Stress Free PoE| SLOW MO ZOMBIES |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas [3.6]
" Thanks for the detailed response. 1. I made a Basalt Flask, got the exact one I wanted(Experimenter's of the Heat) in just two Alterations, it's like if it was a Prophecy :D (I guess that was to make up for my Seething flask taking 100 orb of alts) 2. Cool, I like this playstyle. 3. I upgraded some of my leveling gear, now I have 3843. My boots and helmet have no life, so I still have room to improve. 4. Good point plus I can see the cooldown being annoying. Yea, I can't wait for prices to settle down enough. Thanks again. |
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" Appreciate the thorough response and advice! Im definitely going to take your advice and do the guardian maps without mods the first times. I'll hop back in this thread with an update on how things go or if i have any other questions. Thanks again! |
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" I glance at it from time to time but I just cannot get past the cool down. AND, there are things that I can do with 2 skill points that are far more to my liking (two life nodes if available, or a jewel with life plus something interesting and maybe some dex or a resist). Now if you have the build mechanics nailed and are speeding through the maps unscathed, it might be just the ticket mind you. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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Dear Wrecker!
When PoE was announced for PS4 last year I set out to find what char I'd like to play with and I came across your guide and reread it many times. I have slow reflexes so your premise is perfect for me plus your in-guide explanation allowed me to really grasp mechanics behind the build and get adventurous with giving it my own flavour. - I tried out various movement skills and I fell in love with shield charge. I have lightning on my weapon so it still triggers EE. - I'm lvl 70 in act 9 and the zombies are so tanky nothing kills them so I fitted contagion and bane on CwDT instead of desecrate and flesh offering. Enemies around me explode when I glide through their packs lol. When time comes and zombies begin to struggle I'll switch back to the original set up. - I have Vaal skellies and I love deploying them at a single press of a button so I have the normal skellies assigned as well and on the totem. - I haven't found enhanced support gem yet and I don't want to spend my chaos so in the mean time I experiment with several other gems in the spare slot (I have 3 weapons with different socket colour variations :p ) Question time! What should I focus on when picking up the gear off the floor: stats or socket/links amount? I don't want to spend my orbs at the bench yet because something better might drop as soon as I step out of the hideout so this is my only conundrum at the moment and it's killing my decision making efficiency lol I love this build, the logic behind it, the simplicity of its use and I can't wait to see your vortex occultist guide published! Don't start with Snail
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" The question you ask is something that just about everyone has to work out. You of course will want to hear what WOD has to say, but here is my two cents. Generally, your socket combos are priority one but you need good stats too. When you first start out, you are given a basic link and you can get by with minimal gear. The further you progress, the more you need both to be better. At first, you can do little to change your sockets and so I feel that socket management is my key concern - but since you only need a few, there is lots of room to fit some Life into your other gear. As I gain the ability to manipulate sockets, my focus changes from worrying about the original sockets to focusing on how cheap it would be to alter the sockets, the quality of the stats, and whether there is room to craft on something. I do not want to spend my orbs early in the game unless it is both very cheap and very necessary/advantageous. Act 9 or Act 10 is probably about where I am willing to make small adjustments - typically to the colour of sockets rather than amount or links. (easy stuff like trying to get 3 or 4 blue sockets on Energy Shield only gear). But it is a really personal choice. What drives me is that I want to have some of my defensive links in place and have good life plus max resists by the time I hit the end of Act 10. (Act 5 too and to this end, I start crafting the cheaper Resist and Life mods at least before the end of Act 3.) If you get far enough, what you will likely care about is the quality of the stats including open crafting slots, and whether or not you can afford to set the sockets up properly. So me, I transition from being socket focused to being stats focused, and you are about in the spot where I start to make the shift. Related Info: The tree generally provides more than enough offensive and so a nice weapon is, nice, but not necessary. The build does not get a lot of advantage from big armour/evasion/ES stats on your gear and so if you find a lower tier item with great stats, it works out just fine. Finding a base type with the right defence - generally ES (easier to roll blue sockets) but some Armour (easier to roll red sockets) and maybe Evasion (easier to roll green sockets) really keeps the socket crafting costs down. It is very advantageous to max out the quality of an item before attempting to get more sockets or more links. In the Delve are crafting formulas to modify sockets (they generally offer a fixed, but high cost to do specific things). For this build, I think your key pieces are - your chest piece (if you use a shield, it is the only item that you can 5 link or 6 link; you can craft +1Zombies/Skeletons; and, it has the potential for a great Life roll; and - your helm (you can get +2 Minion Gems and/or a Bone Helmet; you can craft +1Zombies/Skeletons; and, it has the potential for a great Life roll. I also like high movement on my boots. I also keep my old gear around just in case something nice drops but then as a result I need to play the music chair game with my gear in order to fit it in. Good Luck. (If you wish for other players to be able to view your Character, then you will need to change your privacy settings.) Edit: I cannot imagine that WOD will not bring it up, but if they do not put in a few words about their custom Loot Filter, ask them. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath Last edited by walkjohn55#8649 on Apr 11, 2019, 12:57:22 PM
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" Thank you for this! Extremely helpful! |
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First of all, I thank you for uploading so exquisitely build, I loved it and I have reached T10 without problems.
My questions are the following: 1.- How to obtain "better zombie and skeletons" in the helmet and in the armor? 2.- How do I create the weapon of a hand that you have "Staff" with 6 linked links ?, I only find in of 5 link and they are not even linked. 3.- I am currently using "The Devouring Diamen necromancer circlet" to carry out the auras and get "EB", in the passive tree select MOM and have more resistances, to overcome the T10. What do you think of this helm option? 4.- I leave my pastebin for you to see please. 5.- I am not clear if in the game we also use the skeletons constantly or we only use their "Vaal" ability against the bosses. Many greetings and congratulations for your excellent construction have made it very easy to reach this point thanks to your work! |
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"I'm glad you got to play PS4 on the console! It's really awesome. I'm glad you found a build that works for you! I'm very happy to have helped you play and learn the game. Thanks for taking the time to complement :). "Your setup seems great! And it seems you're really comfortable with it too! Great job! Don't feel like you need Enhance. It's fun to have but it's not important at all. Most people can't even tell the visual difference in the "slow" whether it's equipped or not. Phase Run would be a skill that I would consider in the meantime (or instead of). Then you could have 5 life flasks and only need to use one button for them. Awesome answer by walkjohn55! LOVE it. "Gear only needs Health and Resists. Honestly, that's it. So get the highest life rolls you can, and there's a big benefit to seriously overcapping your resists too. In terms of the types of items, the defense (armour, ES, Evasion) they are almost irrelevant to this build. They all require investment on the passive tree to be useful...and we didn't invest ;). The filter that I have for PC (I know you're PS4) only shows items with a Strength and Intelligence base...for the sake of easy Chromatic rolls. For the most part though, your conundrum between stats and sockets/links has no right answer. It's totally preference. Some prefer to have all their gems working with crappy life, the others prefer to not die and have the gems level later. Do what makes you smile more. Honestly. Or, do what makes you less mad ;). If you're the type of person that's a "saver" then keep your currency AT LEAST until endgame. You'll get used to identifying gear that's mediocre or great for your build. Spend currency once you KNOW it's a good idea. If a chest piece drops with only 2 suffix, 100+ life, and 3 decent resists, that's your ticket to 5 linking it (craft the +1 Zombies for the extra Suffix). But that mentality only works if you're staying alive enough for your liking. "Thank you again! And I'm currently working on the third guide right now. Hopefully it'll be posted soon, within a couple days (I have Dark Souls plans tonight). I hope this wasn't too vague. You already had a great response by walkjohn55. But in my opinion, your question is more a situation of preference than it is "right or wrong". Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"You're very welcome! I'm glad you're having such a good and easy time with it! "Elder maps drop the minion mods that help us with the minion specific rolls that can't be found anywhere else. So do some Elder Maps and hopefully you'll get lucky. It's hard though cause doing Elder Maps, gets rid of other Elder maps :(. "I'm not sure I totally understand this question. Let me know if I didn't understand correctly. A staff is a two handed weapon. I did a two handed weapon in 3.5 but went back to single handed for 3.6 (and will keep it that way I think). Over time there will be 6 linked staves (staffs) on trade sites. It's likely just timing. If you're playing league, many league players typically stop playing around this point and wait for the next league. So buying the market slows down a bit at this point. To make a 6 link, you can use your crafting bench (if you have the craft unlocked) by spending 1500 fusings to guarantee the 6 link on an item. "I think it's an awesome option if you're staying alive and feel like it's easy! Most of the attributes coincide really well with our build! So if you don't feel like health is an option, keep it going! Those are good defensive choices you made. "That looks really good! You have lots of health and more defensive nodes at the cost of curse effectiveness. And you have great health even with the three uniques! That looks awesome! You seem like you get the game really well. "It's totally a matter of preference. The more you cast, the more vulnerable you are...but the more damage is out there. Some battles/map mods will determine the best course of action for you, but for the most part, it's 100% preference. I personally tend to ignore my skeletons until a boss battle. "Thank you very much for taking the time to complement and ask questions. I'm glad you're doing so well and are enjoying yourself! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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I just noticed these posts on the 3.5 version of the guide.
"Ha ha. Good point :). I'll get playing (I have to make videos for all three builds) right after I finish the Vortex Guide. "That was very kind of you to translate your original message for me! For your sake though (to save you time), with my guides, you're welcome to post in your native language and I'll respond the best I can via Google Translate. ¡Fue muy amable de tu parte traducir mi mensaje original para mí! Sin embargo, por su bien (para ahorrar tiempo), con mis guías, puede publicar en su idioma nativo y responderé lo mejor que pueda a través de Google Translate. :) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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