Introducing Instant Skills

Can you please tell us if these skills have the tag "Istant"? If so, are you planning to introduce in the future specific support gems for those skills?
Last edited by Serge91 on Aug 24, 2018, 2:46:06 AM
Instant totem placement, pleeeeease!
Love it and hope it will get to other skills too, so POE becomes more reactive. Feels so clunky to stop for every action, even if there is no reason to do so.
It would be fine if you can do an attack while moving(even if you are temporarily slowed or some other restrictions)
This needs to be the case for certain movement skills like lightning warp... because, as a movement skill, without cramming 3 supports on it, you're just standing there for a long time waiting for it to actually do anything...
Or you actually move to the spot before it warps you there.

Other skills do not suffer this assinine drawback: Shield Charge most notably. Whirling Blades has the rather cumbersome pause at the end of the move but it's still pretty damn fast. That's why they're the mandatory default movement skills. Flame Dash has that cast limit and cooldown that pretty much kills it unless you're willing to wait around for the recharge while the rest of your party shield charge or whirling blade halfway across the map.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
So much improvements in so little time... you guys are raising the bar and setting the new standards in gaming industry. Hopefully everything go smooth.
You win, that is truly good.

That is really nice. But it changes everything. A lot of skill swill be mandatory to use because now its easier. We need more space in the skill bar...
Last edited by Sorbetero on Aug 24, 2018, 4:01:33 AM
I'm concerned players will keep a high level molten shell in a socket and spam it regularly to always have the protection up. On-demand 1508 phys damage shield whenever?

If it gets a cooldown, it solves that problem but then self-detonating Molten Shell builds get screwed.
Is portal gem included in those? Its super annoying using it on characters without cast speed and getting interrupted.

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