Announcing Private Leagues

Is there plan to allow void private leagues?

As an example, we could host our own custom void leagues where we can change more modifiers but the character will only be available on that private league and unable to migrate to the parent public leagues.

I've always wanted to be able to do a void league between friends where everything is turned up to 11 and the whole experience is chaotic.

Additionally, when you say a private league has 10 player slots, by default, does this mean 10 player accounts with as many character slots as they want or 10 characters in total?

Nice work getting this work done though. Looking forward to 3.5.0!
Last edited by NippleCopter#4260 on Nov 5, 2018, 7:41:40 AM
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
I don't think any other announcement in the history of gaming has filled me with so much expectation, immediately followed by so much disappointment.

Monster buffs? No vendors? Really? Is this what your players wanted from private leagues?

Where's my "double beyond in every zone"? Bringing back past leagues that we loved? "Casual" mode with increased drops? Permanent Headhunter league? No sulphite Delve? Holy crap I can come up with so many ideas I'd gladly pay a bunch of money for that would enhance my enjoyment of your game by an order of magnitude, and none of them are "reduced player resistances".

Heck, Legacy league was better than this. Can we just pay for a re-run of Legacy in a private league, and be done with it?

I really hope that this is just a first implementation, and you will continue iterating on the idea and adding many new possibilities. But for some reason I remain skeptical.

So you want a literal pay2win league? All your suggestions WILL make progressions far quicker and nobody will want to play regular league anymore if this is the case. Doesn't matter voided or not, most people don't care about standards regardless.
megokillerko wrote:
Absolutely bad idea - these leagues will be without any new content relative to the current leagues, the drop rates will remain tuned to the multiplayer game and you still have to pay for it, in general - entertaining garbage for streamers and no more.

Do you have 50% less reading comprehension passive on or something?
TSilverwing wrote:

>>>>>>>>LL builds are very expesnive builds, a natural outcome. But you are able to play Lowlife without a shavronne's by just using a flask for example.
So you don't have the "must have" requirement.

Since Energy got nerfed so badly, shavronne's is also not expensive anymore and can be easily bought at start of a league (sure the prices are equally to the one later, but actually cheaper since you pay less in direct currency)

- That's only example, because my most experience are before POE 1.0.0 that's shav have very high es and not nerf (still has 1.2x behind CI node). If it not same view-point as you about ES, I'm sorry.

So you say the most experinece you did on PoE were before patch 1.0.0? Why you even talk the about issue's? The Shavronne's got nerfed.

(still has 1.2x behind CI node)

Totally no clue what that's supposed to mean oO

- I think I play before 1.0.0 because have Koam 1000HP (don't know exact time) and have shav 400 ES (buy long ago). For how much hours you played active? maybe 4 Hr. per day (when playing around v0.9 - 2.0 )/ absent 2-3 year and recently play
If count playtime with fusing orb I have around 9,500 (with 6,000 cannot fuse 6L [super bad luck])

And again the really important question here is, how much hours you played active? 9,5k fusings can be easily farmed or stacked in a single league for some gamers....

you were absent 2-3 years, so actually you can only have 2-3 years of gaming experience. Let's calculate with perfect value's, You played 2,5 years every day ~ 4 hours. Would result into 900 days * 4 hours each /results into 3600 hours of gameplay. you before mentioned you would play like 7 years already so I suggest you merely played 2 years in total and also didn't really played every day, so it's maybe 2500-3000 hours og playtime, which most players use to stay around for 1/3 of their game time. so actively you played about 1600-2000 hours. Those are made mostly before patch 1.0.0

>>>>>>>>>>And please be at ease. Even if you played 10.000 hours or more till now, that's not a quarantee to drop a mirror even once. But all your chars using gear and items I wouldn't even need, to play endgame content or deal with Shaper/Elder/Ulab/Uatziri and you talking about a shavronne's. SO why you would like to make it even more cheaper or easier?<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

- It's good to cheep for other who want(not me). Is it not better?. They'll cheep because more seller, not the quality of item drop, it'll goes as marketing cycle (demand/supply).

I don't think it's good to make the items even more cheap, shavronne's 6L is about 2 or 3 ex.... that's a joke. 200 chaos recipe's and you got your core item in 6L version,.... in the past you payed 10-12 ex for this thing xDDDD

// Yes because I'm not trader all of my currency still not use(I don't know why I not use it), my gear are most 95-99% self-found,(not play SSF because play with friend) normally, I don't estimate other player skill/value with their gear/item (they play what they like with their style). I'm just play for fun, with use cheep gear as I can (Because, I like that style). Don't worry about my gaming skill just above average a little for all game, and I play well at all Hard Core game.

Sounds like me, just that I also use trade site's and can so cheap buy pretty nice stuff early in league and even so my stuff wouldn't be so expensive like yours ;)
also, i do have a smartphone - where is my mobile game?
dacoshild wrote:
Pay to play

You should pay someone to actually afford a brain somehow :)
dens_poe wrote:
also, i do have a smartphone - where is my mobile game?

then dont play? you still have the free game with all content available
Lowroller13 wrote:
PAY 2 WIN LIGUE :( :( :( :(

How about going to school to learn how to read?
Is this an out of season April Fool's joke?
Are they really making a league where you have to spend real money to participate in???? If so, this is where I'm out... Not to mention having to pay every 10 days...

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