Zana Shaped Mod not progressing atlas

Using Zana Shaped mod on a map with shaper influence next to an elder influence is currently not able to spread the elder infleunce. I tested this a few times and also noticed that using shaped mod on a map with shaper influence completely ignores the shaper influence. (It will spawn as a normal map). This is also experienced and confirmed by other players.

This was not the interaction of using zana shaped mod last season, and there was no mention of it in the patch notes. I assume it's a bug. Please fix!
Last bumped on Mar 27, 2019, 10:29:14 PM
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Same here, also posted this bug. And maps drops is ignoring Shaped/Elder Zana's mod. Tested on +20 maps. Fix this please!
its bugged atm, this bug was introduced in the latest patch still waiting for a fix.

no elder/shaped legacy maps fix, no more shaped/elder zana mod influence farming i must say this launch is a lot of fun!
I miss harvest, 36/40 never forget.
Mirror drop - Strand clear speed meta legacy league month "5"
Mirror drop - Canyon casual farming harby ultimatum league month "1"
now i'm a main standard league player.
league content on standard when? GGG! show us some love.
+1 same issue, zana shaped mod removes elder/shaper influence from the base map.
Yup, experiencing the same. Maps shaped/eldered through the map device do not stay shaper/elder influenced, and also do not trigger daily quests like Einhars. Makes the mod far less useful.
I have the exact same problem: trying to move shaper influence off from t5 mausoleum, run it with Zana's Shaped (1-5) and resulting map was not influenced by shaper (no shaper effects on map) and shaper influence didnt move.

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