Update about Synthesis League Changes
It would be a bless if Memory Fragments where more flexible.
Instead of gaining it with already built bridges, they get them with a number of connection then you have control on how you connect them with each others. You enter the frag, build a bridge on entry point then interact with an object on possibles exits to build more bridges. Would also love if those fragments were real items (like maps), so you could use currency on them, or trade if you don't feel like doing nexus things (total number of palced fragments should be lowered to prevent silly things? ) |
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So we still will have the issue where we have a memory modifier on a zone, but for the last usage of that zone, we only get 1/4 of the benefit from the "massively-buffed" memory modifiers on that zone because it decays.
The worst part of this league mechanic is decaying zones in the nexus. There is no rhythm of gameplay as every other zone you switch from full clear and pick up everything to rush through and pick up nothing. The decay mechanic should not exist in the nexus. Why do we want to farm memory modifiers when at most we only get to receive 66% of it's benefit. I assure you that this league will be more fun, in rewards, ability to understand, and ease of access for all players if the zone just expired rather than having the decay mechanic. |
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I mean, looks like you made the mechanic better. Still sitting in hideout with no maps because sustain is still garbage.
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Looks like some solid changes.
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Instead of releasing a new league every 3 months, I think you should consider releasing a new one every 4 months and taking the month you have in addition to openbeta test it. It would enable everybody to enjoy a clean fresh new league with hype when the time has come, instead of playing through bugged ones with design issues which make players leaving the game after two weeks.
Personnaly it wouldn't bother me to have to wait one more month to get a perfect experience, regarding the rythm of releases you guys keep and the complexity of each new league it would be largely acceptable ! Last edited by Dedisdead#2682 on Mar 21, 2019, 9:36:47 PM
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Still got zero idea how this memory system works.
Why can't I place a memory on the map and then it becomes fixed & frees a slot in my tiny memory inventory? |
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" WOW, delete my comment cause truth hurts?? lol, what a joke If you can't handle the truth, just delete the forum post - Precious Flower
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stop ruining the league.
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Yay, this WILL make me return fo sure.
Couple observations: 1. ability to move memories mitigate a lot from the debuff that is the very limited memory inventory AND finding yourself midway in a long run without necessary piece/configuration to continue. +++ 2. less global modifiers but massively powerful its a two edge blade, depends on what "massive" means, but in conjunction with moving memories u CAN create 4-5 tiles areas with really powerful/desirable mods on them, which can also combine with intrinsec mods of those areas AND with golden buffers zones too ++- 3. trampling on acquire instead of placing...mhmhm. I dont see much improvement here, there is still a possibility to spawn a weird connectable node over or near a planned path, fuxoring it up. IF ONLY planned memory can disappear all together and have all memory activating when placed (with a confirmation button if u want to avoid trigger finger bad placements). If u dont like what u placed and built u can always move them about. Also make new spawns at least 1 tile away of any placed memory, and that way can avoid un-connectable situations. --+ 4. regarding the possible end of beta stage with these changes, how about restart the league from 0, call it NEXUS (maybe even re-enable DX9 temporarily, till next league with more time to betatest tech issues). IF u're afraid is too much of a thing, make a poll question on front page about it and you will see what the sovereign people of POE will vote, and not just opinions of redditors, forum dwellers or vocal minorities. Also, i like how Bex and Natalie play good cop/bad cop. All good news come from Bex, all meh ones from Nat. Like them both tho :) wink wink Last edited by Zenshii#3162 on Mar 21, 2019, 9:58:18 PM
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This league is not rewarding enough, I dont understand why the key point of a loot grinder game is not prepared well enough to be rewarding? Whats the point of decreasing the rewards for a 3 month league that will render items useless anyway.
Also I think you should revise the league mechanics. |
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