Developer Questions and Answers
Is there any consideration on reworking how incursion is currently implemented. It's one of the most interesting leagues, but is gated behind so much rng it's difficult to enjoy it in it's current state. Possibly having alva take you to a different instance upon meeting her (akin to opening a lab trial) so that each instance of incursion can be separate and remove the issue of not finding t3 rooms? Also on that note, maybe the final incursion through the full temple could be a map rather than an event, so you aren't penalized for not doing it as soon as possible. It feels especially bad when you get a t3 room that you can't use because you dont have the proper items to use (like the uber corruptions or sacrifice chambers).
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1. Are there any plans to make permanent leagues (regular Standard and Hardcore) more welcoming to play by overhauling the stash system?
This mostly relates to the stash being a cumbersome mess after you have played a few temp leagues and managing such a stash becomes such a bother that many people don't even want to touch it anymore even though they would enjoy doing something with their accumulated resources in the permanent league. Here are some ideas: * Marking multiple tabs and moving them around in bulk. * Grouping tabs together so they stay together. * Quick vendor to either drop items right out of the stash into vendors or straight up vendor the entire content. At the very least for remove-only tabs. * Drag and drop tabs in the drop down list. * Searching for items or mods stash wide (also overhauling how the search functions to make it faster). * The ability to have multiple tabs open at once so you can drag and drop items between them. * Quick tab-sorting options that you can edit the preferences of and sort all your tabs with one click (for example 1. currency tab 2. map tab 3. fragment tab 4. premium tabs 5. regular tabs 6. remove-only tabs 7. race-reward tabs. Sorted by ascending numbers). * Customizable amount of tab rows. * Manually lock tabs (not turn them remove-only, just lock them). * Hide tabs. * Fragmenting the stash (for example one usable one and one remove-only stash) * Let people decide which remove-only tabs get converted to usable ones when they purchase new tabs (especially for premium stash tab upgrades). TL;DR Stash management improvements, when? 2. Right now partaking in trading is only possible through the purchase of a premium stash tab as far as the official side of things is concerned (people can't be expected to make forum listings these days anymore and I think 3rd party programs/tools shouldn't be mandatory to access fundamentals of the game). Any news on the plan of making a premium stash tab (upgrade) unlockable? 3. With the increased amount of (convenience) premium stash tab types the gap between a new player and a paying one became wider. Is it a concern that the benefits of premium purchases become so overbearing that "no pay2win" can be drawn into question? Demo versions of some stash tabs could defuse this (for example a demo-currency tab that holds up to 50 of <chaos currency types). Last edited by Cocofang#3395 on Apr 22, 2019, 6:58:15 PM
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Trade is a hot topic since the very begining, but especialy right now there are alot requests regarding a currency / map / fragment auction house kinda thing.
thinking about it the thing discouraging me the most from actualy playing the game is the need to buy and maintain through trading: -maps -chisel -alcs -chaos/scour -vaals -fragments/scarabs -sextants Is trading the problem or is it the need of all those items which require trading to be maintained and are required for alot people to enjoy the game, maybe a little bit of both? |
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Do you guys think that termites ever choke on splinters?
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Is there a reason you spread league spoilers across many platforms? It would be nice if the official forums received the information, or at least links to all the information, as it came out.
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With the next league confirmed to be "smaller" have you considered the possibility of adding a race rewards season?
The menagerie in it's current state doesn't see any use beyond the altar itself, what changes do you see for the pet zoo, if any? What were the additional ways to earn reputation Chris mentioned during the Betrayal master rework? Has there ever been a game bug that was so hilarious that you left it as a feature in the game? I wonder if Hillock-Senpai will notice me when I go to town??
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When a new league is in development, is it designed for it to be implemented into the core game?
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Any possible spoilers on melee balancing? >.>
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1. In one of the previous QaA (or in an interview with developer) there was a question about mechanics from D2 that will never be added to PoE, Chris answered that you will never add jewels in a form they were implemented in D2. After a while "3.1 Abyss" expansion was released, and it contained abyss jewels/sockets mechanics which is basically the same thing as D2 jewels with a few QoL (like the ability to remove socketed jewel). So, my question is - what changed in your vision about the game so you changed your decision to not add this mechanics?
2. Do you keep track of Mirrors of Kalandra dropped by monsters (chests etc)? If you do, do you count how many mirrors were dropped by monsters but were never picked up by players? :) edit: 3. Why the game don't have any crossbows? For example, as sub-type of base type "Bows", the same way as "Thrusting One Hand Swords" is sub-type of base type "One Hand Swords". You don't like them, or there are some legal issues because of D2 and Bliz?
" Sorry, but i can't read all 14 pages of questions which were written before i posted mine. retired from forum because of censorship and discrimination (also poe2 bad) Last edited by DivineChampion#3546 on Apr 22, 2019, 7:19:56 PM
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I have a few questions to ask you guys and gals there at GGG
1. Do you have plans for any form of crossplay on console and PC? 2. I'm curious on how your Atlas map changes go from data collecting to changes/buffs/nerfs on map drops, map bosses, etc etc.(example, Volcano going from T6 to T10) 3. Do you plan on making a league based around a community created idea at some point before or after 4.0? Please take your time to answer these questions as best as you can <3 -StudioDJ57 |
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