Acid caverns t13 map boss

That guy scared me too. Not least because the first time going through the map (and I generally play careful, without 10000% move speed and suchlike). Suddenly some beast pops out of the ground and instantly one-shots me. "WTF happened?!"

It's part of the same wild imbalance, but with experience you can manage most of it. Sometimes you still get wrecked though, and that's what I'm kinda talking about. Not dying per se, but that stuff happens so incredibly fast due to the rate wars going on. Lost 90% of life to one hit, heal everything in 1 second through leech or whatever. Life is spiking every which way all the time, and sometimes these crazy spikes will one-shot you.

In a lot of other games it doesn't work like that. Typically you need to make genuine mistakes to die, not just happen to get "over-spiked".

I'm kind of used to it now after playing the game for a while, but as a new player it was completely bonkers.
Adapt, huh?
So if I know where the boss is, I can throw a couple Arc Traps in there from off-screen, and then watch the thing blow up, right?

Having no arena for the boss works both ways, and it's always bad.
Maybe for the Mud Geyser worm it's there for the scare factor.
But when one-move-wonder bosses like Crimson Temple get their own room, I don't see why others should not.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Pangaearocks wrote:
but as a new player it was completely bonkers.

Yes, that's something people need to accept i think. PoE is bonkers when you just start playing it
johnKeys wrote:
Adapt, huh?
So if I know where the boss is, I can throw a couple Arc Traps in there from off-screen, and then watch the thing blow up, right?

I'm almost offended lol
Could also use decoy totem - it will gladly get one shot instead of you

johnKeys wrote:

Having no arena for the boss works both ways, and it's always bad.


johnKeys wrote:

Maybe for the Mud Geyser worm it's there for the scare factor.
But when one-move-wonder bosses like Crimson Temple get their own room, I don't see why others should not.

Or maybe because it fits thematically, both for the map and boss? Also variety
Last edited by Nubatack on Jan 26, 2019, 3:05:24 AM
johnKeys wrote:
Having no arena for the boss works both ways, and it's always bad.

Arenas are boring.

Not saying that they are always bad though.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz on Jan 26, 2019, 3:05:01 AM
Fruz wrote:
johnKeys wrote:
Having no arena for the boss works both ways, and it's always bad.

Arenas are boring.

Not saying that they are always bad though.

An area is always appropriate, in my opinion. "You are about to fight the big bad boss. Get ready".

It's just that some bosses are not actual bosses. They are filler. They may have been just a rare screamer (Crimson Temple), a rare Titty shooter (Poorjoy), or an actually weaker version of a rare Kitava fiend (Lookout).
GGG are more than capable of designing a proper map boss, even when they run out of story bosses to rename/enhance. See Primordial Blocks, Estuary, Guardians, Shaper, Elder...

When a filler boss appears inside an arena - that's boring.
When a real boss appears outside of an arena - that's stupid.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys on Jan 26, 2019, 3:23:06 AM
johnKeys wrote:
When a real boss appears outside of an arena - that's stupid.

So ... let's remove all risk related to the boss being somewhere, so that it's easily skippable, so that nothing unexpected can happen ?

-> kind of boring.
Apart from bosses that have special arena setups, like the Omnitech for example.

It's a matter of immersion though :
Arena make a lot of sense when the boss is guardian a gate or something ( example : Merveil in a1 ) ... which is not the case in maps.

Creating an "arena" just because there is a boss, for this sole reason ... is imho: boring.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz on Jan 26, 2019, 3:40:47 AM
I never understood the "easily skip" argument.
Once the developers start balancing the game around players who skip bosses or who AltF4, we will all be fu... ah never mind GGG already do that.

Seriously though, the boss needs to be the boss. Not some random monster with more HP and one attack.
And the boss needs to have a boss room. Because boss.
Plus, as you said, an arena can have specific mechanics and special effects. But that's not mandatory.

In the words of a guy from God Hand: "finally, a boss fight!".
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys on Jan 26, 2019, 4:50:20 AM
johnKeys wrote:
And the boss needs to have a boss room. Because bossI said so.

Fixed it for you.

You are merely applying your own standard as an established truth
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Morgrants is a she....(based on a Scion no less).

And was the only one missing for my warband achievement. Found her for the first time this league :)

If a numpty like me can beat it deathless at the first, I won't say it.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D

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