[3.5] Consecrated Path Dual Nebuloch Juggernaut - Low Start Cost, With Trade links and PoB Codes

Nice ascendancy icon btw ^ ^
Dkodr wrote:
r0mio wrote:
Nice build! im 93lvl 6600hp 9 charges and i kill Uber Elder first time!

Gratz! Well done. Can you share a Path of Building link to the character you did it with?

I belive its this char
Dkodr wrote:
r0mio wrote:
Nice build! im 93lvl 6600hp 9 charges and i kill Uber Elder first time!

Gratz! Well done. Can you share a Path of Building link to the character you did it with?

Sure, https://pastebin.com/KajzymaD

Guys don`t worry, this build is cheap (for kill Uber Elder)
about my gear prices:
loreweave - 2ex+ 2 divine +600 fuse
Nebuloch - 40c each
Xoph - 5.5ex
Kaom boots - 4c
Rings - 40c each
belt - 7c
Helm - i craft, waste 15c
Jewels - 70c sum
Tombfist - 3c
Here is the PoB link that accurately show r0Mio's character that killed Uber Elder.


328K Shaper dps w.o. totem active
6,6K life

edit: Shattered, I couldn't get your link to work in PoB and r0mio's link had mixed items from other characters.
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Last edited by Dkodr on Dec 21, 2018, 10:34:46 AM
Dkodr wrote:
edit: Shattered, I couldn't get your link to work in PoB and r0mio's link had mixed items from other characters.

Oh snap, sorry pal, i thought I exported his character correctly, my bad.

Oh and btw. I am lvl85 now, map lvl is still pretty low 9-12, but so far feels food, and I am still running Tabula.

Oh and btw, it was asked just few posts before, why dont we utilize frenzy charges on tree?
Last edited by ShatteredEssence on Dec 21, 2018, 1:10:07 PM

Oh and btw, it was asked just few posts before, why dont we utilize frenzy charges on tree?

Frenzy charges are dependent on Blood Rage and "On Kill" mechanics, since this is a Endurance charge oriented build that have no way of consistently generating Frenzy charges, the skill points are better spent elsewhere on jewels slots and life nodes that give unconditional benefits in the situations where it's needed most; vs. Bosses.
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I kill Uber elder with this gear, its cheap and not easy to kill him. Im die 4 times, you need more dps and life for easy kill.

r0mio wrote:
I kill Uber elder with this gear, its cheap and not easy to kill him. Im die 4 times, you need more dps and life for easy kill.

Some tips to make Uber Elder easier with low dps in my experience:

1. Use 2 instant life flasks and the Soul of Ryslatha Minor Pantheon node for free flask charges in the fight.

2. Use Soul of Solaris major Pantheon node.

3. Also consider not using a totem as it can mess things up when everything goes fast and you have to manually dodge multiple attacks.

4. Learning the fight and knowing the different phases and dangers it has helps.
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Last edited by Dkodr on Dec 21, 2018, 3:56:52 PM
Can someone tell me what build is better in the current patch?

This consecrated build or the molten strike one?

I am lvl 49 now and have been following this other guide as a new player.
But this consecrated build looks nice too xD

Endeffekt wrote:
Can someone tell me what build is better in the current patch?

I haven't tried the MS build with Grelwood, but from what I understand it has more damage but less survivability. I may be wrong. But it is more popular when you look at the statistics, eventhough MS got a nerf in 3.5.
Kitty's Guide On Post Formatting - view-thread/1913874
Last edited by Dkodr on Dec 21, 2018, 5:15:11 PM

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