Here's a preview of the Atlas of Worlds in Path of Exile: Legion!

SeabeeO wrote:
Mentoya wrote:
What I do is just use the zana recipe to upgrade the T5 to a T10. T5s drop like hotcakes, and spending 2C for the upgrade is chump change, and you usually get that back anyway. Doing this is much easier than buying the T10 map, but you still have to buy some if you want to complete the atlas.

I ended last league with:
Tier 1 - 91
Tier 2 - 108
Tier 3 - 92
Tier 4 - 41
Tier 5 - 26
Tier 6 - 15
Tier 7 - 0
Tier 8 - 9
Tier 9 - 2

Highest tier able to get a complete set to drop or successful use Zana to craft/or purchase to successfully complete - Tier 6.

Ran all my T7s trying to get the last one needed for atlas completion using Zana's Alternate of Same Tier mod with no luck.

Then ran all my T6s and then T5s maps with max quality from chisels, rare rarity, with vaal fragment, and Fortune Favors the Brave multiple times with T5 and T6 maps trying to get a pool of T7 to progress in my atlas... return on that investment... multiple runs with not a single map dropping... not even a T1. I did that once with a Scarab giving 20% more map drops... return on that investment was one T2 map.

Had I gotten the atlas to progress into T10 maps, I would have done as you suggested and use Zana bench to shape into red tier maps. I suppose the one thing didn't try was to shape T2 into the T7s using Zana's bench. Oh well maybe next league, I'll remember to try that.

So to say that T5 drop like hotcakes... where and when do I get these hotcakes because it didn't happened for me in Synthesis... Some leagues have tapped out for sustainability in Red Tier maps but the last three leagues, I'm found that Yellow was tapping out for sustainability. For Synthesis league it was white tier for me... which hasn't happened since I think Beastry or the league before Beastry. Here's to hoping the RNG god favors me for Legion league... because I'm really tired of the grind for atlas bonus completion...

Wow, those numbers are super low. Did you do your daily quests? Because if not, those are great ways to boost your map counts. Alva's temple gets you a map room, Zana sells you maps after you do her daily, Einhar has map creation, Niko has map nodes in Delve.... I was maintaining T16's for the latter half of the League and ended with over 40 of them, at the end. I had over 100 T11's. What strategy were you employing for your crafting materials? For the bulk of the league, I'd maintain my top 5 tiers of owned maps as at least 80% quantity with mods I could do. I had no problem getting at LEAST 1 map to drop of similar tier as the one I was on.

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