We changed the cooldown on Cast on Crit! (This is a buff)

so. is the largest range of frost blades longer than the build-up range of ice spear? Not thinking clear here, but single target gem-swap.
Wow, check that off my list. Now you just need to revert AoE, allow 100% conversion again, and make poison and ignite feel good without pigeonholing uniques (Wasp Nest, Stormfire), and I'll be a happy camper.

Still 15x higher than it used to be but compared to 500ms I'll take it. As long as you don't nerf other things, this patch will be great fun.

I really hope Pens, Mjolner, Cospri's, and CoMK get similar treatment. I'll be really sad if they buff CoC and somehow nerf everything else - but that's what I've come to expect from GGG. Hope I'm wrong this time.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Last edited by Ashriel#5520 on Nov 27, 2018, 5:23:48 PM
Sweet, now we just need Cast on Melee Kill to get the same treatment + have a decent chance to proc the spell on hitting rares/uniques so it doesn't completely fail vs single targets.
Last edited by Shppy#6163 on Nov 27, 2018, 5:22:07 PM
鬼殺し wrote:
Then the support would need to be renamed. Cast on Melee Kill And Rare/Unique Hit doesn't quite roll off the tongue...

you mean like physical projectile attack damage support?^^
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5
鬼殺し wrote:
Then the support would need to be renamed. Cast on Melee Kill And Rare/Unique Hit doesn't quite roll off the tongue...

Yeah, cuz you know how that one gem is named Chance to Bleed And Added Physical Damage to Weapon Attacks. Or that other one, Damage on Full Life with Attack Skills. And don't forget everyone's favorite, Curse on Hit But Not Hits From Minions, Totems, Traps, Or Mines.

Alright, that last one is a stretch, but the first two are fair. The name doesn't need to encompass every detail of the skill.

鬼殺し wrote:
It was this or nerf PP.

TencentGGG chose...wisely.

Idk, I still think PP ought to be nerfed, the barriers to entry are too low and it's far superior to Cospri's and Mjolner (neither of which need to be buffed, imo)... it's still superior to this new CoC too.

Personally, I'd just make PP proc the spells on hit with that weapon, not on attack. Then accuracy and aim would matter a bit and you'd have to hit with the proper weapon to proc the spell (so no proccing both just by attacking with one).
Last edited by Shppy#6163 on Nov 27, 2018, 5:31:25 PM
What about CwC tho?
Well damn, this sucks... I've got a pretty bad build idea I'm going to need to try out now.
What was CoC cooldown time pre pre nerf?
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
suszterpatt wrote:
What about CwC tho?

I don't think CwC needs much, if anything tbh. Especially with shaper staves offering potential 7Ls with it. It was already in better shape than CoC and CoMK, even if it's still not as good as current Poet's.
Last edited by Shppy#6163 on Nov 27, 2018, 5:36:03 PM
still only proc'ing one skill at a time restricts CoC from its former glory, but this will definitely be an enormous buff.

seeing as how easy it is to get crit now-a-days with socketed attacks gain % crit etc this will definitely be a popular option for 3.5

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