While i do love this game it is my Guild that has kept me playing through some of the harsher climates in POE history including the current Blight league which i love the mechanic but for various reasons am not having much fun.

POE especially in the last few years has been trending towards (my loot your exp) and a lot of other selfish behavior which only reinforces a toxic atmosphere.. however with my guild and our simple rules such as splitting drops from group activity of 1ex+ we have managed to create a Healthy and Positive atmosphere to play in keeping this game fun.

Guilds need all the support you can give them GGG, The more options available to set more ranks and configure stash tabs accordingly will help create progression and a sense of achievement within a community and give so many players a reason to keep playing and a sense of pride if they happen to be a member in a good guild be it small or large.

Since betrayal i have been trying to grow my guild and have been lucky to meet many great people from all over the world but it has been difficult to keep them playing sometimes even with incentives, anything that might make guilds better is going to help this game a lot in the long run.
Innocence forgives you
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
no love for guilds? :(
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
I would love to see this implemented in the game as well as maybe a guild merger button, idk
BAMP - this thread is integral to the future of this game
Innocence forgives you
So am I still waiting
For this game to stop hating guilds
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
I 100% Believe that supporting guilds by updating and adding critical features such as mentioned in this thread is severely important if this game wishes to survive in the long term.. Every mmorpg (and dont be fooled this is both an arpg and an mmorpg) i have ever played it was coming together with others that kept me playing and inspired me to work the hardest

In a guild its not just about you and that can help you go far beyond your personal goals and well into the final days of a league to support your guild mates or whichever game mode you call home here in POE where you might have otherwise fizzled out after just a week or two as many do.

It provides support on so many levels but especially for new players to have people to help guide them through this complicated and wonderful game for the first time to help bring players to love this game hopefully as much as i have for so many years.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Dec 12, 2019, 4:05:26 AM
i love this idea, this deserves a bump indeed.

add some guild relevant stuff, idk, internal quick races, bossfighting competitions small fun stuff that will give people a reason to meet up in guild hideouts. I support this 100%
Set sail for epic fail
Plaguetongue1 wrote:
i love this idea, this deserves a bump indeed.

add some guild relevant stuff, idk, internal quick races, bossfighting competitions small fun stuff that will give people a reason to meet up in guild hideouts. I support this 100%

That sounds fun and maybe the guild could set up some prize pools for example the first to reach level (insert level) or whatever objective to encourage people in the guild to work hard to be the first to achieve the goal.

The idea of boss fighting would be pretty cool if you could have an all purpose arena in the guild hideout for both that and some friendly PVP, in terms of boss fighting it could even be an unlockable system based on RNG to even have X boss available and have a leaderboard in the hideout to show who killed it the fastest or took the least damage etc.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Dec 13, 2019, 4:52:22 AM
A forgotten issue but not on my watch.
Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!

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