should be spelled "Pulverize", with a z.

Becauze kiwiz now haz to talk like muricanz with their obzezzion about changing every 's' to 'z'?

kind_of_a_star wrote:
btw, whats the meaning of "% of base"

in other words, how to calculate now

It's a multiplier for attack speed. E.g. 80% means that 2APS weapon is calculated as having 1.6APS.

Redmyclan wrote:
Could you reveal all keystones and notes those are affected by legion jewels please?

These are supposed to be discovered by the community.

trixxar wrote:

Questions for the devs, and appreciation for rushing to get it out

-Bladestorm - can enemies be hit by multiple bladestorms at once?

Probably yes judging from the lousy effectiveness and speed modifier.

trixxar wrote:

-Perforate - can sand stance spears that head outward each hit a sufficient large target?

I doubt so, they are probably simultaneous and affected by shotgunning prevention.

trixxar wrote:

-Perforate - How many spears are there, makes a big difference if there are 2 vs 20

Good question, shouldn't be less than 4 though otherwise blood stance mode doesn't make sense.

trixxar wrote:

-Impale support - 59% increased effect, does this mean impale records 15.9% of the initial hit instead of 10%? At 7 stacks thats 112% more damage per hit. Nice buff and mandatory support for impale builds, particularly champ impale.

I wouldn't say it's mandatory if you already have enough impale chance. 1.15*(1 + 0.7*1.59)/1.7 = 1.43. 43% more damage is nice but not the biggest support ever. We also have 30% effectiveness in the tree and 8% on the Champ meaning diminishing returns if you picked those.

trixxar wrote:

-Close combat - any particular region no daggers? In RPGs, daggers are the definition of close combat, more than swords or axes. Just curious.

Yeah, this is just stupid.
Steelskin [Removed by Support]. And why it is red?!
Last edited by Lisa_GGG#0000 on Jun 6, 2019, 4:48:13 AM
This seems to be the nail in the coffin for hardcore league. It was already suffering from a diminished player base, and now the cast when damage taken/immortal call is gone, the HC ladder is likely over and thus the economy is also going to be prohobitive.

Since I ONLY play HC or SSFHC, this patch is a bummer.

To those of you who play babycore, where death doesnt actually matter, this seems like a strong buff. So good luck and enjoy
Dash isnt instant ?
Totnakero wrote:
What about the MAP stash Tab, it's waste to throw away all those maps. Please fix this soon

You know you can just hit the "Convert" all maps button in the map stash tab right ? (Or from vendor them to Navali if i remember ) to get all maps updated to the current league ?
Oh man! Yes, Spectral Throw only shows the 10% increased attack speed, because it has now a 100% dmg effectiviness and that's never shown on gems!

Steelskin is a joke, only 2200 dmg that can be prevented? Molten Shell can prevent up to 10000 and deals a lot of dmg! I don't see any reason to take Steelskin, even Immortal Call looks better.
Flicker is still alive, thx GGG...... :D
v0gelfrei wrote:

Steelskin is a joke, only 2200 dmg that can be prevented? Molten Shell can prevent up to 10000 and deals a lot of dmg! I don't see any reason to take Steelskin, even Immortal Call looks better.

Steelskin stops all damage. Molten Shell only physical damage

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