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Any tipp on how to shatter in delve? i am around 300 now and the only thing killing me are the after effects.


What i tried:

Herald of Ice, I can't use it because it's green. if i switch it out for Arctic Armour i got no mana left

i can't switch it out for Herald of Thunder because it's a green socked and i don't want to chance my gloves because herald of ice is not worth for bosses.
I tried getting gloves with curse on hit with 2 green 2 blue but there are none in the market

Call of the Brotherhood, I loose 35K DPS on my arc if i switch the rings (with mark of the shaper) but i guess this is still better than switching auras because i can always just switch the rings for bosses.

added cold support on arc, i loose even more dps than with the call of the brotherhood.

so best option i have is call of the brotherhood. any other things i miss?
Any suggestions as to what my next upgrade would be? I'm very happy with the character overall, but I did have some trouble with the vaal temple boss (2 deaths & I was playing pretty smart -- I don't consider this map to be terribly difficult).

Sitting at 7.4k ES, resists are capped albeit barely.
Last edited by Martingale7#3849 on Sep 29, 2018, 12:39:12 PM
dude, im back. can you check my gears and tell me, apart from more levels, better jewels (want to look for +45 ES, res and stats, maybe crit multi).

i want to go for indigion, where is the best time to swap to it? i need to read the text in OP but just in case its not there when would you switch to indigon? I already have issues just using frenzy with mana. I assume i need like 10 more levels and grab mana nodes and more jewels to properly regenerate mana

also its impossible to find ring with curse on hit + spider :( my dps seems not so good just yet and i hope indigon will make it much better.
A quick update on this build for those wanting to go deep delve :

Delve 300/400 :
You can farm with MF gear, you might die a few time but it's realy okay. MF doesn't realy bring much more in delve anyway.

Delve 400/500 :
Absolutely no problem, you will do all content without any trouble, even boss, choose whatever talent/gear (aka indigon or vertex) you want.

Delve 500/600 :
Some encounter might be problematic, especialy with *monster onslaught+monster move speed*, the use of temp chain on glove help a bit. aside it, easy content.

Delve 600/700 :
Your buffer will not be enought on nasty affix zone, you might be forced to switch to *Vile bastion* ascend, because no mater the regen, you sometime get one shot, 8K shield is good. Manage your potions (get light/fire/cold potion if you encounter those bonus damage), use armor and physical reduction potions on abyssal zone, ect ect.

Delve 700/800 :
Dps on big yellow monster is a problem, it will take time to kill them, so you have to avoid them. You will die because the spec is not tanky enought, and no regen will help you. 10K shield is sometimes not enought to survive, you must not be touched in heavy affix zone.
=> it is intersting to switch to freeze pulse + elem prolif to counter insane zerg zone, or to replace light pen on ball light with knockback
=> An other approch is to ultra buff your mov speed and ignore everything except the end encounter

Delve 800 => I'm currently stuck here. i feel my dps is barrely enought to kill yellow monster in 4/5s, but they just obliterate my sorry ass. I tried quite a bit of setup but nothing is confortable, any white monster will remove half of your shield, when you rush inside a zone with +50% pask size, it's just a massive zerg of monster and you can't get trought it.

If anyone get to 900 or+ i will be very interested to know you setup and zone managment :)
I'm personnaly farming delve 400 looking for juicy nod and fun :)

Good luck to all of you fellow occularc

** edit1 : always play with ball light+GMP in delve, only use slower for BOSS !
** edit2 : i've replaced light pen with innervate on ball light, it give better result in delve

Last edited by Meothaku#4701 on Sep 29, 2018, 1:31:52 PM
dude, im back. can you check my gears and tell me, apart from more levels, better jewels (want to look for +45 ES, res and stats, maybe crit multi).

You need quality on you gems, it will most likely boost your dps a bit.
You can drop *arcane will* since you don't use indigon, it's useless.
You can also drop *arcane vision* if you spend your time in delve, light is only managed by the cart and flares.
And get more level, get to lvl 90 or more, it's your first priority over your stuff.

Indigon is only neccessary on big boss like guardian/shaper/uber elder or delve encounter.
I have personnaly only switch to indigon when i reached depth 700. And even then in delve you need to move a lot so it is very hard to ramp your mana cost.
Regarding mana cost of indigon with warlord regen, i would recommend a frenzy cost of ~50 and 500/600 mana pool minimum.
If you use a fever jewel and push a mana cost to 70, you need at least 800 or 1K free mana.
Getting over 70+ mana cost with freenzy will result if a faster mana ramp, but won't sustain and you will loose dps. The only solution will be to heavily invest in mana, and reduce our numbers of aura
Last edited by Meothaku#4701 on Sep 29, 2018, 1:53:30 PM
Any suggestions as to what my next upgrade would be?

1 : upgrade your poet pen gem with +quality
2 : use Wise oak potion, 15% pen is big on boss fight.
Last edited by Meothaku#4701 on Sep 29, 2018, 2:14:23 PM
thanks dude. i do not do much delve. i did 300 and i dont really pursue to go further. wanna go maps, kill u-elder and be done with league :X so i am picking up nodes i think i need for indigon and i plan to switch to it even for regular mapping. but first of all yeah, levels and quality on gems. still got roughly 15ex to invest to this build, any idea where to begin? i want to grab like 4-5 jewels with flat ES which should be like 1k more es then i have now. also some crit multi, resists etc. i went and bought some jewels for cheap to get mapping started but need to switch it up now.
A Three Dragon Helmet would make Lightning Damage Freeze.

This could be a viable way for deeper delving. Someone can check it out?
Is it worth it to divine my Watcher's eye from 24 ES on hit to higher? Feeling very squishy vs bosses... My profile is open if you want to check my char.

I'm running Call of the Brotherhood + HoI for the shattered.

Also, when you calculate for 3.75 AS, do you take into account Frenzy Charges/Flasks/etc...
Last edited by dguay#0846 on Sep 29, 2018, 4:18:16 PM
short question from me: sitting at lvl 70 right now. have the vertex with a (corrupted) lvl3 enlighten but i cant activate both discipline and purity of elements at the same time. am i'm missing something? i think i got all the notes in the tree to reduce the reserved mana. i am sure that question was allready awnsered before, but i dont want to read through 83 sites :( pls help a noob

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