Time Capsule from PoE Closed Beta -- a classic PoE vs D3 thread circa 2012

Indeed it seems so, big companies like EA just want to make as much money as possible so aim their games at kids who don't buy it with their own money so don't care if its awful, and of course they can put next to no content in and just say its a great game and they will believe them.

Theres so few companies around that make games for gamers, the guys who make dark souls and the such are one of the few left around. Now THAT game is not for easy mode loving kids
I looked at that briefly and it looked really cool. There aren't a lot of good games out there anymore though :(
Julius's path of exile wine bundle for mac here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/48708/page/1
WarBarney wrote:
Why do people keep making these threads =( yes D3 has been turned into a easy mode pile of crap that only the new age kids who like to headbutt a keyboard to win with 0 puzzles or other challenge or any kind will play, but thats their problem and unfortunately there is a LOT of those types of kids so it will most likely do well.

We should just be thankful theres still companies making games for gamers who enjoy a challenge instead of a film where they press a key now and then

The ignorance, it hurts!
''Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters.
The silence is your answer.''

IGN: Vaeralyse
OP nailed many of my own thoughts right on the head. The only thing I must say Diablo 3 has going for it is simply the story line. You can't land a better Story then Heaven and Hell fighting for control of the mortal world.

As far as gameplay, darkness, atmosphere, and freedom to make that character you desire. Path of Exile lands those, hands down.

The only reason I have stopped playing PoE Beta is because I want to forget about the experiences I have had with this game, so that when it releases as a full fleshed out game, it can strike me as almost new again!

Heres a toast to PoE and GGG, keep up the outstanding work. Chris, I once sent you emails daily :) know that I have never abandoned this game, just simply came to terms with this game being so amazing that I want to savor that experience for the full release!

- Mordliss
Beta Tester Since: v0.9.0
Proud Host of Aug 2011 Fan Art Contest
Yeah I just got into the beta, waiting for it to install then I think I'll try out the witch first. Can't wait to start testing :)
Julius's path of exile wine bundle for mac here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/48708/page/1
Last edited by Faerie_Storm#2108 on Mar 26, 2012, 3:37:24 PM
WarBarney wrote:
Why do people keep making these threads =( yes D3 has been turned into a easy mode pile of crap that only the new age kids who like to headbutt a keyboard to win with 0 puzzles or other challenge or any kind will play, but thats their problem and unfortunately there is a LOT of those types of kids so it will most likely do well.

We should just be thankful theres still companies making games for gamers who enjoy a challenge instead of a film where they press a key now and then

I'm not very good at searching forums these days. I get a bit of a rant on and once I've ascertained the audience won't completely savage me, I let rip. I was also at work and couldn't actually play the game. There was a lot pent up in me regarding D3 and I saw no real harm giving vent to it here, on what must be considered objectively a site that will attract like minds regarding Blizzard's mismanagement of the Diablo franchise.

That said, I would be a LOT less happy with the feedback had there not been even one detractor, one person to critically unravel my argument. Not a troll but a serious opponent to blind fanaticism. I didn't make the thread to hear the same opinion. I made it to give mine and see what came in response, and then allow all of those to either fortify or modify my initial position: either is enriching. We all come away knowing a bit more than we did going in.

...To me, that's the only reason to write or read anything at all.

Faerie_Storm: CONGRATS! :)
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Thanks, but I haven't been able to get it to run yet. I realized my PC's graphics card it too old XD. Trying to run it under wine on my iMac, and if that does't work it should work on my macbook pro under wine (which is running lion) Until I can buy a nice new graphics card. It works on snow leopard, but I couldn't get it running with the sound XD.

Too many computers.... XD
Julius's path of exile wine bundle for mac here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/48708/page/1
Last edited by Faerie_Storm#2108 on Mar 26, 2012, 9:13:54 PM
The original post absolutely sums up my feelings for Diablo 3. Patch 13 killed it for me. I canceled my CE pre order and here I am looking at PoE.

I haven't been able to try PoE yet, but I'm hoping I'll enjoy it.
Great post !

There is an AA+ industry, there are indie-developers, but there are so less developers making games for game veterans.

want more of these games, in many genres.

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