Announcing Private Leagues
Sounds like a bad idea to me. there's too many goddamn leagues already, why would you further split your player base?
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Seriously. i have to pay to play with my friends in a private session????
and its also limited by time??? Why not just have guild based league for free for atleast normal hardcore and current challenge league. or like a one time payment atleast for some basic stuff. This stinks. and btw global mtx price -10% nerf please. |
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" You want them to sell pay to win servers? God_of_Thieves_LLD_PVP__I hate the Labyrinth
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What's next ? PoE immortal ? heh
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People are getting bent out of shape. You can still play the regular league. This will be huge for Twitch streamers who want to run specific leagues for their streams, and it's not like you interact with a lot of people anyway. If you're concerned about a lack of trading, then again, play the regular league.
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It can be harder without that , hardcore is not really hardcore because people fast click to quit the game instead of dying , for a online game it should be 10 sec before disconnection like all other , that can be a real challenge now
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I think this is somewhat bad news, like I and my clan will make a private league for 10 days for ex. We will make incursion league(if this will be available) ad delve on it ( if possible), craft items making it as OP as possible then after the PL ends migrate it to existing challenge league and poof easy money and OP items...! Thats pay to win baby!
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" You should actually read the entire news post. It will clear up your confusion. None of that will be possible. God_of_Thieves_LLD_PVP__I hate the Labyrinth Last edited by ripnburn69#0202 on Nov 4, 2018, 11:39:10 PM
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Well since I don't watch streamers, don't want to pay to play a free game, this does not apply to my demographic.
That being said, I love PoE and this is growth for the game...albeit in a weird fashion. Please don't go too far down the catering to streamers road as you will alienate a portion of the player base that enjoys playing more than watching someone else play. Are these sperate servers or will a 'streamer' server cause lag on the regular servers as people try to play the game? How does that work since we all still experience lag from the GGG servers? 🐢
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" You missed the point entirely. You won't be trading on the regular leagues because there will be no one on them. Have a look at the numbers yourself as they stand today In the last 48 hours, there was a peak figure of 8 people across the game trading in HC. Eight! In the last hour only 3 traders. In Standard there was a peak of 1000 people trading Delve HC, 540 people trading. Peak. 230 off-peak That is not a lot of people. Actually that's an understatement, that is fuck all people to interact with. Now add pay-to-play leagues and siphon even more numbers out of those leagues. Grats, every official league is now effectively SSF or you're paying to play. If GGG could actually attract new players it might be a different story but they have failed to increased concurrent players for the past 8 leagues now. Player numbers have been stuck at 85k peak at start of league and down to 35k a month later. |
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