Stress Free PoE| SLOW MO ZOMBIES |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas [3.6]

Dear walkjohn55 and WOD thank you very much for your exhaustive replies! They've been most helpful and now I know what kind of gear to look for

walkjohn55 wrote:
If you wish for other players to be able to view your Character, then you will need to change your privacy settings.

I have rectified the settings and I hope now my character is visible.

I got lucky and yesterday a unique weapon dedicated to minions dropped which kind of forced that second stage walkjohn55 spoke of and I did a bit of tweak crafting lol

I've run into a different problem though - I wanted to use area of effect support for temporal chains and blasphemy to extend their range but then it leaves me no mana to cast anything else (I've taken all the curse related nodes on the tree already) and I can't figure how to make it wider without enhance :(

I'll give phase run another go with more in depth testing of its application possibilities :)

Once again thank you both for your time and input, it's very much appreciated <3

Don't start with Snail
Last edited by AnnMaRou#9929 on Apr 12, 2019, 6:03:36 AM
AnnMaRou wrote:

I've run into a different problem though - I wanted to use area of effect support for temporal chains and blasphemy to extend their range but then it leaves me no mana to cast anything else (I've taken all the curse related nodes on the tree already) and I can't figure how to make it wider without enhance :(

Once again thank you both for your time and input, it's very much appreciated <3

You are welcome. Now, regarding area of effect:

I would suggest checking out the Sovereignty cluster just SW of Purity of Flesh (where you got those lovely Chaos resists). The first node will increase your aura areas. If you continue down and around, you can cut into your mana reservation (but I advise checking it out on POB first in order to see if it is enough before committing any skill points). If you are ever so close on Mana reservation, there is another reduction node just south of Hex Master.

You can directly up a gem's quality by spending big at the Market (buy one ready to go, or buy Gemcutter's Prisms), or by playing a lot (I level up a gem to level 20, vend it plus a GCP to get a level 1 gem with 20% quality, then level again to 20 - like I said, play a lot). All you need to do now would be to add some alternate weapons and put in some gems - they will level up in the alternate spot. WOD's guide suggests which gems are improved the most by quality - and they are materially improved I might add. On PS, I expect that the Market route (except maybe to buy one GCP if RNG has been truly unkind) is a no go.

But all that aside, I suggest spending your next two skill points on picking up Gravepact.

Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
Last edited by walkjohn55#8649 on Apr 12, 2019, 12:38:19 PM
Hey was just wondering, my enfeeble gem wont proc when I hit an enemy when its linked to charged dash. Its also linked with the curse on hit support gem but i dont get those curse debuff icons.

how do i solve this>??
MrKrabbz wrote:
Hey was just wondering, my enfeeble gem wont proc when I hit an enemy when its linked to charged dash. Its also linked with the curse on hit support gem but i dont get those curse debuff icons.

how do i solve this>??
Hey MrKrabbz,

Would you mind making your character list public on the Path of Exile website here? Then I could take a good look at the details to see what's up. If you do it, let me know when it's done. Private message me if you're worried about it. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
MrKrabbz wrote:
Hey was just wondering, my enfeeble gem wont proc when I hit an enemy when its linked to charged dash. Its also linked with the curse on hit support gem but i dont get those curse debuff icons.

how do i solve this>??
Hey MrKrabbz,

Would you mind making your character list public on the Path of Exile website here? Then I could take a good look at the details to see what's up. If you do it, let me know when it's done. Private message me if you're worried about it.

There you go
Awesome. I just finished the Cursin' Vortex (Occultist) guide. You can find it here if you're interested. I still need to do a Video example of the guide and a PC filter (I'll likely do the filter for 3.7), but everything else is done! I hope you like it! (If you try it.) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
MrKrabbz wrote:
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
MrKrabbz wrote:
Hey was just wondering, my enfeeble gem wont proc when I hit an enemy when its linked to charged dash. Its also linked with the curse on hit support gem but i dont get those curse debuff icons.

how do i solve this>??
Hey MrKrabbz,

Would you mind making your character list public on the Path of Exile website here? Then I could take a good look at the details to see what's up. If you do it, let me know when it's done. Private message me if you're worried about it.

There you go
Everything in terms of game mechanics looks fine (proper gem levels and curse limits). My guess, cause I haven't played with them before and the wiki site says nothing, is that it's the gloves you're using. I'll bet that the "Trigger Socketed Curse Skill when you cast a Curse Skill" is conflicting with the Curse on Hit Trigger gem.

Try using another pair of gloves for a test and see if that's the difference maker.

Hopefully that's it. Let me know if it isn't.

(Great gear and build by the way. You're looking good!) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
That build looks real interesting!
I was more referring to the build that is shown on the forum.. My enfeeble wont proc when the links on my gear are:

Enfeeble --> Fortify Support --> Charged Dash --> Cursed On Hit Support

yet the Enfeeble curse doesn't apply when I hit my charged dash ability.

this could be because of my gloves which are mucking the whole process up, which are these:     Vixen's Entrapment, Embroidered Gloves
Last edited by MrKrabbz#6362 on Apr 13, 2019, 1:50:54 AM
MrKrabbz wrote:
That build looks real interesting!
I was more referring to the build that is shown on the forum.. My enfeeble wont proc when the links on my gear are:

Enfeeble --> Fortify Support --> Charged Dash --> Cursed On Hit Support

yet the Enfeeble curse doesn't apply when I hit my charged dash ability.

this could be because of my gloves which are mucking the whole process up, which are these:     Vixen's Entrapment, Embroidered Gloves

update, its not because of my gloves
MrKrabbz wrote:

update, its not because of my gloves

I too was concerned at one point that my curse on hit curse did not get applied. Eventually I settled on that the Build kills trash too quickly for me to notice and I was too distracted against the tougher stuff to notice - but that's just me.

What I did do was try a couple of tests ( in lower level areas).
I swapped out my curse on hit curse for one where the indicator was more noticeable.
And even better (and cheaper), I turned off my Blasphemy aura so that there would be no visual competition.
I also switched up my curses, but that really didn't reveal much to me.

I suggest the tests just in case they might help you narrow down the root of your problem.
Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath

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