[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes

I have a question regarding the combination of Flammability and Fire Penetration.

Is the general idea to use these together at end game or is it more that we should be using Flammability while leveling and then once we can slot in Fire Penetration to our Consecrated Path gem setup, that then we should drop flammability for Enfeeble?

I am further confused because one of the benefits of Flammability (the ability to ignite) appears to be trumped by using the use of Elemental Focus which I think prevents any enemies from being ignited....

Can some one help me with the general understanding here and correct my mistakes?
AndyLovesHisBge wrote:
I have a question regarding the combination of Flammability and Fire Penetration.

Is the general idea to use these together at end game or is it more that we should be using Flammability while leveling and then once we can slot in Fire Penetration to our Consecrated Path gem setup, that then we should drop flammability for Enfeeble?

I am further confused because one of the benefits of Flammability (the ability to ignite) appears to be trumped by using the use of Elemental Focus which I think prevents any enemies from being ignited....

Can some one help me with the general understanding here and correct my mistakes?

If you need more damage, or feel like stuff cant touch u, u can use Flammability, if u need more defense (in deep Delveæs f.ex) then use Enfeeble. And then the second point; the totem can ignite because it is linked with Combustion, so in f.ex a boss fight u set up the totem first so it can ignite, and u the get the benefit of the 19% fire pen when ignited.
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AndyLovesHisBge wrote:
I have a question regarding the combination of Flammability and Fire Penetration.

Is the general idea to use these together at end game or is it more that we should be using Flammability while leveling and then once we can slot in Fire Penetration to our Consecrated Path gem setup, that then we should drop flammability for Enfeeble?

I am further confused because one of the benefits of Flammability (the ability to ignite) appears to be trumped by using the use of Elemental Focus which I think prevents any enemies from being ignited....

Can some one help me with the general understanding here and correct my mistakes?
Flammability's best benefit would be the reduction in fire resistance (since this number can scale into the negative infinite amounts.) So your fire penetration and Fire resistance reductions from flammability will stack with each other and increase your damage by a large percentage. In comparison your damage with ignite would be rather small in general.

Great guide, love the build. I took it in a slightly different direction and I might be getting slightly better results based on the numbers it seems. However the gear cost is much higher/not league possible (I'm using a legacy Elder Stygian instead of the Watcher's Eye.)

Here is the pastebin for level 100. 7257 max life, 2719 regen, 1675 leech, 1.3m/735k DPS/ShaperDPS


Here it is for the level 91 I'm currently at. 6491 max life, 2492 regen, 1500 leech, 952k/538k DPS/ShaperDPS


Last edited by TokeMcBong#5329 on Oct 20, 2018, 3:00:25 PM
Thank you for the answers on Flammability.


In terms of the Nebuloch corruption implicit, am I correct in thinking that the corruption should only be in the main hand weapon, not in the off hand weapon?
AndyLovesHisBge wrote:
Thank you for the answers on Flammability.


In terms of the Nebuloch corruption implicit, am I correct in thinking that the corruption should only be in the main hand weapon, not in the off hand weapon?
Depends on the corruption. Most will work on mainhand and offhand, a couple will not if I am not mistaken. The Adds X-Y Physical damage mods I believe are local only to the weapon they are on. If I am mistaken on that then it wont matter which hand you get those on.

As for all the other corrupts they are global(as far as I can tell) and you'd want good ones on both weapons. Ideally 20% increased physical damage on both for the largest damage gain.
Last edited by TokeMcBong#5329 on Oct 20, 2018, 3:11:57 PM
TokeMcBong wrote:

As for all the other corrupts they are global(as far as I can tell) and you'd want good ones on both weapons. Ideally Penetrates ele resists on both for the largest damage gain.

Is there a resource online where I could tell whether an implicit was local or global?

Not specifically for this question but more in general as that is something that still confuses me when looking at POE Trade.
AndyLovesHisBge wrote:
TokeMcBong wrote:

As for all the other corrupts they are global(as far as I can tell) and you'd want good ones on both weapons. Ideally Penetrates ele resists on both for the largest damage gain.

Is there a resource online where I could tell whether an implicit was local or global?

Not specifically for this question but more in general as that is something that still confuses me when looking at POE Trade.
The wiki can help, mainly though just knowing how GGG tends to word it's effects. It's probably one of the trickiest parts of the math of this game.
I noticed that some builds are choosing to keep Resolute Technique and instead of using Undeniable, they are choosing Unbreakable as a replacement.

What are some of the trade offs here? At first glance it looks like keeping Resolute Technique and using Unbreakable is better but the original post does not recommend that pairing so I was wondering if I am missing a consideration here.
TokeMcBong wrote:
The wiki can help, mainly though just knowing how GGG tends to word it's effects. It's probably one of the trickiest parts of the math of this game.

ok thanks. I use the wiki a lot so I will keep my eyes open.

The general point is probably moot any way since I will be unlikely to afford two well corrupted Nebulochs any way.

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