[3.7] Rake's Tectonic Slam Equipment Guide - from League Start to Endgame

The Problem is, that the build is A LOT more expensive, than this guide shows. Until T13/14 easy with T4-T3 gear. Then it starts to get way over his T3 prices.

Still, what would you guys recommend to improve next?

here's my pastebin: https://pastebin.com/q4VxxiRq
I've successfully cleared whole content with this build (with my T1\T0 gear worth around 50ex in total, sold almost everything at this point). It lacks some survivability at the highest map tier level, but is extremly satisfying to play.
Uber Elder, compared to countless deathless cyclone kill vids, is a bit challenging (keep in mind I've killed him not using Kaom's roots). With updated melee mechanics it also lacks mobility, which cyclone builds provide.
Last edited by Patryko on Jul 8, 2019, 1:32:16 PM
Why do we not get Hinekora Ascendancy? Surely it's a massive DPS Boost having the multiplication from Cover in Ash.
A few more thoughts on the Oni Goroshi Consecrated Path variant for those who are frustrated or wanting to try this...

Why CP?
You can pretty much use the same build as TS, although I think Ramako > Hinekora is better for ascendancies with Oni. Since CP does not consume endurance charges for offense, you have more defense and could actually run CWDT/IC if you want. CP also uses less mana and is great for mobility with it's long range leap.

Why Oni Goroshi?
Who would turn down a sword that talks to you? But seriously, it's about 1 ex for a 6L that does scalable damage. And since you only need a 5L chest, you save a LOT of exalts over a pair of super foils and a 6L chest. (Of course, this is only a benefit if you haven't already bought that stuff.) You can level with Oni right from the beginning if this isn't a league starter, and Her Embrace does crazy damage. Only real downside is that 60% less regen maps are not that fun - although they are still doable.

Other things I am doing a little differently than some of the builds I have looked at here...
(I'm no PoE genius; this is just based on experimentation.)

..I did not path to Fatal Blade. There is a lot of good stuff closer.
..Auras are Ash, Purity, Blood & Sand, Flesh & Stone, Precision (low) for a nice balance of offense and defense (F&S is great w/ B&S)
..90% extra mana regen rather than a -mana mod. Either can work.
..Wave of Conviction seems better to me self cast since it's offensive
..CWDT is at 13 with IC 15 (4 charges always up) and Steelskin 17 for some healthy defense (SS beats Molten Shell with this level of armor)
..Went with Ancestral Protector only to save two sockets. Still thinking about that one.
..I see a lot of Rage gems. Not sure it's all that hot in this build. Curious what average count is.
..Pulverise is great for clearing, and Ruthless is awesome for bossing.

I had a Storm Brand Inquisitor and a Bane/Soulrend Trickster last league that were both able to handle Shaper Guardians no problem. I am only up to t13/14 with this guy at the moment, but I can tell he has more offense and defense than either of those.

Clearly I did not follow this guide exactly, but this is one of three guides that made a significant contribution to where I ended up.

Can you post your POB? I building a similar character
How much would a 400+ dps foil with elemental resist pen go for? Also, is anyone selling one? PM if so!
Hello! I wanna ask a stupid question: what are these mtx like skins on ur main page screenshot? I thought its a skin transfer but i couldnt find any skins even between alternate arts then i tried to find it in mtxes but i couldnt find too.
Last edited by shalfeyoo on Jul 9, 2019, 7:22:37 AM
Karisma91 wrote:
Can you post your POB?

This is the plan for 90 at the moment. (I am currently at 88.)

It's still 2 ex in gear more or less, so nothing special beyond Oni. Heavily oriented toward offense to get 800k Shaper DPS.

Some room to move to more defense but so far I have not needed it. Nearly all my deaths are preventable...things like, "Oh yeah, this map has a double boss mod, and they are throwing lightning, and my resist is low due to elemental weakness, and I don't have a shock flask on me. Duh!" When I don't make dumb mistakes like that, I have no trouble with t13/14 bosses. Hoping to get to guardians next week... not much time right now.

Going a little light on defense is good because it's forcing me to be better at movement and flask use. Diamond + Atziri is great for boosting boss DPS, and the Cinderswallow really helps for those "oops" moments in mapping and Legion encounters. A cheaper option than Cinderswallow is Lion's Roar, which has some offense and defense for mapping. I like to keep the last flask for whatever is needed in a particular encounter. (Like the shock removal...)

Note that the build cannot face tank 4-5 Legion rares, but if you move well you can handle them no problem.

Last edited by GreyLensman on Jul 9, 2019, 8:11:38 AM
dgmsti2012 wrote:
How much would a 400+ dps foil with elemental resist pen go for? Also, is anyone selling one? PM if so!

You can see this in trade using the filters. 400+ phys DPS foils going for 5 ex and up. Not seeing any with fire resist pen.
Last edited by GreyLensman on Jul 9, 2019, 8:09:59 AM
Is oni-goroshi a good weapon to use in this build?
Oni is a very nice weapon for the build with either Tectonic Slam or Consecrated Path. You just want to build for ignite so you always have Embrace up.

You can use it right from the start and it scales with your level. It's also very inexpensive for a 6L, and allows you to use a 5L or even 4L chest. You will need enough life regen to offset the degen of Embrace, but it's not a big deal. You can see in my PoB that my regen is 2x the degen with consecrated ground. "No regen" maps are not fun, and "60% less regen" means you have to pay a little attention when your leech runs out. But it does very nice damage that is totally synergistic with a fire build.

I have not looked at how much more damage I could get if I invested 20 to 40 ex in the build, with crazy foils and a 6L chest. 800k Shaper DPS on 2 ex is fine. (Close to 1M with flasks up.)

And she talks to you from time to time...

The other big decision is whether to go TS or CP. Tectonic with a lot of area is fun visually and great for clearing. Most of the frustrations I have heard are related to survivability. When I switched to CP, I found the same build to be a lot tankier. With CP you get consecrated ground, 4 (or more) endurance charges up all the time (assuming Warlord's Mark) and a lot of survivability from the CP leap.

If you want to go Oni, you should look at dookleeto's Oni variant of this guide. He is showing twice my DPS with a similar build (although still TS) and I haven't taken the time to look closely at the differences. There are some obvious things like gem quality, but not sure beyond that.
Last edited by GreyLensman on Jul 9, 2019, 10:48:46 AM

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