Announcing Private Leagues
Can someone explain me why a pleague player cauzes more $cost which would justify the fee
I am all fine with supporting GGG aswell i already did in multiple ways. I might be wrong but the Private League is nothign more then a perma "prophecies like" modifier and Id carried around by ppl beeing part of Player 1 playing standart Player 2 playing private so,.. what is the diffrence between the 2? If player2 enters an area the bolean check adds %life %dmg %speed modifiers on the mobs generated in the area ontop of existing ones. The instances is flaged with an ID only players with the same ID (part of the same leauge) can join? party limit is 6 anyways! Beeing ID flaged you would not even need new town instances since you could just make everyone invisible without the according ID tag Oh,.. yeah seperate Chat,.. thats an issue,.. Tho yeah i like the idea but the price is nuts,.. at lesst say you made the price tag to prevent it would make the game become singelplayer/lanparty style. | |
...and again, i see how you're trying to squeeze another buck out of your fan base
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"Is this an out of season April Fools joke?"
Seriously, what? |
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" SO WRONG telling PoE is pay to win... OMG dude Playing marauder @ Hardcore leagues
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How do the Labyrinth ladder jewels work? Are they disabled for the private league?
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I'm kinda tired of all those negative comments so lets take some of them apart:
1. It's Pay to Play No, it isn't. It's a payed feature for groups of players who want the game to be more challanging. You can still enjoy the core gameplay for free. 2. It's soooo expensive
Pricing from anouncement
" For a single player its not cheap, but if you play with a group of players it's actally quite cheap (and it's offering crowd funding options). So lets break down the true costs for private leagues: The initial cost of private league is 12$. An additional month (30 days) of playtime costs 18$. So for a single player the first 40 days cost 30$ and every additional month costs another 18$. But if you have one more friend to play with it's already down to 15$ for the first 40 days and an additional month costs just 9$ (I've seen someone compare the pricing to wow: if you play with just 1 friend PoE private league will be cheaper). If you manage to get a group on one of these private leagues the initial cost for 40 days gametime will me 5$/person and an additional month will be just 3$ more. That price will be payable with a kids pocket money (he would still have to convince his parents to pay for it though). If you try to min/max the price per person and fill your private league with a total of 10 players the first 40 days will cost 3$/person. Each additional month will cost another 1.8$/person. The way I understand it, the additional player slots will be a single investment (comment from GGG apriciated). Since they will be able to share the cost of the private league adding more players to the league will make the total cost/player even cheaper. If you have to pay 6$ for the 11th player will be kinda rough but if you manage to find batches of 10 players they will have to pay just 60cent each to join the league. Looking at these prices it's true that it will be pretty expansive for a single player but the prices will get pretty affortable with any kind of group to play with. 3. But it's Pay to Win For all those who say this (though I doupt there will be many reading this): You havent realy read the article. It says that the mods will only serve to make the game more challanging. You will not get any free exp, extra loot or anything like that. That means the only thing you can win by paying the respect of your friends (by winning ridicolus dares like "I dare you to kill Uber eldar no stash no drop no vending famine deathless with durability"). 4. Where are my races In the beginning of the announcment they clearly statet that they will continue to run these special events so no worries about that. Races will not be outsourced to private leagues.
Quote from original announcment
" 5. They can pay to play all leagues No, they can not. Chris stated, that your private leagues can only be based of core permanent or challange leagues that are currently running. Even though I would love to visit some of the old leagues again (I loved perandus and sadly my PC was too weak to properly breach at that time) those aren't running leagues. 6. The game is already hard enough as it is If that is the case you can just choose to ignore this feature without losing anything at all. You dont need to complain about it. 7. What about PoE mobile / PoE Immortal They announced another non-3.5 Announcment for tomorrow so look forward to that :P With that out of the way all I have to say is this: @GGG: I love your idea and I hope it will be executed well. As stated above I would love to play some of the olde leagues again. Just as an idea from a fan: Maybe you could give players the chance to play these leagues again as private league migrateable to standard league only and without trading into the current challange league? Just the old league "connected" to standard league (if any connection exists at all). That would give players the chance to visit old leagues again without them being able to flood the current challange leagues with uniques from past leagues. Thank you and keep up the good work :) |
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" Last edited by TSilverwing#2057 on Nov 5, 2018, 8:30:38 AM
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I don't get the players in here, there is nothing said about p2w and there aren't more and more feature's that say anything about it.
You can easily beat the game without buying anything and this private league's will just make the game HARDER,..... So you guys crying about being not able to die more often, because 1,2 $/€ is to much for you to pay for 10 days something that breaks your neck in every 2-3 sec you get into it.... What is your problem? The most of you aren't even playing these mods anyway or planning on using these leagues. It's just a content added to the game for all that want it or whom is bored of the acrual league's. Are all the lil crybabies from D3 now come over here and cry about anything that is not into their point of view? OR how people really can get mad about such stuff? Please guys first try to read properly and get to know what it means and don't just read "payed-private-leagues" and get crazy about nothing.... geez |
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I've said for years that PoE is a whaling operation. I know you guys don't give a shit about casual players that spend small amounts. But man, this really takes it to a new level. You might as well have just named all the streamers in this announcement, because that is who this is for.
Well done. You've put something out that flat-out will not exist for 99% of your user base. This is peak GGG. This is a buff™
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Pay to play
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