[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes
Looking at the numbers it still seems better to go with resolute technique instead of EO. Any reason you're choosing to go with Crit instead?
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" Is it the tie in with Elemental Overload? I know when I crit and I proc elemental overload my DPS spikes. I am having a hard time sustaining it though because I need to crit once every 8 seconds to maintain the spike and I have a low crit chance. |
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That's basically what I mean. Having to go Crit for EO with only 8-9% Crit chance is going to make EO difficult to maintain.
Even beyond that though is this version with EO is doing around 250,000 DPS(including buffs from Crits), while the RT version I posted on page 3(maybe 4) is doing 1,300,000 DPS. It just seems like the Crit path isn't worth it. Plus all those extra pathing points means less max life. Last edited by TokeMcBong#5329 on Oct 21, 2018, 3:08:31 PM
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May I ask which bandits you use?
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" kill all for the 2 passive points |
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" But you have to remember this guide is designed as a starter build. You can avoid having to spend points on that upper left corner because you can afford Xoph's Blood which gives you Avatar of Fire. For those of us who can't afford it, we have to make our way up to the keystone. |
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OK I just hit level 68.
I put on my 6 link Loreweave, put on my Kaoms Roors and both Kaom's Way and both Nebuloch's and am now rocking 10 endurance charges. I am having problems though sustaining my health when the Fire damage from the Nebulochs proc and I am not leeching and blood rage is active. It is not terrible but it is noticeable at the end of a fight when my leeching stops. I assume this should take care of itself as I get more life. I feel like I have enough life regen (as I am using Unbreakable) so I think it is more the size of my life pool right now that the regen % I have is not enough to offset both the 4% degen from Bloodrage and the flat 4000 fire damage from the Nebulochs. |
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" Look at all the top builds doing versions of this build - 96% of them take Elemental OVerload. When you get an attack rate of around 4, EO stays up most of the time. This is why getting attack speed on all jewels is important. I have about the same damage now at lvl 98 (7,1k life) as your lvl 100 PoB setup, and I'm not using Xoph's. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Juggernaut&item=Nebuloch&skill=Consecrated-Path&weapon=Dual-Maces&allskill=Consecrated-Path
PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/jvi52wRv Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874 Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Oct 21, 2018, 4:00:51 PM
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Also keep in mind that this build - Dkodr's - is using the Undeniable ascendancy point while TokeMcBong's build opts for Unbreakable. Going for Resolute Technique is less worth if you have the accuracy from Undeniable.
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"I'm going on the numbers from the initial post on this. I'm comparing the 93% accurate 8% Crit chance level 90 tree link for PoB. I'm taking the accuracy into consideration from the ascendancy nodes. Do you have an updated PoB link Dkodr for level 98 or 100 so I can compare? @Venionz I'm asking for the logic behind that difference. With the numbers I have at my disposal now it appears my tree with resolute technique is doing 3-6x the damage with more survivability. |
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