Announcing Private Leagues
" I like you. I am really curious how this thing will evolve. What will GGG add to league mods, I really hope for past league thing, really really really. And I don't care about... voidness(?,lol) of private leagues, I would pay! With some people, of course, I rather go watch something on Netflix or listen something on Audible than spent another 30$ a month on ssf really fun league. I mean... Maybe I would tempt. But not to often. And with "I don't care about" I mean "Can we at least have it blocked somewhere to show off or something?" XD But noo, even without it, I WANT TO PLAY PAST MECHANICS MORE! That'd be almost like... trial flashback or something. On command! When I want. Ahhhhhhhhh Smile! <3
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So true! +1 Liked
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Most stupid content EVER !
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Now this is funny... I remember when everybody and his cousin was asking for this feature.
Either alot of old players have stopped playing, or there are simply maaaany new players who don´t know that that feature was a design goal from the get-go of PoE. Not sure if I will play in one of them... but I can definetely tolerate them and not try to find a stupid reason to post whiney comments. Actually I like to thank GGCent for the fact that they kept their word.. even if it lasted a while. |
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Whether some people like this or not is irrelevant,in my opinion, the biggest problem with this is actually the waste of time spent to create this. On one hand GGG is now owned by Tencent and they have to do what these guys tel them, if that is new ways to make money then they need to come up with shit like this. even now PoE is a single player game most of the time, the multiplayer part is when you traDE OR do rotations for exp or masters. I am afraid that they lost the creativity they once had. All in all, to people that can actually find real "friends" to fill the slots for this league go ahead, although I think what will actually happen that these will be one-man leagues. Peace
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I will not **** off and i never said it was a bad idea... paying for something people wanted for free is a bad idea... and sorry but if "me and million others are crying" that just proves it doesn't need to be a thing. Btw it might do you a little more good if you stop being rude too. Last edited by OblitusExsilium#0967 on Nov 5, 2018, 6:22:00 AM
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Let me see if i got this straight, your way of doing most of the trades now is to accept that you're trading bots and making someone pockets very big, very fast. And instead of bringing a new way to improve the trading system, you're making private leagues to get ez cash and not deal with trades at all anymore. Just wow, im starting to see what is going on here. I wonder if you really gave up when you sold to Tencent.
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am i the only one here really worried about the future of poe ? as an casual player, i have seen alot of changes and additions to the game that is only made for a really small fraction of the playerbase, and it has become more and more of an trend in the past few leauges. i really enjoyed delve at the start, however after they nerfed the sulphite gain on lower tier maps, its has just been a pain in the ass grinding maps for sulphite. i do get that poe is supposed to be a hardcore grinding game, but i feel like ggg insist on forcing majority of the playerbase into pushing content hard. i just prefer to progress at a slow rate, but nerfs or changes makes me feel like i am forced rush trough as fast as i can. before people jump on me and tell me to git gud, i am not saying that ggg should tone everything down to a point where anything the game has to offer becomes a walk in the park, all i am trying to say is that not everyone likes to be forced to push content as fast as they can.
also i really like the idea of custom private leauges . looks good so far. |
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GGG, is this a part of contest "the worst ideas for game" between you and Blizzard?
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So disappointing. I did some quick head maths, and it seems this is targeted directly at MMO players.
Say I'm in a guild with 60 active players that all plan to participate for a one month private league. That's $12 to start, $30 for additional player slots, and $12 for additional time. So $54 split between 60 peeps is $0.90 ea! Pretty reasonable for everyone I'd say. Now, say I'm not a social player, but I want to participate in the same experience. I don't need the extra player slots, but still need to buy time, so It's $12 to start and $12 for time. Less reasonable than a $0.90 buy in I'd say. I do love the feature itself, and even participated in a few threads on reddit discussing private leagues and how beneficial they could be for PoE. Here's my problem with it. PoE is a single player game. You can't just change the punishment / reward ratio of Solitaire and call it multiplayer because you see 5 other people flipping cards at the same time you are. One of the most creative AAA developers is about to release a long awaited sequel to one of the biggest franchises in existence, and the internet is shitting all over it because it's a single player game that they've forced to be an MMO. Just to reiterate, I think private leagues will be awesome after a couple leagues when the bugs are worked out, but charging for it, charging that much for it, and leaving out the anti-social gamers... That's just some shameful shit. My questions are: How does GGG justify charging one player %2,666 more than another player (in the given scenario), for the same experience, just because they don't want to play a single player game with other people? Should I join a guild before stock prices rise? And my last question is regarding refunds on past purchases. All of 'em to be specific. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines. Do you like gladiator movies?
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