Synthesis Week 1: What We're Working On
" That's what Reddit never understands. Things that seem "hard" or "complex" are not a problem, some part of the community is and they have a high representation through a shitfiesta called Reddit. How is it possible, people suggest to be able to rotate pieces? Did they even play the league more than 1 min? I would like too, to have a league where I enter a zone and I have a 100% chance drop of a mirror. Easy to understand and very rewarding. /s Can you think for 1 sec about the game and not whats easier for you? |
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Please just stop using Time Trial mechanics in this game, players that like going fast will regardless and players that don't like going fast get screwed over for no reason. It's why I quit Incursion after a week and why I'm not interested in this league AT ALL so far (I like the puzzle pieces and board game bit, but not enough to make up for this stupid time pressure mechanics that have no reason to exist other than to punish players who choose to play at their own pace.)
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" Just lost my second HC character to this ~5min ago, good job GGG implementing this botched job of a league, performance gets worse and worse with every patch while you keep bloating the game and lying to our face about how directx11 is somehow supposed to improve this mess. But hey at least RF has a fancy graphical effect that now slowly burns the foliage around us, amazing sense of priorities guys. |
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" One part of a solution I can see here is to make the Memories only spawn on the corners of allocated paths, And/Or have the spawned memories have 4 -way access points to be accessible through any direction, and/or don't have memories spawn in the location if the location cannot be accessed without deleting a memory link. Another thing you might do is indicate before entering a memory, to claim it for the nexus, what directions the memory takes so that players can plan their move to grab them in a vague sense. Since they won't know the exact layout of any area they enter beyond that "it's roughly square and the points to grab are somewhere NE, SE, etc." this doesn't seem to break anything. They also need to actually complete the memory (unless I'm understanding this mechanic wrong...) |
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There are a lot of Server issues please focus on fixing them.
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The whole spawning ruining planned routes could be easily fixed...
An item should still spawn where it intends, but if it is adjacent to a planned section or live section with a bridge it should automatically connect. This *could* lead to 'atlas blocking' after a fasion, but not knowing when or what will spawn will limit this. Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive. Patch Notes 3.19: Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment. |
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" I have the same probs and I am on an ssd. I didn’t have an issue last league. ✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags. |
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I'm really sad to see no mention of the two key things ZiggyD brought to light with his guide video on Synthesis that seem clunky or unintended.
Is there no plans to change deleting decayed memories and replacing them with new plans and clicking the stabilizer twice at the start of a new area to fix the gap in your path? What about the whole being able to jump into the darkness of a cleared reward area to get to the exit to go back to the one you cleared before? These two things are really inconsistent if they work or not and really feel like they weren't intended in the first place. The decayed nodes sometimes just bug out and you aren't able to delete them and plan new nodes on top of them. Sometimes when you backtrack from a reward room the old area has reset and you need to use another charge of it but sometimes it hasn't reset and you get to run to the next path for free. Sometimes if you use the nexus portal on a cleared area it will reset and you need to clear it again. There's just so much weird shit and bugs in the league that makes me want to skip the mechanics entirely or just not play until it's fixed. It feels like every time I enter the Memory Nexus I encounter a bug that ruins the experience. The last time I've been this disappointed in a league was Bestiary when I wasn't able to enter the boss areas at all because of a client crash and at that point I just stopped playing. And I otherwise actually liked Bestiary. In general leagues of the past have been a lot of fun even with their problems. With Synthesis those problems make it really hard to enjoy it. Not to mention the league feels really really unrewarding. I have yet to see anything from it I don't get from normal mapping. Last edited by eepoo#0692 on Mar 11, 2019, 10:55:23 PM
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no word on fixing the bug thats making people literary unable to enter the nexus since they didnt talk to cavas?
that should be a top priority |
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Pls add some more new veiled mods and more custom implicit mods for minions and summoners!
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch Phrecia veiled crafting all service all crafts mods Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod! Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead |
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