Introducing Instant Skills

Instant Convocation would be the next step. I mean, now we can even spam traps..
GamingNorth on Youtube!
Headhunter drop during Legion! After 4711 hours!
TheuberClips wrote:
does it work while cycloning

tell me it works while cycloning

what he said.
PhillipJokar2 wrote:
I'm concerned players will keep a high level molten shell in a socket and spam it regularly to always have the protection up. On-demand 1508 phys damage shield whenever?

If it gets a cooldown, it solves that problem but then self-detonating Molten Shell builds get screwed.

Molten Shell have a cooldown in the video.

Also the 1508 physical damage required to detonate is prevented damage, either through Immortal Call, Endurance Charge or any kind of physical mitigation, so it not a direct mitigation since it only provide 900++ armour during the effect. (All stat is from lvl 20 Molten Shell)
Last edited by RobakoGarena on Aug 24, 2018, 4:27:12 AM
Can you use this new technology to make using a portal instant as well? Still taking damage for 1-3 seconds after you click a portal is pretty annoying.

Got 17ms ping and the game on an SSD, before any fanboys try to blame my PC or connection for this.
For more detailed information, I do beta testing for $75 an hour.
Last edited by geoffreytuck on Aug 24, 2018, 5:01:48 AM
I always liked that everything in PoE had a duration unlike in other ARPGs. RIP originality in games I guess.
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This is awesome and will have a bigger impact on how I and probably lots of others play the game then everything else mentioned for this expansion so far.

If there only where enough slots in the skill bar,
more and more Gems and utility is introduced, now we can actually use them, but still there are only so many slots in the bar. It has been a pain since always for summoners and now gonna be for a lot of other people too.
ign: UpForJava
Wow. I wonder how much builds would change with this.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
Instant warcries will still need guardian?
Can debeon's dirge have the instant warcries mod added?
best update since the portals at the end of vaal side areas?
My wife's sister say thank you

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