Introducing Instant Skills

Makivante wrote:
What's the difference between taking zero time and instant? I'm hoping this will help me differentiate between the 2 Verizon "unlimited data" plans...

Instant = you dont need to stand sill for 0.1 seconds. Also maybe castable during shield charge and the likes. Kinda like flask use.

Zero duration = you stand still an animation plays and aou are vulnerable for 0.1 seconds. Wich is pretty bad, considering you only ever die to oneshots.
Makivante wrote:
What's the difference between taking zero time and instant? I'm hoping this will help me differentiate between the 2 Verizon "unlimited data" plans...

"Zero Time", as they explained, means you still have to be doing not-other-things to cast the skill. Can't be moving (or Cycloning, for those filthy pagans who still use Cyclone), can't be attacking or casting, can't be anything-ing. The cast may take zero frames, but it still requires your full "Doing-ability" for those zero frames and locks out your ability to do anything else.

Instant, as depicted in the video, means skills that can fire whenever wherever for nothing, like a triggered skill. Just throw it out there no matter what.

I wasn't sure if people really understood how huge a leap this was/could be, and I was right. This is (potentially) huge, folks. Opens up a whole wide world of options nobody's ever had before outside of trigger gems. I'm mighty curious to see where they go with these now that they can.
Pls this update alone will make me play this game harder
鬼殺し wrote:
Instant molten shell fuuuuck yeah.

This is the first time I've seen you this excited over something in this game since the uber hillock reveal...
But I agree, instant molten shell fuuuuck yeah.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
feels so good watched the vid twice
Awesome! More QoL!
Gotta join the Thank You train. Actions in PoE have long felt "sticky", and this is a good step to making it feel more responsive.

Perhaps a support that front-loads your casts? A spell that has a cast time of 1 second with the support would pop instantly, but then have to wait 1 second before the next cast.

Will definitely help with the problem of vaal skills being Eaten by interrupts/stuns/freezes.
Manual Immortal Call would be a trend now.

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