Developer Questions and Answers
Will the next leagues be simpler or complex like betrayal, synthesis. Or will be intercalating simpler and complex leagues?
Next leagues will continue the trend of introducing new lore like last ones? |
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Since you make support gems like "remote mine" "spell totem", "ranged totem" or trap is there any project to make a support gem that turn a spell into a symbol spell ?
I really like this mechanic and think it's a harm that there only two of them :( |
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Are there any plans to once again have colorblind friendly sockets?
Something along the lines of Red square, green triangle, blue circle. That or use the notches as they once were but. Example blue no notches, red have 4 notches in a square pattern, and green either none or a diamond so that you can look at them quickly and it be easily recognizable. I would also like to ask for this particular issue to be kept in mind when designing mobs, specifically boss encounters. As it is some are far harder for myself due to being unable to determine the difference between the ground, the mob and an attack animation. Are there any plans for bow skills to be focused on along side the melee rework? There are certain uniques like Nuro's harp, Darkscorn, Voltaxic rift, Null's Inclination (chance on hit and/or instead of on kill), and Asenath's Chant(make this 100% chance) that all have cool designs/concepts for play style but are under-powered numerically that could be brought in line with present day numbers. Thank you for your time and efforts. |
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What would need to be done from a technical standpoint in order to implement an automated trading system like a hub/buyout market? And what would be some potential difficulties or barriers faced when considering bringing this into the game?
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Most of these questions are console related about missing features or areas of improvement.
1. Chat implementation? 2. PVP? 3. Custom loot filters? 4. Guilds and Guild Stash? 5. Controller mapping? 6. More audio controls (channels, specific audio ques, overlapping sounds, etc)? 7. More graphic options (including ability to downscale further to minimize lag)? 8. Improvements to desync and rubberbanding (mainly focused on movement skills)? 9. Damage / killed by history log? 10. In-game language selection (currently only goes off of console settings)? Most of these questions I have been asking since Aug 2018 with little to no responses and can be seen - TrueAchievements - XboxClips - Last edited by Corrison#8649 on Apr 22, 2019, 6:22:54 PM
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Delve is an infinite dungeon that was designed so you could push your characters to the limits. But right now its impracticable to push deep without having to buy scarabs. Do you guys plan on addressing this?
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What are your plans for Flicker Strike? Delve and now Synthesis have limited its use.
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Sorry, I'm not with the time to look at 10 pages of questions at this very moment, but I'd like to ask some things.
- It feels like we are spending decreasing less time in maps thanks to introduction of several past league mechanics - most specifically Incursions, Delve and Synthesis. How will this ever increasing amount of content be handled in the future? Are there plans to make it easier for people to experience content they wish without resorting to Scarabs? - What, in the developers' opinions, have been the worst design mistakes of this generation of leagues? - When are we getting a fox themed helmet (like Alpha's Howl for wolves and Starkonja's for bears)? It could even be a MTX and I'd be happy. - Do you at GGG have some kind of random and interesting stats about items/currency/players in general? Things like "percentage of Chaos Orbs that are dropped but not picked", "top 5 least 6 linked uniques", "deadliest Betrayal encounters" and so on? - Are we (PC) going to see trade improvements in the near future? - Are there plans to make standalone players be able to track how many hours they have spent playing the game? - Is the upcoming event league going to be one of the usual Turmoil/Mayhem/Flashback or will it be something slightly different with unique mechanics (i.e. Darkshrine/a Legacy spin off)? Thanks! |
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I'm excited for ExleCon in November! Do you have any recommendations for places to visit on my first trip to New Zealand?
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Are there going to be more hideout improvements in the future? For example, the ability to change the background music or different lighting options for hideouts? Or new non-mtx decorations? And what about the HORRENDOUS favour grind? Any improvements planned for that?
Are there plans to give us some of the skills that the masters are using? Or are there at least plans to make mtx for existing skills to make them look like the skills of the masters (for example make explosive trap look like the one that Einhar is using)? What are some popular anime series among the staff? Is it even a popular thing among the staff to watch anime? There were less and less comments of GGG members in general discussion or off topic in recent (NOT refering to the last 4 seconds) times compared to a year or two ago, is there a specific reason for that or did it just turn out that way? I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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