[3.5] Occult ArcPoet - All Content | Millions+ DPS | ÜElder | Delve 1k+ | Videos

Riince wrote:

This is my projected tree/skill gems by level 95, using the same gear I have on now, since I'm assuming I won't find anything perfect for my setup to replace anything without breaking Wise Oak by then. It's been a really long and hard journey to optimize resistances around that flask for optimal defense/offense, and it has left me with 2 sub-par jewels as a result. Aside from getting an atziri's promise/forbidden power (I like going fast w/ the quicksilver and plan to use vb for delving deeper when the mines finally merge), do you see anything obviously wrong here that I should fix? I am still pretty much locked into Alira to stay overcapped in ele weakness maps without flask usage.

The only real improvements I can think of at this point involve finding a belt/ring that don't exist on poe.trade yet. I am stuck with those 30 dex/str nodes as well for the time being.

In any case it's still pretty impressive, the Arc spell by itself is doing over 1m shaper dps.

Something I noticed, Empower lv 4 sims quite a bit higher than PCoC when using Vile Bastion, for my particular setup it's the diff between 1.29m and 1.37m shaper dps on Arc. Worth considering if I can find another source of power charges? It also outperforms PCoC with forbidden power, but the difference seems marginal and IMO doesn't justify the cost of Empower lv 4...

Thanks for reading. I have invested, by my standards, an enormous amount of currency into this build and am reaching the point where I am no longer certain what to do next. I havent played a build that can both clear and boss as well as this one since the howa days of breach/legacy, and even then you had to swap out gmp and slower proj to be optimal, this makes it as simple as hitting the weapon swap key. Nicely done with this one.

Hey! Thanks for showing up. Seems like you enjoy the build.

Here is what I would do if you are comfortable with the *really* long ramptime you have on your indigon: https://pastebin.com/LF4uRq08

Here's the Ramp for it https://alt0172.github.io/poe-indigon-calc/#120;0.26;0;54;60;36;74;0;2480;620;88;88;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20 resulting in 973%. ~300% increase over what you have in your PoB. Spellpowernodes like the ones you took in the Witch start become increasingly ineffective the more you get out of the Indigon. *one* single stack from indigon after all is worth 60% increased spellpower. Thats more spellpower then you would geet from all 5 points in the witch start combined.

The more pressing problem IMO is that your Indigon Ramp takes three centuries and a half :P. Some people like that since they are mostly mapping.

Here is what I would actually do: :P https://pastebin.com/Fs0gcg1g

1177% increased Spellpower after only 7 Seconds. Here is the Ramp for it: https://alt0172.github.io/poe-indigon-calc/#120;0.26;0;54;60;65;74;0;2480;620;88;88;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;20

I adjusted and reshuffeld your skillgems accordingly. There might be other combinations for your Frenzy that are as good or better in terms of ManaCost - but I didn't have a ton of time to fiddle with that right now. Anyhow, this way you are at 2Mio Arc DPS.

Another upgrade would be a Watcher's Eye with Lightning Penetration or CritChance while affected by Wrath as the second roll. That should get you to 2.2Mio ArcDps easily.

You can also get rid of Alira and use those points to get either more mana (for Indigon - I tested it with the 5% life node in the healthy mind area and the 8% mana node close to arcane will and the Damage gain from indigon is about the same damage you gain from Alira - its a bit of a wash) or more Energyshield depending on your preference.

About Empower: Yeah, somewhat true. I don't like it since Quality on PCoC also gives spellcrit which is neat for shocks. To make the most out of Diamond Flasks/VaalArc you would ideally stay between 45% and 55% Crit and we are already kinda toeing the line.
If you want to get PowerCharges otherwise a Poet's Pens corruption is propably the way to go - but you loose out on 15% Spellpower if doing that (nvm the costs of lv4 empowers, 2xcorrupted pens etc) which makes the gap between the empower variant and PCoC disappear. NVM if you are acutally lucky enough and get an +1 PowerCharge corruption on your helmet.

Thanks for playing the build! :)
Cyrix1337 wrote:
pombaassassina wrote:
Thank you so much for the guide Im loving the build!!!

Just have 2 questions and i´d be happy if anyone responds:
-Why do we go occultist?
-I dont understand the chest gem setup. Why phase run lvl8 and efficacy 18? And why do we use our CWDT setup on chest?

Thanks again :D

Gems: The level of phase run is just as high as we can take it without investing into extra dexterity as well as taking it out of the cwdt range. Efficacy was still leveling. Take it up to 20.

Occultist (in no particular order):

1. Profane Bloom for Map clear.
2. Profane Bloom to be able to curse Hex-Immune Enemies.
3. Malediction for crazy offensive as well as defensive Multipliers.
4. Forbidden Power to get the most out of 7 PowerCharges and our SupportGems
5. Ward and Vile Bastion both for more ES/added tankyness.
6. General increases to EnergyShield on every second Node in the ascendency.

I am curious which other ascendency you might want to go here? Did you have anything in mind when asking this question?

No, I didnt :). I just see a lot of poets pen builds with other ascendencys (this one is nothing alike the others and i like it the most). I was just wondering but now its all clear.

Im so into this build i have to do 2 more questions xD:
-Do you think this 6L is the most efficient 6l we can get?
-Is there any worth "chasing" boots this league besides fenummus spinnerets? (Because i dont know how to efficiently get aspect of the spider)... currently using sin trek.

Thank you again!!
hey there, I saw you link to your build from the "teleport behind you build". It looks great. I have been playing the life based teleport behind you build and I love the playstyle but I feel I want to invest and push it more, but it lacks that ability it seems.

So, I am thinking of respeccing to your build when I get the currency built up. I was hoping you could answer these questions for me, I would really appreciate it:

1. Would you agree your build has higher dps but much higher survivability than the teleport behind you build? it seems that way, and that is what I am looking for.

2. It looks like a ring with warlords on hit AND spider is not something I will be able to get in Delve. How will the build work without that possibility?

3. In Delve, if I want to build the character for endgame and already have 4 pens, 21 arc and 21 ball, how much do you think it would be to purchase the gear needed? Just an estimate.

Thanks a ton!
dday_0612 wrote:

3. In Delve, if I want to build the character for endgame and already have 4 pens, 21 arc and 21 ball, how much do you think it would be to purchase the gear needed? Just an estimate.

Thanks a ton!

around 15 exalts with the best deals you can find atm, not including the spider aura setup.
dday_0612 wrote:
hey there, I saw you link to your build from the "teleport behind you build". It looks great. I have been playing the life based teleport behind you build and I love the playstyle but I feel I want to invest and push it more, but it lacks that ability it seems.

So, I am thinking of respeccing to your build when I get the currency built up. I was hoping you could answer these questions for me, I would really appreciate it:

1. Would you agree your build has higher dps but much higher survivability than the teleport behind you build? it seems that way, and that is what I am looking for.

2. It looks like a ring with warlords on hit AND spider is not something I will be able to get in Delve. How will the build work without that possibility?

3. In Delve, if I want to build the character for endgame and already have 4 pens, 21 arc and 21 ball, how much do you think it would be to purchase the gear needed? Just an estimate.

Thanks a ton!

Well, first of all this wasn't me who linked from another thread to this one. ^^ That would be rude I think. It was another user who played both builds. :)

1. I would say it has higher survivability and much higher dps. It is still a Witch Build - not a Juggernaut or RF build. I uploaded some videos though were you can check out the tankyness for yourself - one is a minotaur with attackspeed, crit and critmultiplier damage mods. In the Shaper Video I (accidentially - I wanted to move out of it) facetank his beam.

If you want to get more technical: We have higher sustain which is not as clunky compared to the other build and a higher effective 'hp/es' pool - as well as physical mitigation from arctic armor. That along with some more defensive mechanics inherent to the Occultist (Malediction damage decrease of enemies - enfeeble/tc curse option - Vile Bastion if we want to specc into it) makes the build tankier, yes.

We can't tank 1shot mechanics and UberElder remains a difficult encounter - though very much do-able. (multiple people this league already did him with this build - I did kill him back in bestiary for the first time and multiple times by now. Including a bunch of carry services for friends.)

2. Thats answered in the OP. The UberElder Video in Video section is not from me (I lag when recording) but from another user - who did not have access to the spideraura as well.

3. Check the Priorty Gear list. I would assume about 1EX - 1.5EX for both a shavs and the Elder Ring. The Watchers Eye apparently got expensive and is now by ~5EX. Sooo - I guess 6-7 EX total and you can do shaper/t16 without issue.

Thats presuming you want to play with an Vertex first. That way you dont need any lv 4 enlightens. If you want to play with the indigon you might need those for maximum efficiency. That would probs add another 10EX to it.

But I would start out with the Vertex. Its UberElder viable right out of the gate like that.
Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Sep 20, 2018, 9:59:40 AM
Cyrix1337 wrote:
dday_0612 wrote:
hey there, I saw you link to your build from the "teleport behind you build". It looks great. I have been playing the life based teleport behind you build and I love the playstyle but I feel I want to invest and push it more, but it lacks that ability it seems.

So, I am thinking of respeccing to your build when I get the currency built up. I was hoping you could answer these questions for me, I would really appreciate it:

1. Would you agree your build has higher dps but much higher survivability than the teleport behind you build? it seems that way, and that is what I am looking for.

2. It looks like a ring with warlords on hit AND spider is not something I will be able to get in Delve. How will the build work without that possibility?

3. In Delve, if I want to build the character for endgame and already have 4 pens, 21 arc and 21 ball, how much do you think it would be to purchase the gear needed? Just an estimate.

Thanks a ton!

Well, first of all this wasn't me who linked from another thread to this one. ^^ That would be rude I think. It was another user who played both builds. :)

1. I would say it has higher survivability and much higher dps. It is still a Witch Build - not a Juggernaut or RF build. I uploaded some videos though were you can check out the tankyness for yourself - one is a minotaur with attackspeed, crit and critmultiplier damage mods. In the Shaper Video I (accidentially - I wanted to move out of it) facetank his beam.

If you want to get more technical: We have higher sustain which is not as clunky compared to the other build and a higher effective 'hp/es' pool - as well as physical mitigation from arctic armor. That along with some more defensive mechanics inherent to the Occultist (Malediction damage decrease of enemies - enfeeble/tc curse option - Vile Bastion if we want to specc into it) makes the build tankier, yes.

We can't tank 1shot mechanics and UberElder remains a difficult encounter - though very much do-able. (multiple people this league already did him with this build - I did kill him back in bestiary for the first time and multiple times by now. Including a bunch of carry services for friends.)

2. Thats answered in the OP. The UberElder Video in Video section is not from me (I lag when recording) but from another user - who did not have access to the spideraura as well.

3. Check the Priorty Gear list. I would assume about 1EX - 1.5EX for both a shavs and the Elder Ring. The Watchers Eye apparently got expensive and is now by ~5EX. Sooo - I guess 6-7 EX total and you can do shaper/t16 without issue.

Thats presuming you want to play with an Vertex first. That way you dont need any lv 4 enlightens. If you want to play with the indigon you might need those for maximum efficiency. That would probs add another 10EX to it.

But I would start out with the Vertex. Its UberElder viable right out of the gate like that.

Thanks for the quick response! I am going to start putting the gear together and I will read the full thread more deeply.

I have 4000 hours into this game, and I am embarrassed to say that I really don't understand all the Indigon talk and really how it functions at all. I need to figure that out, does anyone have a rough/easy explanation for the overall function of that and why or what all the math is about?
phroz3n wrote:
dday_0612 wrote:

3. In Delve, if I want to build the character for endgame and already have 4 pens, 21 arc and 21 ball, how much do you think it would be to purchase the gear needed? Just an estimate.

Thanks a ton!

around 15 exalts with the best deals you can find atm, not including the spider aura setup.

Eeeh. That is not true.

The question was about the 'gear needed' to get this build going. 15EX is propably what you need if you want to push it with a Mark of the Shaper, lv4 enlightens an Indigon etc.

I am not saying this build is *cheap* per se - but it is certainly not expensive to get going.

Considering this is a very very strong "GG" - Build (able to do all content and doing it with record speed/efficiency) it's actually frikkin cheap.

A Headhunter alone costs 3 times as much as this entire Build. NVM a Zerphis Heart for which you can gear this build multiple times over.
Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Sep 20, 2018, 10:06:07 AM
Cyrix1337 wrote:
phroz3n wrote:
dday_0612 wrote:

3. In Delve, if I want to build the character for endgame and already have 4 pens, 21 arc and 21 ball, how much do you think it would be to purchase the gear needed? Just an estimate.

Thanks a ton!

around 15 exalts with the best deals you can find atm, not including the spider aura setup.

Eeeh. That is not true.

The question was about the 'gear needed' to get this build going. 15EX is propably what you need if you want to push it with a Mark of the Shaper, lv4 enlightens an Indigon etc.

I am not saying this build is *cheap* per se - but it is certainly not expensive to get going.

Considering this is a very very strong "GG" - Build (able to do all content and doing it with record speed/efficiency) it's actually frikkin cheap.

A Headhunter alone costs 3 times as much as this entire Build. NVM a Zerphis Heart for which you can gear this build multiple times over.

Good points there, my current setup can do most content and I can farm with it, so I will probably gather the full gear setup and move over when I have it all, the 15ex is very reasonably priced.

It was discussed above about the spider aura, is it even possible to get a ring with both warlords and spider in Delve? I know they don't seem to be available, but is it possible to even get that?
Cyrix1337 wrote:
phroz3n wrote:
dday_0612 wrote:

3. In Delve, if I want to build the character for endgame and already have 4 pens, 21 arc and 21 ball, how much do you think it would be to purchase the gear needed? Just an estimate.

Thanks a ton!

around 15 exalts with the best deals you can find atm, not including the spider aura setup.

Eeeh. That is not true.

The question was about the 'gear needed' to get this build going. 15EX is propably what you need if you want to push it with a Mark of the Shaper, lv4 enlightens an Indigon etc.

I am not saying this build is *cheap* per se - but it is certainly not expensive to get going.

Considering this is a very very strong "GG" - Build (able to do all content and doing it with record speed/efficiency) it's actually frikkin cheap.

A Headhunter alone costs 3 times as much as this entire Build. NVM a Zerphis Heart for which you can gear this build multiple times over.

He asked for endgame, you can shave off 11ex without enlighten and ele weakness gloves. I wasn't complaing if it seemed that way.

The only boss i can't beat with this build is aul.
dday_0612 wrote:

Good points there, my current setup can do most content and I can farm with it, so I will probably gather the full gear setup and move over when I have it all, the 15ex is very reasonably priced.

It was discussed above about the spider aura, is it even possible to get a ring with both warlords and spider in Delve? I know they don't seem to be available, but is it possible to even get that?

I don't think so!

I would get the SpiderAura on a belt instead - this way you can have your elder ring together with the mark of the shaper and benefit form the spider aura as well. I saw people here in thread doing exactly that.

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