Slow Mo Zombies! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxed Playstyle|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]
Maybe somebody has already asked, but, do you have recommended uniques for either leveling or end game. Some people including me might not be playing this as a league starter and have the ability to invest in unique, what would be some uniques that you recommend for quicker facerolling and leveling. I am not saying that the damage sucks, the damage is probably some of the best early game single target damage I have seen.
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"Hey Pampero, AnExile_onthePath answered wonderfully. Here is a link that gives all the movement skills. Check out which Attacks (not spells) may interest you if you choose to keep Fortify (which I think is a good idea). When you said "My toon is Lines_Seta (if someone wants to check)." Were you asking for character feedback? Or was that just providing information regarding your movement skill question? Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey kunpengx, Minions are so dependant on the tree and gems, and almost not at all on gear, that really, the only gear you need to blow through story is gear that has great health and resists. Just live. Zombies suck right away, but skeletons makeup for that. SRS too. But here's a list of some that could work for you. Leveling wise, I only ever care to have a Tabula Rasa and Wanderlust boots. -Sidhebreath Amulet -Singularity (more slowing) -Bones of Ullr or Alberon's Warpath -The Baron -Severed in Sleep/United in Dream -Mon'tregul's Grasp -The Scourge -Queen's Decree/Queen's Escape -Femurs of the Saints -Dying Breath -Geofri's Legacy I hope that helps. If you're familiar with minions and such, the list seems obvious...but really, minions are that easy. And thanks for the compliment! You're kind to say so. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Hey, thank you for the quick reply man, I will take note of these items, again, great build keep up the good work. |
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Hey, thanks for the guide. My build for ssf hc is very different, but i have still learned a tonne from yours.
my only question is - i thought molten shell doesn't actually absorb any dmg - doesn't is just track your damage and then hit others when it maxxes? the gem description suggests that it doesn't reduce the damage you take imo. |
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With Skellies in the 6L chest, I replaced Fortify support with Melee Splash, which improved mob clearing by such an extent that I'm now one shotting everything non-unique/rare with extra life mod in T15-16 maps. To take advantage of this, I started using Phase Run as a mobility/utility skill. Now I clear maps about as fast as I can run so this helps. Equally importantly, 'defence' against endgame bosses such as Hydra and Chimera guardians are primarily based on player skill than gear check, and Phase Run makes fighting these bosses a different experience.
Lastly, I finally had a useful temple run where the T3 gem room sacrifice altar gave me my Lv21/20%Q Raise Zombie gem :) I can probably sell it for a few ex but don't see the need, so enjoying lv21 zombies for now. |
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"Hey InsiderTradingX, Thanks for the compliment! Ya, I don't design my stuff for HC. I'm happy to have helped though! Absorb isn't the correct word. Sorry about that. The skill gives you additional armour. Once the initial stage of Molten Shell starts (when the shields come out) the skill starts tracking all your physical damage mitigation, including blocking. Then once the threshold is reached, then the skill explodes offensively. So you're correct-ish. It tracks your physical damage taken and explodes once a certain number is reached. But it does give you Armour to help with the process. I'll make the corrections in the guide for 3.6. Thanks for pointing it out. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"I'm glad your changes are working well for you! having a 21/20 Zombie is a nice gift! Great job making your minions catch up to your Phase Run. I miss having Phase Run as apart of the build. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" You will need to use a movement skill that has a "attack" component to it with a "hit" part as well. Spells don't do that. Only melee or projectile abilities. This was done to prevent spell users from using Fortify which was designed to help melee live in melee range. Fortify applies as 20% damage reduction, while the buff is up, to most damage sources. So basically if the movement skill gems doesn't have the "Attack" tag at the top, it won't apply fortify. This is important for this build because zombies are literally lobotomized in this game. Their AI is horrible. They basically like to only follow really close to you. They don't like to attack things far away from you. Also, curses really don't go far in terms of distance. Which means to make effective use of a zombie build, you character has to effectively be in melee range. Zombie, and to some degree all minion builds, place your character in the middle of the combat. You could try to use flame dash for just applying elemental equilibrium, and one of the curses in a small area, but it just makes you weaker in terms of tanking damage when you lead the charge into a pack of monsters. Because that is literally what this build is. Charging right into a pack of monsters and convocating your zombies into the middle of them. Then doing it over and over. You will take hits. If you can't survive those hits you'll die a lot. Last edited by Viscar#3519 on Jan 29, 2019, 8:06:20 PM
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hey bro,
Super build! i love it, very fun to play poe with it. force |
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