Slow Mo Zombies! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxed Playstyle|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]
"If that's what I said, I meant they are a permanent skill. Zombies are the most important part of the build. The skeletons are the backup/extra damage. Honestly, you could play this build only skeletons, or only zombies, their both that strong. But Zombies are prioritized. In the single handed version of this guide, the Zombies are the 6 link. But you could switch it if you want. It'd be just as strong the other way around. Let me know where I made the mistake and I'll fix it. (If you just mis-read it, no worries at all!) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 5, 2018, 4:31:49 PM
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is this end game viable with shaper, uber elder etc? sorry for keep asking things. just curious.
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"Good question. Ya, this build can clear the Atlas content no problem. Everyone: The build itself can easily do the content, but the deep endgame stuff requires familiarity. So don't be discouraged if you die a bunch first bunch of times you try the Guardians, Shaper, etc. Once you get used to their methods, you'll be laughing :). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" How about adding a new section to the guide as a reply and then linking to that in the OP? |
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Hey Jakuboss! Welcome to POE! I hope you love it. Well, let me choose for you; you love this game. ;) There's a good community here. You'll find good help all around.
"Great question. I suggest doing every quest. It paces your character well in the game in regards to XP gain and you get used to some map layouts and boss battles as well. You also won't miss out on any extra passive points (you can earn some via quests...23 of them!). In the "Quests and Gem Locations - Quick Reference" section you'll see that there is a quest that involves Bandits. When you get there it'll make more sense, but you'll want to kill them all. That Quests and Gem Locations - Quick Reference section will also tell you which quests in the game will give you gems that will be relevant to our build. (If you pick the wrong gem, no big deal. The gem vendor of each act will sell the gem you want for really cheap.) The only other quest to notice is also noted in that section: Act 5, the Death to Purity quest: the Violent Dead jewel. If you don't select that, you can't buy it from a vendor. You have to trade a player for it or hope another drops. They are a "common" drop for unique jewels. For advice for people brand new to the game, I'd say the most important thing to do is take your time. I'm trying to re-word some things to make more character space in my guide, but I have a small section of tips for new folks. But take your time in the game. Get used to how skills work, how their explained. Do all the quests. Keep all your currency (the orbs and such that drop) for once you're finished the story. You'll be thankful you did once you're there. Honestly, I think the best thing new people can do for themselves is simply put in their own time in the game. As you're following a guide online, make sure you know what you're selecting. Notice your health changes when you switch gear or select a health node (for example). Feel free to ask 100 questions. Don't worry about feeling like a noob. We all really want you to like this game ;). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Thank you so much. This will be my first summoner attempt.
A question, which you might not know the answer yet: do you know if bonechill will work with hatred? If so.. should it be added? It kinda sounds amazing if it could.
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":) Ask as many question as you like :). This build is totally fine with the end-endgame content. The key is being familiar with those epic battles yourself. Once you know how those battles work, this build will deal with them no problem. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Ya. That's a good point. Or maybe a seperate post that I just save the link on and have it's intent just for me. I appreciate the suggestion. I'll figure something out shortly. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" This is a late answer, but... In Incursion, the really early ones - in Act 1 - just wrecked me. And I was going for Arc traps. Now you won't get to Incursions until Act 7, and this build should be going pretty well by then. Also, in the previous thread, triniparty had said that the patch notes gave a nerf to slowing from Temporal Chains. So I asked about it on reddit: "The total amount that you can slow the expiration of an effect on a character through a time-slowing mechanism (such as Temporal Chains) is now capped at 75% from all sources." What does that really mean? You can use the Shackles of the Wretched gloves to curse yourself with Temporal Chains. This increases the duration of many buffs (Headhunter, Zerphi's Heart, flasks, some Vaal skills) on you. The change is a nerf to the maximum duration you can achieve with self-curse Temp Chains. So maybe this build isn't affected at all? Running heists fully zoomed in... because
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Hey DoesntMatter! Thanks for the post! And you're welcome :).
"I'll check Path of Building once the new gems have been added. Here's the thing I consider though, supports that are based on effects are circumstantial unless your primary skill has that effect. In our case, though our minions do lots of cold damage, it's not attached to them. It's based on them being within our aura. With the addition of skeletons this build, our minions will wander out of Hatred's range often enough. So in a circumstance where you need a little safety and you're away from a boss, your minions won't have the aura benefit until you return to battle. So with a situation like that in mind, I normally have the 5th/6th gem(s) in a link to always "be active". That being said though, until Bonechill came around, Hypothermia was the only other support gem that really interested me...and it's damage was on par, not too much greater, than the gems currently selected. So if Bonechill's damage is way higher than our current 5th/6th linked gems, I'll likely add it in...even if it is dependant on Hatred. Thanks for the thought. It'll be looked into for sure. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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