Here's a preview of the Atlas of Worlds in Path of Exile: Legion!

Erionn wrote:
They've already said they recently made it a lot easier to reshuffle the atlas, which is why it happens far more frequently. It's also one of the most refreshing things in a new league for people that actually play the game.

So, you're saying that finding out what kind of beef people that play less have with the game now and why aren't they playing more is a waste of time?
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

I just hope they make higher ilvl enemies so leveling from 95 to 100 isn't stale and impossible with certain builds that drop console to half a Frame per Second. The lag I'll call it of end game Content (t16) maps make it basically impossible to make exp. I was packing maps 40% pack size minimum. With double beyond or breaches and the game would drop frame so hard it was impossible to survive. And even if you did survive you would get 2% xp at 96.i love the game but I cannot stand the fact that lvl 100 eludes me simply because the performance. Or lack of on console.

That aside the trade system on console is toxic as hell. Trying to buy anything from anyone was a task all in itself, from having 80% of priced items on there being people trying to mess with market prices and most of the others with a price just strait up deny their own set buyout was extremely frustrating. Searching for items was alone a task, it would be such an easy fix have buyouts actually be buyouts. And allow searching of items to actually pull the items not just highlight them and still have to sift through 100s of pages of trash to find anything decent.

I'm not sure what the crashing issue is but it seems like a memory leak me and my friend would crash on schedule he would go first then me literally every 5 to 6 maps it would get chopper and chopper then bam blue screen which I forgot to mention above in the leveling section I've lost God knows how much xp to blue screens. Game just crashes while in the middle of 50 plus enemies with as many lines of mods as this post and log back on minus 10% xp. Kills me and so frustrating at later levels. I heard it's not near as bad on pc and their frame drop is like 30 fps that's totally playable and tbh I'd never die if that were the case.

All in all the games a good time and it's free above all else but I just wish they could pull this all together for the console. This games better than the last 4 "triple a" games I've bought and a few changes could keep me going indefinately. I'm sure my post won't change much but worth a try.

I've seen a few posts like this comaining about frames only to have the white knight people come and say oh I'm at end game running t12 maps and have no issues lol the issues spoken of do not show up till your doing packed maps 40% plus. Also I know there's a few builds that are awful for creating it and I happen to run one (winter orb eshroud) so that's no help but I would like to not have to worry about my build failing endgame because it breaks the console to much lol
Is there still that T8 map surrounded by T9s so that you can't trade up for it? Or any other maps in that situation?
Bex_GGG wrote:
Shagsbeard wrote:
No mention of the upgrading of old maps to the new series... getting worried that wont happen.

It was patched in today.

And I thank you for that. For those who play Standard and league it makes organizing stash tabs that much easier.
can we get a option to keep our atlas progression in standard?

pretty please with a cherry on top.
I swear to god, if the new maps will look the same as some old ones (like circle maps in Synthesis looked the same as old circle maps) Im not gonna buy support pack this league.

Actually, I don't really care after the Map Tab fix, just wanted to post this. :)
By the muscular golden arse of Innocence!

What in damnation have you done?!

My Divination Cards: Desecrated Virtue (3.12), The Tireless Extractor (3.17)
Camatoo wrote:
can we get a option to keep our atlas progression in standard?

pretty please with a cherry on top.

It's already there. My Standard map repopulated last PM.
the atlas is (if) going to reset when the patch hits the live servers. Not when the league is going to get merged.
All these shuffling are pointless, they are always mostly the same within tiers.

I for one would like to experience something like a t1 caldera or something along that line.
"The launch day went quite well with just a few small hotfixes to address minor problems."

Heist League - GGG
Last edited by nononononono on Jun 4, 2019, 5:03:32 PM

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