[3.7] Rake's Tectonic Slam Equipment Guide - from League Start to Endgame

I know the guide is huge but wheres the video?
any1 can share a video or the topic owner? its almost a month after 3.7 !

thx gl hf!
Great guide and build!!

Moving on so I have this for sale. 15 ex for the lot!

Last edited by Arrreat on Jul 2, 2019, 12:45:00 PM
matheus18 wrote:
I know the guide is huge but wheres the video?
any1 can share a video or the topic owner? its almost a month after 3.7 !

thx gl hf!

There are quite a few videos from the usual suspects if you check youtube. Obviously not exactly this build, but you'll get a good feel.
hey man! i've been following this guide since the first week of the league and i would like to ask: whats the best lab enchant for rare gloves and do u think a pair of spiked gloves with life, res and attack speed are good enough? is there better mods like weapon range or something like that? or just better gloves in general?

FaZePaddle wrote:
My build is not working I keep dying in tier 10-12 maps. Here is my pastebin if you guys can check it out and tell me what to do with my build and how I can improve it. Thank you guys!


The Abyssus, in conjunction with no way (I think) to maintain endurance charges and a manual cast IC will get you killed really fast. See below on endurance.

I find Flesh and Stone works really well in conjunction with Blood and Sand. You not only get Blind in Sand stance, freeing up a support slot, you also get a 10% reduction in ranged damage received. And when in Blood you get a really nice damage boost for boss fights. But you need enough recovery to run an extra aura. To get that...

You should think about Warlord's Mark in place of Poacher's, for the leech as well as the endurance charges. Poacher's is more offensive. Warlord's is more defensive, and right now you're saying you need more defense.

I actually switched to Consecrated Path from Tect Slam. It's a slightly different play style with a bit less range, but it doesn't consume endurance charges so you can keep them up without any trouble. With Cons Path you are up close and personal, but with Warlord's to keep up leech and endurance, and Blind from whatever source, it makes the build MUCH tankier over all. Right now the only thing that's killing me is Chaos damage.

Your CWDT gem set-ups don't make sense to me (looking at your character profile). e.g. your IC is too high for the CWDT, and you have Vulnerability as a second curse on the same CWDT, but it's also too high. (Maybe you have a way to get a second curse?) You have a second CWDT that is also doing nothing, so that's two gem slots that are wasted? To get a solid CWDT set-up, you could go with something like a CWDT 12, IC 14, Steelskin 16.

I've never used the Rage mechanic, but I doubt the Rage gem by itself, without some of the other Berserker tools, will allow you to make effective use of Berserk. That's just a guess, but I would test it.

You might want to think about Combustion in your 6L blue socket.


Thanks bro
FaZePaddle wrote:
My build is not working I keep dying in tier 10-12 maps. Here is my pastebin if you guys can check it out and tell me what to do with my build and how I can improve it. Thank you guys!


The Abyssus, in conjunction with no way (I think) to maintain endurance charges and a manual cast IC will get you killed really fast. See below on endurance.

I find Flesh and Stone works really well in conjunction with Blood and Sand. You not only get Blind in Sand stance, freeing up a support slot, you also get a 10% reduction in ranged damage received. And when in Blood you get a really nice damage boost for boss fights. But you need enough recovery to run an extra aura. To get that...

You should think about Warlord's Mark in place of Poacher's, for the leech as well as the endurance charges. Poacher's is more offensive. Warlord's is more defensive, and right now you're saying you need more defense.

I actually switched to Consecrated Path from Tect Slam. It's a slightly different play style with a bit less range, but it doesn't consume endurance charges so you can keep them up without any trouble. With Cons Path you are up close and personal, but with Warlord's to keep up leech and endurance, and Blind from whatever source, it makes the build MUCH tankier over all. Right now the only thing that's killing me is Chaos damage.

Your CWDT gem set-ups don't make sense to me (looking at your character profile). e.g. your IC is too high for the CWDT, and you have Vulnerability as a second curse on the same CWDT, but it's also too high. (Maybe you have a way to get a second curse?) You have a second CWDT that is also doing nothing, so that's two gem slots that are wasted? To get a solid CWDT set-up, you could go with something like a CWDT 12, IC 14, Steelskin 16.

I've never used the Rage mechanic, but I doubt the Rage gem by itself, without some of the other Berserker tools, will allow you to make effective use of Berserk. That's just a guess, but I would test it.

You might want to think about Combustion in your 6L blue socket.


What about my wave of conviction set up? What should I change about that? Is the gear good? What else I needa change?
Your Wave is in the CWDT link and is also too high level to be cast that way, BUT I prefer to self cast Wave anyway so I can use it pre-emptively. A lot of basic mobs can be one-shot with Tectonic Slam, but with tougher mobs that might survive, using Wave first makes it more likely that you can take them out before they can hit you. It's an offensive form of defense. It's a lot less useful on CWDT IMHO. Because Wave is slower, you need to time your Slam so it doesn't beat the Wave to the mobs.

I would work on this other stuff before you think about gear. You don't really need to spend more on gear to be more survivable. Your chest could use a bench mod, and you have both Prefix & Suffix available. As I recall, your lightning resist was a little low. You can do a little messing with that to optimize, but I personally wouldn't spend more.
Last edited by GreyLensman on Jul 2, 2019, 9:31:52 PM
Your Wave is in the CWDT link and is also too high level to be cast that way, BUT I prefer to self cast Wave anyway so I can use it pre-emptively. A lot of basic mobs can be one-shot with Tectonic Slam, but with tougher mobs that might survive, using Wave first makes it more likely that you can take them out before they can hit you. It's an offensive form of defense. It's a lot less useful on CWDT IMHO. Because Wave is slower, you need to time your Slam so it doesn't beat the Wave to the mobs.

I would work on this other stuff before you think about gear. You don't really need to spend more on gear to be more survivable. Your chest could use a bench mod, and you have both Prefix & Suffix available. As I recall, your lightning resist was a little low. You can do a little messing with that to optimize, but I personally wouldn't spend more.

Is steelskin autocasted with cwdt? Or do I need to manual cast it. Same as berserk if it was in cwdt. And if I wanna out wave of conviction in the cwdt what level should it be? And can u check if my gems are in the right spots? Thanks
Key rule of CWDT

A linked skill that has = or less than the required level of your CWDT will be auto cast and cannot be self cast. (Note that this is the required character level to use the gem, which is NOT the same as the gem level.)

A linked skill that has a higher required character level than your CWDT will be ignored by CWDT, and can be self-cast.
Key rule of CWDT

A linked skill that has = or less than the required level of your CWDT will be auto cast and cannot be self cast. (Note that this is the required character level to use the gem, which is NOT the same as the gem level.)

A linked skill that has a higher required character level than your CWDT will be ignored by CWDT, and can be self-cast.

So how are the gems? Are they in the right sockets? Tell me what level they should be

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