Introducing Instant Skills

Some melee skills should be castable like that - for example Sweep. To be honest I always thought that melee should be usable "on the move", to close the gap against ranged builds (be it bow builds or spellcasters).
Now make Blade Vortex instant cast
Responsive combat for the win.

If this can spread to more than just a few skills the mob difficulty can be ramped up to compensate. The game will feel amazing to play.
Now if only the berserker would have access to instant warcries... I might be tempted to run one again.
Last edited by ldierk on Aug 24, 2018, 9:36:02 AM
Mother of god...

In addition, if you have the appropriate passive skill, warcries will now be truly instant (rather than just taking zero time).

Why ??
Why do we need 'appropriate passive skills' for something that does not need your extremities at all. THEY ARE CRIES. THEY COME OUT OF THE MOUTH !


The rest is great, though.
This makes molten shell reliable for anyone who can cast it.
I wonder how this will impact (empower?) molten shell centric builds.
Thank you for this!
k4stor wrote:
That is really nice. But it changes everything. A lot of skill swill be mandatory to use because now its easier. We need more space in the skill bar...

It might be good or game breaking even more (is it even possible).

We will see.
Instant cast, more speed, so continues the trend

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