Developer Questions and Answers

When making Path of Exile, how many expansions/leagues did you have in mind at the start? Was Fall of Oriath or any of the story a set, eventual goal from the start or did they appear in closer times to their respective releases? And if the former is the case how many ideas are there that are still unimplemented from when the game first released?
Sekhema/Sanctum enjoyer
What is your company's Trade Secret?
Last edited by TeraKelciPC#7381 on Aug 5, 2019, 12:12:36 AM
Are you going to continue unique balance changes, that you started in betrayal patch?
Any plan on potentially adding league mechanics (like Syndicate encounters, alva incursions, or niko's sulphite) to zana map modifiers? Or, any ideas on increasing the ability to select which league mechanic you want in your maps?
What is the point of loot explosions?

Everyone plays with loot filters. Nobody ever picks up those whites, blues and 95% of rares. Maybe it will be worth to reduce amount of loot clutter?

Any chance that with upcoming rendering rework players will have more settings?

What do you think about auction house for maps/currency/fragments/etc only?
Last edited by HennekY#0532 on Apr 23, 2019, 12:29:47 AM
Hey there,

How about optimization on ps4? Whu dynamic resolytion not correctly working on ps4?
Do you have plans for Guild hideouts, where guild members can gather, trade or exchange items, chat, play little mini games or some rounds of "public PVP" etc, as suggested by the community long ago?
Do you have any plans regarding the recent abundance of time/resource sensitive content that actively punishes you for choosing to do anything else?

What I mean, is stuff like Incursion, Synthesis, Delve, Betrayal, where you hit the point of: "You must now spend your resources or miss out on any future resources."

From what I gathered, the reason I did not enjoy this league much is the sheer amount of things I'm incentivized to do, not because it's fun—The game in general is fun—but because I'll be technically losing out if I do not.

I like incursion, I like delve, betrayal, and even the idea of synthesis. I hate the feeling of, "Oh hey you have to do this now or we will punish you for it." I really don't think that's the kind of incentive that is conducive to a fun gaming experience in the long run, at least not for me. I like grinding things in my arpg's and I'd love to play for a few days, and then rock out multiple temples in a row. Or do that Uber elder fight, but in the middle of killing the guardians I have to run synthesis, a temple, some delve, and a safehouse, when all I wanted to do was fight the boss. Right now they feel too much like an interruption to the game.

With love, some guy from Finland.
What was one of the funniest things you've all seen in Developing a mechanic, be it a silly graphical glitch, odd audio things, etc. I love hearing about the silly things that we never see before they are fixed!
"Steps to enlightenment brighten the way, but the stairs are steep; take time them one at a time."
Have you ever considered doing a Legacy league v2 to further experiment with direct integration with previous league systems into the core game?

I.E. (Talisman, Warbands, Darkshrine) unlike with Delve, Synthesis, and Betrayal league mechanic. Where previous league mechanics like Talisman are more of a side/extra thing that happens at seemingly random.

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