Announcing Private Leagues

morbeis wrote:
The_Reporter wrote:


If the private paid league is voided and only between a group of friends, there's no 'winning' except for GGGs pocketbook.

Read this:


Read this:

If everything is voided, anything found would disappear into the ether. The 'envy' argument is moot.

Last edited by wackygoose#6648 on Nov 5, 2018, 1:56:16 PM
What a garbage new feature.
Liber122 wrote:
where are the updates for the standard?
Not some shit league for points xD nice GGG next Fail +++ mayby create poe mobile............ More money money moaney,,,,
finally add this incrusion to the standard
or delve
and not just crap

This WONT happen, ever. I was hoping the same. How naive am I.
The standard poe is DEAD. You will see some league thing like Breach once per 20++ maps. Like it is now btw. So standard is like ghost town... empty, there is nothing there. And now with this announcement we understand WHY... fuckin money. They wont give you/us ANYTHING for free. free to play game my fuckin ass...
morbeis wrote:
carkasjak wrote:

I don't understand how you can compare loot and currency drops across separate leagues that can't interact with each other. I would equate it to modding a single player game or a LAN game where you're only playing with friends. There is no competition across separate leagues, so why does it matter if one league has a different set of mods, or even more drops?

This is covered in the post i linked, which Chris agreed with.


I feel like I should reiterate that I'm not even asking for mods that are just pure extra quantity with no downside. I picked Beyond as an example because it's a very dangerous mod but also fun to play.

If it's adding extra quant or improving drops in anyway then it's going to be seen as pay to win.


The MTX comparison works because making your character look nicer can make the game more fun to play for a lot of people.

No extra power, no extra reward, so i don't see or agree with the comparison.

I can kind of see where you are coming from, but it still just sounds like you want something which is pay to win then argue it isn't actually pay to win.

It's ok if you like pay to win systems or want one, that's an opinion lots of people have. Based on the post above i have linked, Chris has basically agreed this is pay to win, and that's why you aren't getting it.


You use words like extra "power" and "reward", but in the end it all boils down to extra fun. If paying for a private, but more challenging PoE experience is more fun to you, then that's just as pay2win as paying for one with more monsters in the maps and thus slightly more drops. If you are opposed to paying for private leagues that drop more items you should also be opposed to private leagues in general, because in the end none of those items have any sort of monetary value(unless you break the game's terms of service), and you are essentially paying to have more fun in the game, by tailoring it to your personal preference.
The_Reporter wrote:
morbeis wrote:
The_Reporter wrote:


If the private paid league is voided and only between a group of friends, there's no 'winning' except for GGGs pocketbook.

Read this:


Read this:

If everything is voided, anything found would disappear into the ether. The 'envy' argument is moot.

If you read all that post, and that is what you came up with then i give up on this one. I can't put it better than what's in that post and Chris agreed with it.

It's not that surprising i guess, lots of people have read the actual announcement and completely misinterpreted major parts of it.

They honestly should have released this new feature last and not first, it's confusing so many people.

btw what about server stability?

i mean if the servers are lagging, are they lagging for private leagues too or do they get more ressources since they paid?
Allspark501 wrote:
That´s the way Tencent makes money my friends ;-)

Ok, as far as my math goes for a group of 10 players the costs for the private leagues is not so high, but for smaller groups it looks different.

The point is:
POE stood always for free to play - but with this announcment GGG breaks this iron rule!

I think this could be the beginning of the end for this great game.

I agree with you. I'm surprised that man who spent so much money can dare to say that
- what about league mods ?
- why only 2 months ?
- I guess having a "permanent" league with friends and switching leagues on the go as they are added into the game will be impossible then ? That would be sad

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