Announcing Private Leagues

Wow, paid leagues are finally happening. Never thought i'd see the day.

Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired)
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired)
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96(dead)
The only thing i understand : pay... here it is, a good part of the poe players now buy their currencies online, now we have to pay for this. Many players here left Diablo 3 coz blizzard did'nt care the players, only money, looks like you're riding the same road...
So much salt.

morbeis wrote:
TheRoyalShu wrote:
A late April Fool Joke. Calling it.

Playing the super super long con ?

This might be funny if it wasn't so unoriginal.


^ Paid leagues finally delivered.
We tested it extensively
Last edited by Icholas#7287 on Nov 4, 2018, 10:50:23 PM
ClickerPro wrote:
Coulda just released a mobile PoE, that's about how much anybody wants to pay for a harder PoE. Been hearing about this for years and then you see it and not only are you charging for it but it's awful. No thanks, your normal league will do just fine thanks.

I thought it had been well understood that custom leagues were always going to be a paid feature.
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Nov 4, 2018, 10:51:01 PM
kestapop wrote:
The only thing i understand : pay...

nah it doesn't seem like you understand anything, especially reading.

here it is, a good part of the poe players now buy their currencies online

got a source for this?

did'nt care the players, only money, looks like you're riding the same road...

they mentioned paid private leagues during the fucking beta dude, this announcement is probably pretty indicative of how much they care. jesus christ.
Is this joke to counter blizzards joke? (thoi think a diablo game on mobile could work... people were just mad they didnt get d4 LUL)
Contrapatior wrote:
Mastodonic wrote:

I promise player numbers across the board will plummet when everyone spreads out so thin across the game that temp leagues and permanent leagues become wastelands. Expect new lows in the number of active players when the novelty wears off.

a vast majority of players don't want to pay real money to play a harder version of the league. the novelty will never wear off, because this idea is inherently novel. you pay for permanent map mods for a limited amount of time for a limited amount of players, and the announcement says "this presents no fairness issues to the economies that they are moving their characters into," which seems to imply that there will be no increased item drop rates. playing in a private league gives your character no benefit whatsoever, there's no real incentive to play in a private league.

and with regards to hardcore, I think that part of the community might actually be affected the least. it's incredibly frustrating to die in hardcore, so if you're thinking about joining/creating a private server, you need to pick your mods even more carefully than sc. remember, these mods affect not just end-game, but the entire leveling experience as well, and they can't be changed once they're selected. so what happens if you pick a combination of mod that ends up too nasty? you get to waste countless hours trying to get your character past a5. and if you pick an underwhelming combination of mods? then what the fuck was the point in spending money in the first place?

I really do think that no matter what angle you look at this, it won't be an issue at all.

Some serious mental gymnastics in play here to somehow conclude that unlimited temporary leagues will not affect numbers on official leagues in any way. Considering concurrent player-base numbers have been static for years now, you can't add custom leagues without draining players from official leagues. Unless no one plays them at all.
PoE numbers over the past 7-8 leagues general peak at 80-90k start of league and diminish within the first month to sit around 35-45k. So how then, with a well documented and static number of players, do you determine that adding unlimited number of private leagues won't affect player numbers?
Because these private leagues only make the game harder, this presents no fairness issues to the economies that they are moving their characters into.

I cant agree with that, streamers are experienced, they go fro 0 to 70 in a couple of hours, they have people to help them. So.. they can make the game harder and still find a way to deal with it and get better drops/quantity, I see ways of exploiting it to farm currency for the current trade league.

Or... does it make things harder but wont increase quantity/rarity? If its just toughness but no better loot I dont give a fluff.
ripnburn69 wrote:
DS_Deadman wrote:
Well on one had, this has been asked for many times over the years. However then GGG does the GGG thing and shows it really doesn't understand their own player base.

Yes it has been requested and talked about by GGG for years.

GGG never once said in all that time private leagues would be free. They always intended to charge for them. They always said they would have to do it in a way, that didn't impact the regular leagues.

They did exactly what I would expect every word of it. I think a lot of the people in this thread really don't understand GGG's vision any more.

Had to bump this.
My only interest was creating a league with ALL the previous leagues in it. I wouldn't care if it was a void league or not (In fact I would of expected it to be void). As a league player I'm used to throwing my character away after a league ends anyways.

The mods being offered for private leagues just aren't interesting enough to make it worth while except for a very select group of people. I guess I'm looking for more chaos instead of just increased difficulty...

When you release the addition of adding old leagues then I'll fork over some money for it either for my own league, or to add to someone else who wants the cluster @#$@ league like me.

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