AH ! ! ! ! ! !
good god. from one extreme to another. so because i don't think you've made any argument to warrant an AH, i just magically must believe that trade is currently flawless? [/quote] Nobody knows what you are talking about, less what you believe. I have stated in numerous ways how I do not like the current trade system, then gave my reasons. I want to fix it by removing the worst parts. I don't understand how this, fixing trade, is not clearly apparent. I am not trying to make an argument for an auction house per say. I honestly don't care what is done to fix it - I just want to be able to smoothly buy and sell items. When I send a message like: @****** Hi, I would like to buy your Witchfire Brew Stibnite Flask listed for 1 chaos in Incursion Event (IRE001) (stash tab "T1"; position: left 11, top 11) 90% of the time there is no response. I move onto the next seller, and the next...wasting time, becoming frustrated. For what! This is just ONE annoying aspect of trade. There are many others. Playing this game for years I have seen many quality of life improvements. Many of these QoL improvements have came by the community. We don't just sit on our hands or nitpick each other, we come up with solutions to improve the game we love. What suggestions do you have? Since you had NOTHING to say to improve the trading in PoE, I guessed you love trade the way that it is. Why would someone want to send 20+ PMs every time they want to buy something? Please explain yourself. 🐢
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...nice example. it showcases your problem very clearly.
you somehow haven't learned to scroll down. [Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." ...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz! |
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" I have no problems, solo self found by the way. Good luck in delve Rob Mafia. 🐢
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" This. Every league. Rob Gangster (or mafia or whatever) was talking about opportunity cost in a previous post. This opportunity cost, the effort it takes to buy maps, is way too high. The opportunity cost for the seller is too high as well. The seller does not want to stop what they are doing for a 1 alch trade, it is not worth it! So what happens? Trade fails! We have people who "stop playing every league". Why? They "get tired of wasting time trying to trade". TIRED OF WASTING TIME TRYING TO TRADE! 🐢 Last edited by Koheleth#0310 on Aug 21, 2018, 11:20:02 PM
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you claimed to understand opportunity cost, but you clearly didn't. of course, sellers have opportunity cost - that was the point. buyers don't really have opportunity cost - they're clearly not doing anything when they message people. [Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." ...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz! |
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I could be playing the game instead of messaging 35 people just to find someone who is willing to take a minute to sell me a map I need to fill out my atlas. And I need to do this at least once or twice for every tier of map besides tier 1 and 2. I lose my opportunity to play the game because I need to waste time trying to get a map that refuses to drop and zana never actually sells. If maps were sold instantly or Zana would sell 24 maps instead of 8 I would actually be doing something instead of messaging a seller. |
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I agree with the premise of an instant ah for maps (and currency), i doubt ggg will implement it. This league I used the official trade site https://pathofexile.com/trade and it was much faster to get maps.
Last edited by Fhark#5469 on Aug 22, 2018, 3:58:49 AM
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" "need" you don't seem to know what this word means. [Removed by Support]
"Your forum signature was removed as it was considered to be inappropriate and a breach of our Code of Conduct." ...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz! |
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" Hmm... At the beginning I would like to point out that I am a strong supporter of the AH introduction. But when it comes to maps in incursion league, I think you do something wrong. I scoped your chars - there is some archer-elementalist I don't recognize, probably your own build - in my opinion not so good for T16 incursions and T16 temple and molten strike ele claw inquisitor, very strong and reliable build, capable to do all content, which has every possible assets except... clear speed. That's why I completely do not understand why you do not have maps. In my case, ele hit archer, capable to burn chieseled, alched and vaaled T16 map with rippy modes within 2 minutes I got at least 60 maps of tiers T11-T15 (It means I have 60 T11 maps, 60 T12 maps and so) and 15 T16 maps and don't have any problem with map sustaining. My tactic is simple - first I run 9 T11-15 maps (chieseled, alched and so) to "catch" incursions and "shape" my Temple, then last three T16 (to be sure my final temple will be T16). Then I run temple alone. In the meantime I can sustain or even raise my maps numbers just from regular drops, without ANY IIQ items. And temple alone is "map Eldorado", at least 8 red tier maps each run... Moreover, I don’t run any map under T11, so I can sell all of them to create higher tier maps. Last edited by postrach_myszy#3054 on Aug 22, 2018, 5:45:41 AM
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" Logic... First you say that he shopuld have no problems sustaining maps with his builds, then you say that his builds are not good for incursions, then you say that by doing high-tier incursions you can easily sustain maps. Sure, if you have a character that is capable of reliably doing incursions and shaping temple (read - can kill architect, find key and use it withint time) while clearing T12+ alched maps with any mods. Step out from OP meta - and things break apart. Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
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