[3.7] Rake's Tectonic Slam Equipment Guide - from League Start to Endgame

MarioMCP wrote:
Currently running a 5 link with Tec Slam - Melee Phys - Ele W/ Attacks - Fortify - Rage and it is really strong. I was running Pulverize instead of Rage before and recently made the switch. Rage feels like it is mandatory, almost.

Also you get Berserk too, which makes you delete bosses or tough rares. I also recommend Vaal Warchief, it is extremely strong on bosses and the Legion encounters. Dropping two of them (4 linked) and they will bounce around and kill a ton of soldiers.

Just tried rage support out and definitely a big difference for me. I took out pulverize as it makes attacks a bit slower. Running tect slam, ele w atk, melee phys, fortify, rage and close combat for now.

On a side note, the buy links in guide are really effective. Haven't really used them myself as I usually just search depending on my resistance needs but anything I list for sale that I got for this build is sold within minutes.

Leap slam with endurance charge on slam is also pretty helpful, I'm debating to take off the stave nodes with it. My first league from start so seems to be a bit more expensive to buy things compared to synthesis. On a side note, 23% Tectonic Slam gems (and corrupted ones in general) are cheap, picked mine up for 8 chaos. Gives a little boost to the AoE lost from pulverize.

For buffs outside of Hatred / HoP, what is everyone using? New stance? War banner?

Thanks for the guide!

For Endurance Charge Generation I am currently using:
Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Endurance Charge on Melee Stun
CWDT - Warlord's Mark - Wave of Conviction - Blood Rage (I could do BR manually, but I am lazy :P)

and I have Enduring Cry as a backup. However, I almost never need to use it, Leap Slam + Tawhoa + Warlord's Mark seems to take care of all Endurance Charge needs while mapping. I also once again want to recommend Rage Support and Berserk.

MarioMCP wrote:
For Endurance Charge Generation I am currently using:
Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Endurance Charge on Melee Stun
CWDT - Warlord's Mark - Wave of Conviction - Blood Rage (I could do BR manually, but I am lazy :P)

and I have Enduring Cry as a backup. However, I almost never need to use it, Leap Slam + Tawhoa + Warlord's Mark seems to take care of all Endurance Charge needs while mapping. I also once again want to recommend Rage Support and Berserk.

just wanted to thank you for teh suggestion on rage/berserk,tried it myself and man it gives that extra oomph for bosses/legion.
Im having mana issues using hatred/herald/ blood and sand
Still didnt manage to get a leveled enlighten, and on a 5-link the skill costs 32 mana which is half of my unreserved mana =x
Anyone else with this issue?
Valkirth wrote:
MarioMCP wrote:
For Endurance Charge Generation I am currently using:
Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Endurance Charge on Melee Stun
CWDT - Warlord's Mark - Wave of Conviction - Blood Rage (I could do BR manually, but I am lazy :P)

and I have Enduring Cry as a backup. However, I almost never need to use it, Leap Slam + Tawhoa + Warlord's Mark seems to take care of all Endurance Charge needs while mapping. I also once again want to recommend Rage Support and Berserk.

just wanted to thank you for teh suggestion on rage/berserk,tried it myself and man it gives that extra oomph for bosses/legion.

Seconded that was an awesome addition for overall damage and some burst damage + survivability when needed.
Really excited about trying this build! I understand how to get going once I'm mapping but is there a guide for the best way to actually level up my toon to the point of mapping? I see how to allocate passive points as I go but not what skills I should use to help me level. Any help would be awesome! Thanks
Shawntastic wrote:

Seconded that was an awesome addition for overall damage and some burst damage + survivability when needed.

Valkirth wrote:

just wanted to thank you for teh suggestion on rage/berserk,tried it myself and man it gives that extra oomph for bosses/legion.

No problem guys :) I am happy to help.
Anyone mind looking at my char and giving me some input and what I should change/do.
Cpfuzzy wrote:
Anyone mind looking at my char and giving me some input and what I should change/do.

I'd definitely start by upgrading your flasks, Atziri's Promise gives pretty great damage and some nice life leech for little to no cost at all. A diamond flask would also be pretty good for your damage seeing as it is built towards crit in the endgame.

Secondly, I'm not sure how the combustion support is feeling for you but I'd give Rage Support a shot, the flat physical scales your damage tremendously and it's very easy to keep your rage stacks up (You also get to utilize berserk which is great for beating down beefier mobs.)

Lastly, start working towards the crit nodes on the tree, I've noticed you don't currently have either Dismembering or Disembowling, which both give a lot of crit chance & multiplier, further pushing your dps up and up.
Probably missed it but was it tested if Eye of innocence and mokou's a viable option?

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