We changed the cooldown on Cast on Crit! (This is a buff)

0.15 that's crazy i hope servers will not die with 3.5
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
suszterpatt wrote:
What about CwC tho?

We don't need icestorm buffed even more. It's fine already.

Anyway, cool buff. I'm wondering if we'll see new possibilities open up with poet's pen synergy? 6L chest can now have Frenzy/CoC/VD/increased critical strikes (+conc effect and elemental focus obviously). Obviously unearth still needs to be in the pen for +levels. But this might leader to higher boss DPS? Unearth is already played with GMP which means corpses can be created slightly faster than they're consumed.

And as always, public acknowledgement of gamebreaking bug when??
Hmm, after some thought, my old Terminus Flicker CoC Blade Vortex idea might be able work well now with BV able to proc more than twice per second. Guess that's another build I'll have to make this league.
sagiterios wrote:
dont suppose this can apply to mjolnirs/cospris as well

Mjolnirs are going trash if they dont get same buff
Poets pen is buffed too, as it can cast on attack and on crit now very efficiently.
鬼殺し wrote:
It was this or nerf PP.

TencentGGG chose...wisely.

They didn't but i'll take it :p
R.I.P self casting

Hope patch notes prove im wrong in that.
Well what a surprise, we might be on right path or starting to be after all. Thanks for buff.
鬼殺し wrote:
Given my post history, I think at least some of you know what I mean when I say 'wisely'.

All I could think of was Indiana Jones
~ There are spectacular moments.
Last edited by DoubleU#7266 on Nov 27, 2018, 5:21:00 PM
Hm, dangerous.. quite dangerous.
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