AH ! ! ! ! ! !

Oblitus wrote:

Logic... First you say that he shopuld have no problems sustaining maps with his builds, then you say that his builds are not good for incursions, then you say that by doing high-tier incursions you can easily sustain maps.

Sure, if you have a character that is capable of reliably doing incursions and shaping temple (read - can kill architect, find key and use it withint time) while clearing T12+ alched maps with any mods. Step out from OP meta - and things break apart.

You did not understand me. I wrote that OP-s inquisitor is T16 incursions/temple capable, but it is not map clearspeed build. Incursion is small and quite easy to clear even with molten strike (with ancestral call). Maps are bigger, so it is impossible to clear them within 2 minutes with molten strike, but if alched and chieseled, he will get the same number of maps as if it did in 2 minutes. To recapitulate, OP do not run properly chieseled and alched maps or do not run high level temples, which are a great source of T11+ maps.

And don't tell me "step out from meta", as I can do the same thing with 10 ex worth heavy strike juggernaut (melee splash), but he is much slower, so I chose build which is faster and... well, more suitable for HH.
They are basically saying; Fuck you all, hahaha you have to waste 2 hours to trade because we can't think of a better system
Need more brains, exile?
postrach_myszy wrote:
Oblitus wrote:

Logic... First you say that he shopuld have no problems sustaining maps with his builds, then you say that his builds are not good for incursions, then you say that by doing high-tier incursions you can easily sustain maps.

Sure, if you have a character that is capable of reliably doing incursions and shaping temple (read - can kill architect, find key and use it withint time) while clearing T12+ alched maps with any mods. Step out from OP meta - and things break apart.

You did not understand me. I wrote that OP-s inquisitor is T16 incursions/temple capable, but it is not map clearspeed build. Incursion is small and quite easy to clear even with molten strike (with ancestral call). Maps are bigger, so it is impossible to clear them within 2 minutes with molten strike, but if alched and chieseled, he will get the same number of maps as if it did in 2 minutes. To recapitulate, OP do not run properly chieseled and alched maps or do not run high level temples, which are a great source of T11+ maps.

And don't tell me "step out from meta", as I can do the same thing with 10 ex worth heavy strike juggernaut (melee splash), but he is much slower, so I chose build which is faster and... well, more suitable for HH.

So it is in fact a mechanics that allows to get a free huge T16 map with an extra chance to get maps (from atlas troom) for running 10 T12 maps and one T16. But it is temporary league mechanics.

Sure, but you play brokenly OP meta and this is what matters.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
MasterTBC wrote:
They are basically saying; Fuck you all, hahaha you have to waste 2 hours to trade because we can't think of a better system

what is trading competing with? yes, it's crafting and finding the item yourself.

would you say a 2h trade is more effective than the other options? if yes, why should it be?
poe is a arpg, not a trading sim.

getting your items by trading needs to be a choice to play the game, not mandatory.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
robmafia wrote:
sfbistimg wrote:

I could be playing the game instead of messaging 35 people just to find someone who is willing to take a minute to sell me a map I need to fill out my atlas.
And I need to do this at least once or twice for every tier of map besides tier 1 and 2.
I lose my opportunity to play the game because I need to waste time trying to get a map that refuses to drop and zana never actually sells.

If maps were sold instantly or Zana would sell 24 maps instead of 8 I would actually be doing something instead of messaging a seller.


you don't seem to know what this word means.

I know what need means.

I was replying to this part of your comment
"they're clearly not doing anything when they message people"

The only reason I'm not doing anything because the game won't allow me to do what I want to do...and that's play the fucking game.
So my choices are log out and play something else, or waste 20 fucking minutes trying to trade for a tier 4 map that won't drop.
And 90% of the time I just log out as I would rather play a game, then spam messages.

Now it's their game and they can do what they want. But having people choose to log out instead of playing the game isn't the best way to get them to spend money on your game.
Last edited by sfbistimg#7663 on Aug 22, 2018, 2:57:26 PM
sfbistimg wrote:
robmafia wrote:
sfbistimg wrote:

I could be playing the game instead of messaging 35 people just to find someone who is willing to take a minute to sell me a map I need to fill out my atlas.
And I need to do this at least once or twice for every tier of map besides tier 1 and 2.
I lose my opportunity to play the game because I need to waste time trying to get a map that refuses to drop and zana never actually sells.

If maps were sold instantly or Zana would sell 24 maps instead of 8 I would actually be doing something instead of messaging a seller.


you don't seem to know what this word means.

I know what need means.

I was replying to this part of your comment
"they're clearly not doing anything when they message people"

The only reason I'm not doing anything because the game won't allow me to do what I want to do...and that's play the fucking game.
So my choices are log out and play something else, or waste 20 fucking minutes trying to trade for a tier 4 map that won't drop.
And 90% of the time I just log out as I would rather play a game, then spam messages.

Now it's their game and they can do what they want. But having people choose to log out instead of playing the game isn't the best way to get them to spend money on your game.


it doesn't take 35 messages to trade 1 map
it doesn't take 20 minutes to trade 1 map
you have other maps, you don't "need" to run 1 specific map

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"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct."

...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
sfbistimg wrote:
robmafia wrote:
sfbistimg wrote:

I could be playing the game instead of messaging 35 people just to find someone who is willing to take a minute to sell me a map I need to fill out my atlas.
And I need to do this at least once or twice for every tier of map besides tier 1 and 2.
I lose my opportunity to play the game because I need to waste time trying to get a map that refuses to drop and zana never actually sells.

If maps were sold instantly or Zana would sell 24 maps instead of 8 I would actually be doing something instead of messaging a seller.


you don't seem to know what this word means.

I know what need means.

I was replying to this part of your comment
"they're clearly not doing anything when they message people"

The only reason I'm not doing anything because the game won't allow me to do what I want to do...and that's play the fucking game.
So my choices are log out and play something else, or waste 20 fucking minutes trying to trade for a tier 4 map that won't drop.
And 90% of the time I just log out as I would rather play a game, then spam messages.

Now it's their game and they can do what they want. But having people choose to log out instead of playing the game isn't the best way to get them to spend money on your game.

as i said earlier you can use the official site, i can normally get a tier 9 map (for prophecies) in at most 2 mins (and this is in the last 2 weeks of the league), the site is much more up to date then poe.trade.
Last edited by Fhark#5469 on Aug 22, 2018, 7:11:11 PM
I wish the "official" site designer and the poe.trade site designer would get together and make a baby. Both sites have features that are better than the corresponding feature on the other site and both do some things very poorly that the other site does well.

But that is sort of beside the point. While I think there has been some serious exaggeration going on (20 minutes to trade for a t4? sorry, but that's unlikely unless you're deliberately picking the people flagged as AFK and then waiting 5 minutes for each to reply), the point is that trading is still cumbersome regardless of how you find sellers. It's the part after the search that is broken IMO. I don't want trade to be automatic but some of the ideas people have posted about vending machines or "shop" masters in your H/O are not unreasonable and not game breaking in the ways that GGG has described fully automatic AH-style trading. I agree with their reasons for fearing implementing that. Incursion showed in sharp relief what can happen when bots go wild. But by still having a multi-step, hard to automate process for making a purchase we can at least take the non-response issue out of the equation.

But I'm repeating myself in vain. GGG is not reading this and it hurts my feelings TBH. They will not read this thread because of the title. I honestly believe that as soon as AH is mentioned they tune out completely. AH will never come to POE so I really wish people would focus on realistic trade improvements and stop whinging on about auction houses. They will never be part of POE. I honestly believe that is one line GGG will never cross.
POE Serenity Prayer: GGG, grant me the serenity to accept the RNG I cannot change,
the courage to challenge any unbalanced content, and the wisdom to avoid the forums.
Mad: "Oh, it's simple and if you insist... I just think you're a dick. That's all."
player interaction bro
sfbistimg wrote:
waste 20 fucking minutes trying to trade for a [X] item.
And 90% of the time I just log out as I would rather play a game, then spam messages.

Now it's their game and they can do what they want. But having people choose to log out instead of playing the game isn't the best way to get them to spend money on your game.

Yeah, what this guy said.
There *needs* to be a system that allows players to make purchases without actually having to make contact with the seller. Yeah, the bots will invade it and there's little to nothing that can be done without captcha spam (which modern bots can now deal with).

But sending fifty messages to get one reply, then figuring out which offer that person is replying to of those 50. The guy who's selling [X] item for 3 currency, or 15 currency... That pretty much fucks the playing of the game entirely and makes me rather not wish to play, or support.

Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Last edited by BlaqWolf#1151 on Aug 23, 2018, 2:28:28 AM

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