Path of Exile: Legion Gem Information

No additional Phys to Chaos Gem, 0/10. GIVE US AN ALTERNATIVE TO VIPER STRIKE!!!!!!111111
Glacial hummer : "Every third successive strike freezes enemies as though dealing 390% more damage". Ok, this virtual damage extends freeze duration. But does this "third" strike ALWAYS freeze, or does it still need successive freeze roll?
ridicolous changes without any sense. Melee was fine except for some clunky gameplay sometimes. now it's totally broken.
LeadRaven wrote:
Glacial hummer : "Every third successive strike freezes enemies as though dealing 390% more damage". Ok, this virtual damage extends freeze duration. But does this "third" strike ALWAYS freeze, or does it still need successive freeze roll?

Hypothetically, does it matter if it always freezes on 3rd strike and you do 1 damage? With low damage you'll have low freeze duration so.. is there a way to extend the freeze to some meaningful value (duration) even withouth high damage or do you want to (ab)use it in some other way?
IGN: FoughtBledAndWeptForGod, WoE_HitoZ

LeadRaven wrote:
Glacial hummer : "Every third successive strike freezes enemies as though dealing 390% more damage". Ok, this virtual damage extends freeze duration. But does this "third" strike ALWAYS freeze, or does it still need successive freeze roll?

Freeze is calculated on % of life taken. It helps but unless it crits, it only increases the chances to freeze

Base freeze duration is 60 milliseconds (0.06 seconds) for every 1% of the target's maximum life (before party scaling) dealt by cold damage, up to a maximum of 50% (3 seconds). Freezes with a duration smaller than 0.3 seconds are discarded, effectively requiring a hit of 5% enemy life.[2] As an example, The Shaper has approximately 20 000 000 life. Minimally freezing The Shaper requires a single hit of 1 000 000 cold damage.

From wiki
The "Based on proximity" gems, does anyone have a clue how close you have to be to an enemy to have the max effect, and how far away you have to be, for it to have zero effect?
Pivovar wrote:
LeadRaven wrote:
I have a question about Glacial Hummer.
"Every third successive strike now freezes enemies as if ..." - does this strike has 100% chance to freeze? Or it only extends freeze potential and still requirs successive freeze chance roll?

The way I understand this is you'll have a longer freeze duration, since freezes are based on damage, but you still need to do a big amount of damage in order to benefit from the 390% virtual damage. I think this virtual damage boost is meant for bosses but if bosses have too much HP you still won't be freezing even with the 390% virtual damage boost.
LeadRaven wrote:
Glacial hummer : "Every third successive strike freezes enemies as though dealing 390% more damage". Ok, this virtual damage extends freeze duration. But does this "third" strike ALWAYS freeze, or does it still need successive freeze roll?
It most likely won't guarantee a freeze.

Freeze Mine has a "freeze enemies as though dealing X% more damage" stat but still has a seperate "always freezes enemies" one, which would be redundant if the former would already guarantee a freeze.

skrecu wrote:
is there any info concerning gem availability (class, act, mission)
Bex_GGG wrote:
Added Perforate as a reward for Duelist for completing Enemy at the Gates.
Perforate becomes available from Nessa for the Marauder, Ranger and Scion after completing Enemy at the Gates (ie. immediately!).
Added Blood and Sand as a reward for Duelist for completing Breaking Some Eggs.
Blood and Sand becomes available from Nessa for the Marauder, Ranger and Scion after completing Breaking Some Eggs.
Added Precision as a reward for Duelist and Ranger for completing The Caged Brute.
Precision becomes available from Nessa for Templar, Marauder and Shadow after completing The Caged Brute.
Added Chain Hook as a reward for Marauder for completing the Siren's Cadence.
Chain Hook becomes available from Nessa for the Duelist and Scion after completing the Siren's Cadence.
Added Flesh and Stone as a reward for the Duelist for completing Intruders in Black.
Flesh and Stone becomes available from Yeena for the Marauder and Scion after completing Intruders in Black.
Added Shockwave Support as a reward for the Templar and Marauder for completing Sharp and Cruel.
Shockwave Support becomes available from Yeena for Duelist and Scion after completing Sharp and Cruel.
Added Close Combat Support as a reward for the Marauder, Duelist and Ranger for completing Sharp and Cruel.
Close Combat Support becomes available from Yeena for Templar, Shadow and Scion after completing Sharp and Cruel.
Added Pride as a reward for the Marauder and Duelist for completing Lost in Love.
Pride becomes available from Clarissa for the Templar, Ranger, Shadow, Scion and Witch after completing Lost in Love.
Added Bladestorm as a reward for the Duelist for completing Sever the Right Hand.
Bladestorm becomes available from Clarissa for the Marauder and Scion after completing Sever the Right Hand.
Added Pulverise Support as a reward for the Templar, Marauder and Duelist for completing a Fixture of Fate.
Pulverise Support becomes available from Clarissa for the Ranger and Scion after completing a Fixture of Fate.
Added Impale Support as a reward for the Duelist and Ranger for completing a Fixture of Fate.
Impale Support becomes available from Clarissa for the Marauder, Shadow and Scion after completing a Fixture of Fate.
Added Berserk as a reward for the Marauder for completing Breaking the Seal.
Berserk becomes available from Petarus and Vanja for the Duelist and Scion after completing Breaking the Seal.
v0gelfrei wrote:
Oh man! Yes, Spectral Throw only shows the 10% increased attack speed, because it has now a 100% dmg effectiviness and that's never shown on gems!

Steelskin is a joke, only 2200 dmg that can be prevented? Molten Shell can prevent up to 10000 and deals a lot of dmg! I don't see any reason to take Steelskin, even Immortal Call looks better.

That "10000" on molten shell is only achievable with 50k armor, and most builds don't reach that. If you have 11k armor or less, Steelskin is better.
What does the new tag 'Strike' mean? How does it interact with skills without the same tag?
Thank You!
"I didn't know we were making a pants simulator." - Chris Wilson
Game was peak fun before consoles and tencent.

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