[3.7] Rake's Tectonic Slam Equipment Guide - from League Start to Endgame

clarkseal wrote:
I just finished Uber Elder for the first time today using this build as a guide and I'd like to share some of my thoughts on it.

First of all, I almost rerolled this character 5 times. Starting out with Ahn's and 80% of my mana reserved was just miserable. My friends were all running multistrike builds and this build just felt stuck in quicksand by comparison. I stuck it out, though, and boy am I glad I did, the end-game feel of this build is incredibly fun. Here are some changes I made with my build that made things feel better:

#1 Ditch Hatred - After doing a lot of messing around in PoB I found it almost just as much DPS to use a combination of:

Herald of Ash + Herald of Purity + low level Precision (to get 100% chance to hit) + Blood and Sand

Gave me 35% free mana and around 7-8 attacks before running out of mana, as opposed to many of the suggested builds which include a Herald + Hatred resulting in around 20% mana available and only 2-3 attacks before running out of mana. This was incredibly critical when fighting single-target, as with a Hatred setup I'd out-swing my mana regen almost constantly without multiple targets available.

Wow, just this feels so much better. Thanks Rake for the build and clarkseal for this!

my POB show that i have more dps with hatred + herald of purity + blood and sand, so, i will even try this when i got my crafted weapons
illusi0n1ts wrote:
Hi Rake, and other exiles.

Im having some trouble with this build where i dont think trouble should be had. Ive been playing path since open beta and am quite experienced with the game and the content in it

IM lvl 92, i have about tier 2-3 gear, (rought 30 ex of invistment): maim / -15 mana chest. 380 pds foils, double corrupt tombfist, some nice jewls a teir 1 abysall belt with 60% elemental dmh. techslam charge and - fire res helm, ect. I can clear red maps fine, downed shaper but for the life of me i cannot down uber elder. His guardians are no problem but the fight itself feels almost impossible. my links are tech slam -melee phys - wepeon elemental dmg, conc effect and rage during maps/ruthless for boss. im using hatred precision and blood and sand. i have 1.2 odd mill tooltip in combat with flasks up.

WHere am i going wrong, i had assumed with this level of investment it should be ez pz uber elder kills and mad sextents on maps but this does not seem to be the case.

Is this something im doing wrong or is the build weaker than it appears on paper?

im wearing the wrong chest atm but ill link the gear here for reference


any help appreciated

Use PoB when trying to decide what upgrades are good. Tooltip DPS is pointless and completely useless for measuring your character's effectiveness. Quill rain builds will be pushing millions of true dps on 5000 tooltip.

First off, your foils don't have penetrate elemental resistance and one of them is missing local crit. Local crit is mandatory on weapons, along with local attack speed, and flat phys, because the stats give far greater value when they are adjusting the weapon's base stats, compared to getting them on other pieces of gear. You could probably find 340pdps foils with ele pen and local crit that give 200k + dps on PoB compared to what you have.

I think elemental weakness is also a far better corrupt for your gloves, -30% elemental resists is pretty serious.

You might also want to try elemental proliferation, it gives you basically the same damage as conc effect without hurting your AoE, letting you mobs camping the corners more easily and fight from a safer distance.

For uber elder especially, if you don't already have one I highly recommend taste of hate. The cold pen from shaper alone makes it incredibly value, and the damage + tankiness from phys conversion is fantastic.
Last edited by BigBlappa on Jun 28, 2019, 5:07:49 PM
Use PoB when trying to decide what upgrades are good. Tooltip DPS is pointless and completely useless for measuring your character's effectiveness. Quill rain builds will be pushing millions of true dps on 5000 tooltip.

First off, your foils don't have penetrate elemental resistance and one of them is missing local crit. Local crit is mandatory on weapons, along with local attack speed, and flat phys, because the stats give far greater value when they are adjusting the weapon's base stats, compared to getting them on other pieces of gear. You could probably find 340pdps foils with ele pen and local crit that give 200k + dps on PoB compared to what you have.

I think elemental weakness is also a far better corrupt for your gloves, -30% elemental resists is pretty serious.

You might also want to try elemental proliferation, it gives you basically the same damage as conc effect without hurting your AoE, letting you mobs camping the corners more easily and fight from a safer distance.

For uber elder especially, if you don't already have one I highly recommend taste of hate. The cold pen from shaper alone makes it incredibly value, and the damage + tankiness from phys conversion is fantastic.

Hey thanks for the tips, i guess i can replace one of them and put pen on the other as well as upgrade the jewellery, although im starting to think its not really worth sending another 15 odd exalted to gear this for uber elder. might just leave it as is and reroll a ranger haha.

anyway nice to know where im going wrong cheers guys
Hello guys, can some1 give me some advice bout foils?
Best way to craft them?
Cuz in HC foils(good t3) price like 6ex+ (i have currency for 1 foil, but...).

And nice build btw :).
Yeah, tough to get into T3 and above with weapons especially due to the current meta. Even in softcore the weapon prices are really high. It's been a tough league currency-wise for me. I've put in 94 levels on an arc elementalist and am at 85 on this build and have only had 1 ex drop and nothing much else great to sell. It's been fun off and on until I hit the hurdles in gear. I'm currently stuck around T8 maps running into deaths. Any advice is greatly appreciated even though I don't have much to go on other than my public build. :)
On budgets...

I've been playing an Oni-Goroshi version of the build. About 1 ex for the sword and less than 1 ex for everything else combined. (With Goroshi, you can do a 5L chest, or even a 4L.) Prices are similar in HC - just fewer options to choose from.

My gear is way below optimum but so far cruising into T6 maps at 74. The damage is fine. Oni's "embrace" nearly triples the total damage out and, with a 70%+ chance to ignite, it's pretty much always on. Need to get a bit more health before I hit red maps, but it's a pretty good defensive build as well.

Also trying Onslaught on Leap Slam. It takes good timing, but when you hit it and can keep it up for a bunch of packs, it's a LOT of fun.

Anyway, definitely recommend checking out Oni for a fun, low-cost build. No idea where the high-end DPS maxes out, but I don't really care about that. For < 2 ex it's a blast.
Switched from tectonic slam to consecrated path and oh god that was good move. now i have no problem with legion in t15/16 when there is like 5+ rare at the same spot, added flesh and stone to my aura because consecrated is less mana hungry than TS. overall im just way more tanky because i dont consume endurance charge anymore, consecrated ground help for hp regen alot and sand stance in flesh and stone is just too good. Didnt die at all today farming t14-t16 (with TS i could died like 1+ time per hour atleast because of some op legion)

Aura: Herald of ash, Herald of purity, precision lv1, flesh and stone. blood and sand

Also smashing strikes is totally useless now so i can remove it :D

Last edited by dragonpowi on Jun 30, 2019, 10:15:43 PM
My build is not working I keep dying in tier 10-12 maps. Here is my pastebin if you guys can check it out and tell me what to do with my build and how I can improve it. Thank you guys!

dragonpowi wrote:
Switched from tectonic slam to consecrated path and oh god that was good move. now i have no problem with legion in t15/16 when there is like 5+ rare at the same spot, added flesh and stone to my aura because consecrated is less mana hungry than TS. overall im just way more tanky because i dont consume endurance charge anymore, consecrated ground help for hp regen alot and sand stance in flesh and stone is just too good. Didnt die at all today farming t14-t16 (with TS i could died like 1+ time per hour at least because of some op legion)

Thanks for sharing this...will have to try it out.

Aura: Herald of ash, Herald of purity, precision lv1, flesh and stone. blood and sand
This is exactly where I've gotten to with TS, except that I don't need Precision at this point. Enlighten (3) to get about 120 unreserved mana is good enough for 95% of encounters w/o a flask, but I have good increased regen on two items. Anyway, F&S is nice synergy with B&S.

Well I can mix and match my gems now because of my armor has two white sockets. Running Elemental Focus as my lone blue as someone else in this thread had mentioned. Someone else deeper into the thread mentioned to run Elemental Proliferation in this thread.

Which of these 2 is the better if I'm at T2 gear?

I'm also debating close combat vs ruthless. Not sure how proximity works but CC might be better than Ruthless most of the time for mapping and bosses.

Thoughts, anybody?

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